Showing 721 - 730 of 1904 results

  • Finding God in the Verbs: Crafting a Fresh Language of Prayer, By Jennie Isbell and J. Brent Bill

    Finding God in the Verbs

    Crafting a Fresh Language of Prayer

    by Jennie Isbell and J. Brent Bill

    Do you long for deeper communion with God? Spiritual director Jennie Isbell and Quaker minister Brent Bill know how easy it is to lapse into repetitious refrains of prayer: "Our hearts told us that we had lapsed into easy God speak. We weren't reaching deep into our spirits and drawing out living words of praise, confession, concern, intercession and longing. We were tired of speaking in clipped ...

  • A Year of Slowing Down: Daily Devotions for Unhurried Living, By Alan Fadling

    A Year of Slowing Down

    Daily Devotions for Unhurried Living

    by Alan Fadling

    With the overwhelming pace of life, many of us struggle to stop long enough to be present. Our long to-do lists and full calendars leave little breathing room to hear from God. We know we need to slow down but we don't even know how to begin.

    Alan Fadling has spent years coaching leaders and communities on how to live an unhurried life, teaching that productivity and success ...

  • Welcoming the Stranger, By Matthew Soerens and Jenny Yang and Leith Anderson

    Welcoming the Stranger

    by Matthew Soerens, Jenny Yang, and Leith Anderson

    Academy of Parish Clergy Top Ten List

    Immigration is one of the most complicated issues of our time. Voices on all sides argue strongly for action and change. Christians find themselves torn between the desire to uphold laws and the call to minister to the vulnerable.

    In this book World Relief immigration experts Matthew Soerens and Jenny Yang move beyond the rhetoric ...

  • The Nazarene: Forty Devotions on the Lyrical Life of Jesus, By Michael Card

    The Nazarene

    Forty Devotions on the Lyrical Life of Jesus

    by Michael Card

    Jesus' life is a song that still resonates down through the ages. His deeds and words speak with beauty and mystery, both comforting and confounding us. Who is this man?

    Over the course of his career, singer-songwriter Michael Card has explored the depths of Scripture by bringing together biblical study and the power of the imagination. Now he sheds light on the life of Jesus ...

    Number of Studies: 40

  • The Mission of Preaching: Equipping the Community for Faithful Witness, By Patrick W. T. Johnson The Mission of Preaching: Equipping the Community for Faithful Witness, By Patrick W. T. Johnson

    The Mission of Preaching

    Equipping the Community for Faithful Witness

    by Patrick W. T. Johnson
    Foreword by David J. Lose

    We hear plenty of discussion about missional theology, missional leadership and missional church planting. But what about missional preaching? Now that the church in the West lives within a post-Christendom context, how should preaching look different? What homiletical assumptions arose within Christendom but are no longer relevant for a missionary church? In The Mission of Preaching, ...

  • The Face of Forgiveness: A Pastoral Theology of Shame and Redemption, By Philip D. Jamieson The Face of Forgiveness: A Pastoral Theology of Shame and Redemption, By Philip D. Jamieson

    The Face of Forgiveness

    A Pastoral Theology of Shame and Redemption

    by Philip D. Jamieson

    Jesus tells Peter to forgive "not seven times, but seventy-seven times" (Matt 18:22), and the atoning work of Christ is at the center of Christian thought. Yet many followers of Christ often struggle with offering or receiving forgiveness. The Face of Forgiveness seeks to address this dilemma and present a way forward. Utilizing contemporary distinctions between shame and guilt, Philip ...

  • Structured for Mission: Renewing the Culture of the Church, By Alan J. Roxburgh Structured for Mission: Renewing the Culture of the Church, By Alan J. Roxburgh

    Structured for Mission

    Renewing the Culture of the Church

    by Alan J. Roxburgh

    The church is living in a time of massive, unprecedented change. Traditional institutions and structures are unraveling in response to rapid social, demographic and economic developments. The existing ways of being the church are no longer meaningful to many. How should the church respond? Many seek to address this situation by tweaking the established institutions, finding new structures, reorganizing ...

  • Youth Ministry in a Multifaith Society: Forming Christian Identity Among Skeptics, Syncretists and Sincere Believers of Other Faiths, By Len Kageler Youth Ministry in a Multifaith Society: Forming Christian Identity Among Skeptics, Syncretists and Sincere Believers of Other Faiths, By Len Kageler

    Youth Ministry in a Multifaith Society

    Forming Christian Identity Among Skeptics, Syncretists and Sincere Believers of Other Faiths

    by Len Kageler
    Foreword by Chap Clark

    In simpler, more homogenous times, youth ministry was a relatively straightforward activity. The church's youth gathered (occasionally inviting their unchurched friends from school), played together, sang together and listened together to a message from a bright, engaging youth minister, selecting from a relatively defined set of topics: "What does it mean to follow Jesus when it comes to _______?" ...

  • Summoned: Stepping Up to Live and Lead with Jesus, By Daniel Allen Jr. Summoned: Stepping Up to Live and Lead with Jesus, By Daniel Allen Jr.


    Stepping Up to Live and Lead with Jesus

    by Daniel Allen Jr.
    Foreword by Hugh Halter

    You have been summoned. Life is complicated, and sometimes we feel stuck or adrift. But God has been at work in your life, and he's still working in you. God is calling men to a deeper life of faith, surrender and commitment. You can learn to recognize where he's leading you and what he's calling you to become. Leadership coach Daniel Allen knows what it's like to be summoned by God. He shares ...

    Number of Studies: 4