Showing 791 - 800 of 1065 results

  • Decisions: Seeking God's Guidance, By Donald Baker


    Seeking God's Guidance

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Donald Baker

    Do you sometimes wish that the Bible could make your decisions for you? Donald Baker is familiar with this desire. He writes, "God has given me free will, and while I appreciate his confidence in my ability to choose, there are times when I wish that he would make the decisions for me." The Bible won't give you a direct answer to each choice—or dilemma—you face. But the Bible will teach you how ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • Finding Freedom in Constraint: Reimagining Spiritual Disciplines as a Communal Way of Life, By Jared Patrick Boyd

    Finding Freedom in Constraint

    Reimagining Spiritual Disciplines as a Communal Way of Life

    by Jared Patrick Boyd
    Foreword by Todd Hunter

    The constraints of the spiritual life, practiced in community, are what set us free. Practicing spiritual disciplines can seem difficult, especially when we undertake them as isolated individuals. But we were never meant to practice them alone.

    Jared Patrick Boyd reveals how the constraints practiced in Christian community shape us into the way of Christ. He re-anchors the ...

  • Redeeming Creation: The Biblical Basis for Environmental Stewardship, By Fred H. Van Dyke and David C. Mahan and Joseph K. Sheldon and Raymond H. Brand

    Redeeming Creation

    The Biblical Basis for Environmental Stewardship

    by Fred H. Van Dyke, David C. Mahan, Joseph K. Sheldon, and Raymond H. Brand

    "Preeeeep." The sound of the peepers, tiny frogs an inch or two long, penetrated the dusk. Beneath the jack pines at the edge of a small pond in the northern Michigan woods, the males were calling their mates. A professor and a group of ecology students sat speechless as closer and closer, louder and louder, more and more peepers joined in chorus. There was just light enough to see them, crawling ...

  • Breaking the Idols of Your Heart: How to Navigate the Temptations of Life, By Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III

    Breaking the Idols of Your Heart

    How to Navigate the Temptations of Life

    by Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III

    We all want to know our lives matter. So did the Teacher in Ecclesiastes. He invested time and energy in every activity he could think of that might bring meaning and purpose to his life but found only disappointment, frustration, hopelessness. In our thirst for significance we, like the Teacher, give our lives--our time, talents, strength, heart--to anything we think will give us worth and purpose: ...

  • Temptations Men Face: Straightforward Talk on Power, Money, Affairs, Perfectionism, Insensitivity, By Tom L. Eisenman

    Temptations Men Face

    Straightforward Talk on Power, Money, Affairs, Perfectionism, Insensitivity

    Saltshaker Books

    by Tom L. Eisenman

    Like a rushing current in a dark river, temptations flood all around us. Every believer has felt the undertow. And some, even some prominent Christian leaders, ave not been able to keep their heads above the water. How can a man stand against these forces? How do men experience common temptations, and what can be done about them? Tom Eisenman gives us a man's perspective on these and other tough ...

  • No Stones: Women Redeemed from Sexual Addiction, By Marnie C. Ferree

    No Stones

    Women Redeemed from Sexual Addiction

    by Marnie C. Ferree
    Foreword by Mark Laaser

    In this book Marnie C. Ferree offers a unique resource for women struggling with sexual addiction. Taking her book's title from the parable where Jesus extends grace to the woman caught in adultery, Ferree bravely shares her own story of sexual addiction, recalling her years of shame from living a double life and the moment when she ultimately had to tell the truth. But more than just offering her ...

  • Missional Spirituality: Embodying God's Love from the Inside Out, By Roger Helland and Leonard Hjalmarson

    Missional Spirituality

    Embodying God's Love from the Inside Out

    by Roger Helland and Leonard Hjalmarson
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch

    If all of the earth is God's domain, why are Christians so terribly provincial? We rarely leave our church buildings, and our spirituality rarely takes us beyond ourselves. Veteran church leaders Roger Helland and Leonard Hjalmarson observe that Jesus begins his mission in the temple, where he wows the religious elite and chides his parents by saying, "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's ...

  • Shaped by Suffering: How Temporary Hardships Prepare Us for Our Eternal Home, By Kenneth Boa

    Shaped by Suffering

    How Temporary Hardships Prepare Us for Our Eternal Home

    by Kenneth Boa
    With Jenny Abel

    "The God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." 1 Peter 5:10 Suffering comes to us all. It may be disease or debilitation, pain or persecution. Our difficulties may be invisible to others or impossible to hide. Sometimes we suffer because of our Christian ...

  • Simplify: 106 Ways to Uncomplicate Your Life, By Paul Borthwick


    106 Ways to Uncomplicate Your Life

    by Paul Borthwick

    The prophet Isaiah urged the people of God living under extreme stress to remember that their strength would be found in quietness and trust. The Psalmist urged worshippers that to be still was key to their worship. Jesus reminded people that sitting in quietness was better than a life of hectic busyness. Even the writer Henry David Thoreau when asked the secret of life, replied, "Simplify, simplify, ...

  • The Listening Life: Embracing Attentiveness in a World of Distraction, By Adam S. McHugh

    The Listening Life

    Embracing Attentiveness in a World of Distraction

    by Adam S. McHugh

    Christianity Today's Book of the Year Award
    Logos Association Bookstore Award's Favorite Books of the Year
    Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year

    "Be quick to listen, slow to speak." —James 1:19

    How would our lives change if we approached every experience with the intention of listening first?

    In this ...