Showing 631 - 640 of 1595 results

  • The Global Public Square: Religious Freedom and the Making of a World Safe for Diversity, By Os Guinness

    The Global Public Square

    Religious Freedom and the Making of a World Safe for Diversity

    by Os Guinness

    Logos Bookstores' Best Book in Christianity and Culture

    How do we live with our deepest differences?

    In a world torn by religious conflict, the threats to human dignity are terrifyingly real. Some societies face harsh government repression and brutal sectarian violence, while others are divided by bitter conflicts over religion's place in public life. ...

  • A Free People's Suicide: Sustainable Freedom and the American Future, By Os Guinness

    A Free People's Suicide

    Sustainable Freedom and the American Future

    by Os Guinness

    A Logos Book of the Year

    "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

    Abraham Lincoln

    Nothing is more daring in the American experiment than the founders' belief that the American republic could remain free forever. But how was this to be done, and are ...

  • Strangers Next Door: Immigration, Migration and Mission, By J. D. Payne

    Strangers Next Door

    Immigration, Migration and Mission

    by J. D. Payne

    More than ever, North America is being flooded by people from all around the world, many of them here illegally. How should the church respond to these sojourners among us? In Strangers Next Door professor of evangelism and church planting J. D. Payne introduces the phenomenon of migrations of peoples to Western nations and explores how the church should respond in light of the mission ...

  • Exile: A Conversation with N. T. Wright, By N. T. Wright

    Exile: A Conversation with N. T. Wright

    Edited by James M. Scott
    by N. T. Wright

    Few New Testament scholars of recent decades have set the pitch for academic discussion and debate in their field like N. T. Wright. His signature contention, that Israel's continuing exile was a pivotal issue in the emergence of Christianity, has found a central place in contemporary New Testament scholarship. Israel had grievously sinned against Yahweh and suffered the judgment of exile from ...

  • The Contented Soul: The Art of Savoring Life, By Lisa Graham McMinn

    The Contented Soul

    The Art of Savoring Life

    by Lisa Graham McMinn

    • Winner of a 2006 Chicago Book Clinic Award

    Is your life characterized more by long, leisurely walks--or by frantic sprints to get the kids to school, rush to work, beat out other cars in traffic so you can pick the kids up on time and grab dinner before your seven o'clock meeting? Most of us are racing through life at dangerously high speeds, striving for a ...

  • Discovering Your Leadership Style: The Power of Chemistry, Strategy and Spirituality, By David T. Olson

    Discovering Your Leadership Style

    The Power of Chemistry, Strategy and Spirituality

    by David T. Olson

    God can use your unique gifts, passions and personality to help you become a better leader. While personality inventories can help you understand your temperament, the model designed by leading church planter David Olson is designed to form fruitful Christian leadership. Olson's model reveals how three factors—spirituality, chemistry and strategy—work together. The free online inventory that is ...

  • Is Belief in God Good, Bad or Irrelevant?: A Professor and a Punk Rocker Discuss Science, Religion, Naturalism  Christianity, Edited by Preston Jones

    Is Belief in God Good, Bad or Irrelevant?

    A Professor and a Punk Rocker Discuss Science, Religion, Naturalism Christianity

    Edited by Preston Jones

    Greg Graffin is frontman, singer and songwriter for the punk band Bad Religion. He also happens to have a Ph.D. in zoology and wrote his dissertation on evolution, atheism and naturalism. Preston Jones is a history professor at a Christian college and a fan of Bad Religion's music. One day, on a whim, Preston sent Greg an appreciative e-mail. That was the start of an extraordinary correspondence. ...