Showing 641 - 650 of 790 results

  • The God Who Is There, By Francis A. Schaeffer

    The God Who Is There

    The IVP Signature Collection

    by Francis A. Schaeffer
    Foreword by James W. Sire and Steven Garber

    • Over 400,000 Sold

    For over fifty years The God Who Is There has been a landmark work that has changed the way the church sees the world. Francis Schaeffer's first book presents a wide-ranging analysis of the intellectual and cultural climate of the second half of the twentieth century, from philosophy to art to liberal theology. Arguing ...

  • Sentness: Six Postures of Missional Christians, By Kim Hammond and Darren Cronshaw


    Six Postures of Missional Christians

    by Kim Hammond and Darren Cronshaw
    Foreword by Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch

    Ever wonder why people fall asleep in church? It happens. We?ve all seen it. We shuffle into rows of seats that grow more comfortable with every new fundraising campaign. We slouch down and settle in for an hour or so, as singers and storytellers and preachers and teachers take their turns filling our ears. And almost without fail, at least one of us nods off while listening to the greatest story ...

  • Patron Saints for Postmoderns: Ten from the Past Who Speak to Our Future, By Chris R. Armstrong

    Patron Saints for Postmoderns

    Ten from the Past Who Speak to Our Future

    by Chris R. Armstrong

    Are you feeling discouraged in your efforts to reflect Christ each day in our broken world? Does it feel lonely? Too difficult? Too overwhelming? The saints can help you. Especially the ones whose stories Chris Armstrong tells here, because he's chosen them for the ways they've inspired him and deepened his own faith. A professor of church history, Armstrong provides rich portraits of ten people ...

  • There's a Teenager in My House: 101 Questions Parents Ask, Edited by Wayne Rice

    There's a Teenager in My House

    101 Questions Parents Ask

    Edited by Wayne Rice

    You have one of the toughest and most important jobs out there: raising teenagers. Their reputation precedes them: cluttered rooms, changing moods, curfew wars and confusing relationships haunt the dreams of parents well before their oldest child hits adolescence. Wayne Rice, founder of Understanding Your Teenager, has compiled more than a hundred of the most common concerns that parents bring ...

  • How Postmodernism Serves (My) Faith: Questioning Truth in Language, Philosophy and Art, By Crystal L. Downing

    How Postmodernism Serves (My) Faith

    Questioning Truth in Language, Philosophy and Art

    by Crystal L. Downing

    Thinking that postmodernism is a threat, many Christians take a duck-and-cover approach to dealing with it. But that will not make postmodernism go away. Can Christians learn from postmodern thinkers and their critique of modernism? Yes, says author Crystal L. Downing. Postmodernism should not be judged by some of the problematic practices carried out in its name. In a lively engagement with ...

  • How to Read Proverbs, By Tremper Longman III

    How to Read Proverbs

    How to Read Series

    by Tremper Longman III

    Better is a dry morsel with quiet than a house full of feasting with strife.

    A perverse person spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends.

    Go to the ant, you lazybones; consider its ways, and be wise.

    Everyday we make choices on the path of life. Proverbs are memorable capsules of wisdom, chiseled in words and polished through use by those ...

  • Misreading Scripture with Individualist Eyes: Patronage, Honor, and Shame in the Biblical World, By E. Randolph Richards and Richard James

    Misreading Scripture with Individualist Eyes

    Patronage, Honor, and Shame in the Biblical World

    by E. Randolph Richards and Richard James

    The Bible was written within collectivist cultures. When Westerners, immersed in individualism, read the Bible, it's easy to misinterpret important elements—or miss them altogether. In any culture, the most important things usually go without being said. So to read Scripture well we benefit when we uncover the unspoken social structures and values of its world. We need to recalibrate ...

  • Images of the Spirit, By Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    Images of the Spirit

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    How do you picture the Holy Spirit? Our imagination is likely to run to something like a vague fuzzy cloud. Or perhaps we think of an invisible, impersonal force. No wonder the Holy Spirit is often called "it." While Christians affirm that the Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, we struggle to think of him as a person at all. The Bible is clear that the Holy Spirit is a person. But how ...

    Number of Studies: 8

  • Mack  Leeann's Guide to Short-Term Missions, By J. Mack Stiles and Leeann Stiles

    Mack Leeann's Guide to Short-Term Missions

    by J. Mack Stiles and Leeann Stiles

    Today the world is as close as an airplane flight. Thousands take advantage of this, going for short visits to other countries to be more involved in God's worldwide mission. How can you prepare for such a trip? What are the hazards to avoid and the opportunities to embrace? Here is field-tested advice you should not leave home without! Mack and Leeann Stiles are veteran leaders of more ...

  • Truth or Consequences: The Promise  Perils of Postmodernism, By Millard J. Erickson

    Truth or Consequences

    The Promise Perils of Postmodernism

    by Millard J. Erickson

    • A 2002 Christianity Today Book of the Year

    Postmodernism. The term slowly filtered into our vocabularies about three decades ago and now permeates most discussions of the humanities. Those who tout the promises and perils of this twentieth-century intellectual movement have filled many a bookshelf. And in a previous book, Postmodernizing the Faith: ...