Showing 751 - 760 of 1065 results

  • Pursuing God's Call, By Tom Lin

    Pursuing God's Call

    Urbana Onward Set

    by Tom Lin

    What happens when God calls you to follow him? Where might Jesus take you? What might it cost? And what kind of surprising blessings could it bring you and the world around you? Through sharing his own personal story, Urbana director Tom Lin shows how pursuing God?s call can take us in unexpected directions. As a success-driven Harvard student, Tom figured he was headed for a lucrative career in ...

  • Mother to Son: Letters to a Black Boy on Identity and Hope, By Jasmine L. Holmes

    Mother to Son

    Letters to a Black Boy on Identity and Hope

    by Jasmine L. Holmes
    Foreword by Jackie Hill Perry

    Christianity Today Book Award

    "Wynn is my son. No little boy could be more loved by his parents. Inquisitive, fiercely affectionate, staunchly opinionated, he sees the world through eyes of wonder and has yet to become jaded by society's cruelty. I know he'll grow up with stories of having been made to feel 'other' because of the color of his skin. I want to teach ...

  • Saving the Bible from Ourselves: Learning to Read and Live the Bible Well, By Glenn R. Paauw

    Saving the Bible from Ourselves

    Learning to Read and Live the Bible Well

    by Glenn R. Paauw

    • ECPA 2017 Christian Book Award Finalist

    Does the Bible need to be saved? Over the course of the centuries, Bible scholars and publishers have increasingly added "helps"—chapter divisions, verses, subheads, notes—to the Bible in an effort to make it easier to study and understand. In the process, however, these have led to sampling Scripture rather than reading ...

  • True Paradox: How Christianity Makes Sense of Our Complex World, By David Skeel

    True Paradox

    How Christianity Makes Sense of Our Complex World

    Veritas Books

    by David Skeel

    Foreword Review's Annual INDIEFAB Book of the Year Finalist

    How do we explain human consciousness? Where do we get our sense of beauty? Why do we recoil at suffering? Why do we have moral codes that none of us can meet? Why do we yearn for justice, yet seem incapable of establishing it?

    Any philosophy or worldview must make sense of the world as we actually ...

  • Doing Good Without Giving Up: Sustaining Social Action in a World That's Hard to Change, By Ben Lowe

    Doing Good Without Giving Up

    Sustaining Social Action in a World That's Hard to Change

    by Ben Lowe
    Foreword by Ajith Fernando

    • 12th Annual Outreach Resource of the Year (Social Justice)

    "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." - Galatians 6:9 If you're working to make the world a better place, you might find yourself discouraged. Needs are overwhelming, resources are limited, opposition is real and progress is ...

  • Introducing Paul: The Man, His Mission and His Message, By Michael F. Bird

    Introducing Paul

    The Man, His Mission and His Message

    by Michael F. Bird

    Many Christians who know and love the Bible think they know the apostle Paul. He's a theological master, a pastoral mentor, a spiritual adviser and a missionary hero. Yet just when we think we have him in our grasp, he slips through our fingers. At the point where we suppose we have finally understood him, Paul again confounds us. But he also beckons us to explore God's ways more deeply. Michael ...

  • Christianity at the Crossroads: How the Second Century Shaped the Future of the Church, By Michael J. Kruger

    Christianity at the Crossroads

    How the Second Century Shaped the Future of the Church

    by Michael J. Kruger

    The Gospel Coalition Book of the Year

    Biblical Foundations Award Winner

    Christianity in the twenty-first century is a global phenomenon. But in the second century, its future was not at all certain.

    Initially Christianity possessed little social or cultural influence and found itself fighting for its life. While apostolic tradition was emerging ...

  • The Dangerous Act of Loving Your Neighbor: Seeing Others Through the Eyes of Jesus, By Mark Labberton

    The Dangerous Act of Loving Your Neighbor

    Seeing Others Through the Eyes of Jesus

    by Mark Labberton

    • 2011 Christianity Today Book Award winner

    Jesus didn't see a sick woman, he saw a daughter of God. He didn't see an outcast from society, he saw a child of Israel. He didn't see a sinner, he saw a person in the image of the Creator. Are we able to see others with the eyes of Jesus? Seeing rightly is the beginning of renewal, forgiveness, healing and ...

  • Breaking Free: Understanding Sexual Addiction and the Healing Power of Jesus, By Russell Willingham

    Breaking Free

    Understanding Sexual Addiction and the Healing Power of Jesus

    by Russell Willingham

    Our world is awash in sex. We are bombarded with it everywhere we turn--TV, newspapers and magazines, music, movies and the Internet. When this ever-present temptation mixes with human weaknesses and unmet needs, many get pulled into addiction to sexually sinful behavior. They may detest their own habits, but they can't seem to break free. Is there any hope? Russell Willingham speaks from his own ...

  • Mending the Divides: Creative Love in a Conflicted World, By Jon Huckins and Jer Swigart

    Mending the Divides

    Creative Love in a Conflicted World

    by Jon Huckins and Jer Swigart
    Foreword by Lynne Hybels

    Christianity Today's 2018 Book of the Year Award of Merit - Mission/The Global Church

    Conflict, hatred, and injustice seem to be the norm rather than the exception in our world, our nation, our communities, our homes. The fractures and fissures run so deep that we're paralyzed by our hopelessness, writing off peace as a far-fetched option for the afterlife. Even ...