Showing 671 - 680 of 1444 results

  • From Research to Teaching: A Guide to Beginning Your Classroom Career, By Michael Kibbe

    From Research to Teaching

    A Guide to Beginning Your Classroom Career

    by Michael Kibbe
    Foreword by Gary M. Burge

    It's a long way from the research carrel to the classroom. No matter your personality, your prior experience, or the specifics of your situation, the transition from graduate studies to teaching involves a set of challenges for which no one is ever fully prepared. In this practical guide Michael Kibbe, author of From Topic to Thesis, provides a helpful companion for the ...

  • Opening to God: Lectio Divina and Life as Prayer, By David G. Benner

    Opening to God

    Lectio Divina and Life as Prayer

    by David G. Benner

    Most Christians want to experience spiritual transformation. But many are frustrated by the limited progress of our spiritual self-improvement efforts. We find our praying burdened by a sense of obligation and failure.

    But prayer is not merely something we do; prayer is what God does in us. Prayer is not just communication with God—it is communion with God. As we open ourselves ...

  • Learning to Be: Finding Your Center After the Bottom Falls Out, By Juanita Campbell Rasmus

    Learning to Be

    Finding Your Center After the Bottom Falls Out

    by Juanita Campbell Rasmus
    Foreword by Tina Knowles Lawson

    Juanita called it "The Crash."

    Her counselor labeled it "a major depressive episode." Others called it a nervous breakdown. On the spiritual front, it was a dark night of the soul.

    This experience landed Juanita, a busy pastor, mother, and community leader, in bed. When everything in her life finally came to a stop, she found that she had to learn to be—with herself ...

  • Christian Confidence: An Introduction to Defending the Faith, By Chris Sinkinson

    Christian Confidence

    An Introduction to Defending the Faith

    by Chris Sinkinson

    Philosophy, archaeology and science are hot topics in Christian circles, perplexing many believers about how these issues relate to faith. Fortunately for us, Chris Sinkinson has investigated these areas and gathered historical Christian perspective. The result is this accessible introduction to apologetics, which enlightens minds and inspires confidence. Christian Confidence is a one-stop ...

  • The Liturgy of Politics: Spiritual Formation for the Sake of Our Neighbor, By Kaitlyn Schiess

    The Liturgy of Politics

    Spiritual Formation for the Sake of Our Neighbor

    by Kaitlyn Schiess
    Foreword by Michael Wear

    A generation of young Christians are weary of the political legacy they've inherited and hungry for a better approach.

    They're tired of seeing their faith tied to political battles they didn't start, and they're frustrated by the failures of leaders they thought they could trust. Kaitlyn Schiess grew up in this landscape, and understands it from the inside.

    Spiritual ...

  • Introduction to Political Science: A Christian Perspective, By Fred Van Geest

    Introduction to Political Science

    A Christian Perspective

    by Fred Van Geest

    • Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Top Shelf Book Cover Award 2017

    We are political beings and our lives are shaped by political institutions. Being a good citizen involves understanding these institutions and how they can be used to promote the common good. Christians further believe these institutions are integral to God's created order, intended ...

  • Transforming Power: Biblical Strategies for Making a Difference in Your Community, By Robert Linthicum

    Transforming Power

    Biblical Strategies for Making a Difference in Your Community

    by Robert Linthicum

    "Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may be just"--Blaise Pascal. Problems plague the world around us. Many in our churches and communities face injustice, crime, poverty, racism and other daunting evils. But often Christians have not known how to respond effectively. The issues seem bigger than anything the church ...

  • The Good and Beautiful Community: Following the Spirit, Extending Grace, Demonstrating Love, By James Bryan Smith

    The Good and Beautiful Community

    Following the Spirit, Extending Grace, Demonstrating Love

    The Good and Beautiful Series

    by James Bryan Smith

    In this Good and Beautiful Series book, James Bryan Smith helps us know how to live in relationship with others as apprentices of Jesus. "Apprentices of Jesus are not part-time do-gooders," he writes. "They live in continuous contact with the kingdom of God, and are constantly men and women in whom Christ dwells. They do not sometimes tell the truth, sometimes live sacrificially ...