Showing 621 - 630 of 1693 results

  • Mere Theology: A Guide to the Thought of C. S. Lewis, By Will Vaus

    Mere Theology

    A Guide to the Thought of C. S. Lewis

    by Will Vaus
    Foreword by Douglas Gresham

    What did C. S. Lewis believe about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, heaven, hell, creation, the Fall, the forgiveness of sins, marriage and divorce, war and peace, the church and sacraments, masculinity and femininity? Lewis was not a professional theologian, but anyone who has read his writings--whether fiction or nonfiction, essays or correspondence--knows that profoundly Christian convictions ...

  • His Face like Mine: Finding God's Love in Our Wounds, By Russell W. Joyce

    His Face like Mine

    Finding God's Love in Our Wounds

    by Russell W. Joyce

    Have you ever tasted true freedom?

    Russell Joyce was born with a rare craniofacial disorder called Goldenhar syndrome, where the left side of his face was not formed. Years of patchwork surgeries made him more outwardly presentable, but not without deep pain and physical and emotional scars. But a life-changing encounter broke through to him with a power he never thought ...

  • The Challenge of Easter, By N. T. Wright

    The Challenge of Easter

    by N. T. Wright

    Why do we celebrate Easter? Lost among the colored eggs and chocolate candies is Easter's bold, almost unbelievable claim: Jesus has risen from the dead, and now everything is different. Historian, biblical scholar and bestselling author N. T. Wright, in this excerpt from The Challenge of Jesus, takes a step back from the hoopla surrounding Easter to look at it in its earliest context, ...

  • We Speak: Proclaiming Truth in an Age of Talk, By Mike Baker and J. K. Jones and Jim Probst

    We Speak

    Proclaiming Truth in an Age of Talk

    by Mike Baker, J. K. Jones, and Jim Probst

    As Christians, we are called to speak. Some of us speak out in our workplaces. Others in our schools or neighborhoods. Our audiences may vary in size, but we are all called to witness to Christ in us. Pastor Mike Baker puts it like this: "Jesus himself has commissioned each of us to be a witness for his kingdom. And every believer has a faith testimony—a story of how Jesus has made all the difference—compelling ...

    Number of Studies: 7

  • Paul's Theology of Preaching: The Apostle's Challenge to the Art of Persuasion in Ancient Corinth, By Duane Litfin

    Paul's Theology of Preaching

    The Apostle's Challenge to the Art of Persuasion in Ancient Corinth

    by Duane Litfin

    "We preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God." When Paul preached about the crucified and risen Jesus Christ to the church at Corinth and elsewhere, did he follow the well-established rhetorical strategy of his day or did he pursue a different path? And what ...

  • God of Justice: The IJM Institute Global Church Curriculum, By Abraham George and Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto

    God of Justice

    The IJM Institute Global Church Curriculum

    by Abraham George and Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto

    Readers' Choice Award Winner

    The level of injustice in the world is staggering. The church can respond.

    International Justice Mission (IJM) has rescued thousands of people from oppression and violence. IJM also partners with thousands of churches to help them live out the mandate of Isaiah 1:17: to seek justice, rescue the oppressed and care for orphans ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Holy Conversation: Talking About God in Everyday Life, By Richard Peace

    Holy Conversation

    Talking About God in Everyday Life

    by Richard Peace

    Chicago Book Clinic Award of Excellence

    God is back on the agenda.

    Today people are fascinated by spirituality, and they have lots of questions. Who better to talk with them than Christians? Trouble is, many of us don't know how to talk about our faith or are uneasy about religious salesmanship and canned evangelistic formulas. We are afraid of button-holing ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • The Zombie Gospel: The Walking Dead and What It Means to Be Human, By Danielle Strickland

    The Zombie Gospel

    The Walking Dead and What It Means to Be Human

    by Danielle Strickland

    What can zombies teach us about the gospel? The hit show The Walking Dead is set in a post-apocalyptic world inhabited by mindless zombies. The characters have one goal: survive at all costs. At first glance there doesn't seem to be much the show can teach us about God or ourselves. Or is there? Author and speaker Danielle Strickland didn't expect to be drawn to a show about zombies, ...

  • The Message of Zechariah, By Barry G. Webb

    The Message of Zechariah

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Barry G. Webb

    Zechariah is imbued from beginning to end with the same heart cry that Jesus turned into a prayer for the world: "Your kingdom come."

    In this volume, Barry G. Webb explores the kingdom of God as the prophet Zechariah apprehended it. In oracles and visions Zechariah challenged his hearers to return to the coming kingdom, to cleanse themselves in anticipation of the cleansing ...

  • The Image of God in an Image Driven Age: Explorations in Theological Anthropology, Edited by Beth Felker Jones and Jeffrey W. Barbeau

    The Image of God in an Image Driven Age

    Explorations in Theological Anthropology

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Beth Felker Jones and Jeffrey W. Barbeau

    Whether on the printed page, the television screen or the digital app, we live in a world saturated with images. Some images help shape our understanding of ourselves and the world around us in positive ways, while others lead us astray and distort our relationships. Christians confess that human beings have been created in the image of God, yet we chose to rebel against that God and so became ...