Showing 51 - 60 of 1066 results

  • The Gap Decade: When You're Technically an Adult but Really Don't Feel Like It Yet, By Katie Schnack

    The Gap Decade

    When You're Technically an Adult but Really Don't Feel Like It Yet

    by Katie Schnack

    "A gap decade isn't a cute whim of a decision to take a pause and travel to Italy for a few months. Nah. A gap decade is a cluster of challenging, transitional years that the universe just dumps in your lap. And my lap. And pretty much everyone's lap. It's that twilight zone between 'young person' and 'full-blown adult' that sort of washes in, bringing with it a bit of chaos, growth, ...

  • Doing Nothing Is No Longer an Option: One Woman's Journey into Everyday Antiracism, By Jenny Booth Potter Doing Nothing Is No Longer an Option: One Woman's Journey into Everyday Antiracism, By Jenny Booth Potter

    Doing Nothing Is No Longer an Option

    One Woman's Journey into Everyday Antiracism

    by Jenny Booth Potter
    Foreword by Austin Channing Brown

    During a bus ride with a group of fellow college students, Jenny Booth Potter came to a life-changing realization. She decided that racism in all its forms—in policies and systems, in organizations and churches, in neighborhoods and families–could no longer be tolerated. And even though Jenny didn't know what to do about racism, she was certain of one thing: doing nothing ...

  • Refuse to Do Nothing: Finding Your Power to Abolish Modern-Day Slavery, By Shayne Moore and Kimberly McOwen Yim Refuse to Do Nothing: Finding Your Power to Abolish Modern-Day Slavery, By Shayne Moore and Kimberly McOwen Yim

    Refuse to Do Nothing

    Finding Your Power to Abolish Modern-Day Slavery

    by Shayne Moore and Kimberly McOwen Yim
    Foreword by Elisa Morgan

    2014 Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year

    Slavery didn't end in 1833, when William Wilberforce's decades-long campaign finally resulted in the Slavery Abolition Act. It didn't end in 1863, when Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. It didn't end in 1949, when the United Nations declared trafficking "incompatible with the dignity and worth of the ...

  • Transforming Power: Biblical Strategies for Making a Difference in Your Community, By Robert Linthicum

    Transforming Power

    Biblical Strategies for Making a Difference in Your Community

    by Robert Linthicum

    "Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may be just"--Blaise Pascal. Problems plague the world around us. Many in our churches and communities face injustice, crime, poverty, racism and other daunting evils. But often Christians have not known how to respond effectively. The issues seem bigger than anything the church ...

  • The Parables of Jesus, By David Wenham

    The Parables of Jesus

    The Jesus Library

    by David Wenham

    Good news for the needy. Bad news for the power brokers. Jesus came into the world announcing a new order where Satan is overthrown and broken relationships are restored. Jesus' most vivid portraits of this new kingdom are found in the parables.

    David Wenham explores the splendor and subtleties of Jesus' world-changing message, offering a nontechnical but comprehensive look at dozens of Jesus' ...

  • 0946
    product set

    How To Read Series

    How to Read Series

    We should read a poem very differently than we read a history book, and we read both of them differently than we'd read a novel. The same is true when it comes to our approach to Scripture. That's why this series does just what its name describes: helps you understand the proper way to read various books of the Bible.

    You can read the Bible on your own, and its main themes will be clear enough. ...

  • Values in Conflict: Christian Nursing in a Changing Profession, By Judith Allen Shelly and Arlene B. Miller

    Values in Conflict

    Christian Nursing in a Changing Profession

    by Judith Allen Shelly and Arlene B. Miller

    Can nursing be Christian? The answer may seem obvious, yet in our pluralistic society, Christian nurses are often told to keep their values out of their work. In fact, Judith Shelly and Arlene Miller ask, can anyone nurse without being guided by some values? Or do advocates of "value-free" nursing actually struggle in their own, non-religious values? In response to such pressures, many Christian ...

  • What Jesus Started: Joining the Movement, Changing the World, By Steve Addison

    What Jesus Started

    Joining the Movement, Changing the World

    by Steve Addison
    Foreword by Ed Stetzer

    Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year

    Sometimes we get so caught up in the power of Jesus shouting from the cross, "It is finished!" that we forget that Jesus started something. What Jesus started was a movement that began small, with intimate conversations designed to build disciples into apostles who would go out in the world and seed it with God's kingdom vision. ...

  • His Face like Mine: Finding God's Love in Our Wounds, By Russell W. Joyce

    His Face like Mine

    Finding God's Love in Our Wounds

    by Russell W. Joyce

    Have you ever tasted true freedom?

    Russell Joyce was born with a rare craniofacial disorder called Goldenhar syndrome, where the left side of his face was not formed. Years of patchwork surgeries made him more outwardly presentable, but not without deep pain and physical and emotional scars. But a life-changing encounter broke through to him with a power he never thought ...