Showing 881 - 890 of 2853 results

  • The Way Up Is Down: Becoming Yourself by Forgetting Yourself, By Marlena Graves

    The Way Up Is Down

    Becoming Yourself by Forgetting Yourself

    by Marlena Graves

    Christianity Today Award of Merit in Spiritual Formation

    "Now, with God's help, I shall become myself."

    These words from Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard resonate deeply with Marlena Graves, a Puerto Rican writer, professor, and activist. In these pages she describes the process of emptying herself that allows her to move upward toward God ...

  • A0036


    The Season of the Resurrection of Jesus

    The Fullness of Time

    by Wesley Hill

    "He is risen indeed!"

    Easter Sunday is the holiest day of the year, a day when even those who don't usually observe the Christian calendar or attend liturgical churches greet each other with the proclamation "Christ is risen!"

    But Easter is more than a day—it's a season even longer than Lent. In fact, for the Christian who has died with Christ and been brought to life ...

  • Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling, By Andy Crouch

    Culture Making

    Recovering Our Creative Calling

    by Andy Crouch
    Afterword by Tish Harrison Warren

    Christianity Today Book Award winner
    Publishers Weekly's best books

    The only way to change culture is to create culture.

    Most of the time, we just consume or copy culture. But that is not enough. We must also do more than condemn or critique it. The only way to change it is to create it.

    For too long, Christians have had ...

  • IVP's podcasts offer bite-sized audio wisdom from diverse authors, experts, and thought leaders any time, any place. Whether you like to listen in the car, while you work, or at home, these engaging podcasts will expand your knowledge, enrich your faith, and help you stay up to date with what's happening in the church and wider culture.

  • The Pursuit of God in the Company of Friends, By Richard C. Lamb Jr.

    The Pursuit of God in the Company of Friends

    by Richard C. Lamb Jr.

    You were not meant to walk alone. Many of us struggle to forge deep relationships with God and other people. Modern society has isolated us as rugged individuals, deceiving us into thinking we can make it through life on our own. Individualism has likewise shaped the pattern of Christian discipleship, privatizing faith and separating us from fellow believers. But we come to know God best when ...

  • The Old Testament Law for the Life of the Church: Reading the Torah in the Light of Christ, By Richard E. Averbeck The Old Testament Law for the Life of the Church: Reading the Torah in the Light of Christ, By Richard E. Averbeck

    The Old Testament Law for the Life of the Church

    Reading the Torah in the Light of Christ

    by Richard E. Averbeck

    From the early days of the church to the present, the Old Testament Law has been a subject of much confusion, debate, and outright theological division. And with good reason: the way Christians understand the Law has massive implications for their individual lives and for the life of the church. To sort through the numerous interpretations and approaches to this thorny issue, we ...