Showing 81 - 90 of 2656 results

  • What Is Jesus Doing?: God's Activity in the Life and Work of the Church, Edited by Edwin Chr. van Driel

    What Is Jesus Doing?

    God's Activity in the Life and Work of the Church

    Edited by Edwin Chr. van Driel

    Jesus is present here and now, Christians have always affirmed. But how are we to understand his present activity in a challenging, post-Christian context? In what ways is he at work in our congregational worship, pastoral care, preaching—and even our board meetings?

    At a time when many feel uncertain about the future of the church, What Is Jesus Doing? brings together ...

  • Habits of Hope: Educational Practices for a Weary World, Edited by Todd C. Ream and Jerry Pattengale and Christopher J. Devers

    Habits of Hope

    Educational Practices for a Weary World

    Edited by Todd C. Ream, Jerry Pattengale, and Christopher J. Devers
    Foreword by Amos Yong

    In the world of education, disorientation and uncertainty has been increasing for several decades, with the Covid-19 pandemic only exacerbating preexisting challenges. Christians called to academic vocations need authentic hope to sustain them in their work—and they need to be able to share that hope with a weary world.

    Habits of Hope explores a Christian understanding ...

  • Can

    Can "White" People Be Saved?

    Triangulating Race, Theology, and Mission

    Missiological Engagements

    Edited by Love L. Sechrest, Johnny Ramírez-Johnson, and Amos Yong
    Contributions by Willie James Jennings, Andrea Smith, Hak Joon Lee, Akintunde E. Akinade, Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, Angel D. Santiago-Vendrell, Andrew T. Draper, Erin Dufault-Hunter, Clifton Clarke, Daniel Jeyaraj, and Jonathan Tran

    Yes, White people can be saved. In God's redemptive plan, that goes without saying. But what about the reality of white normativity? This idea and way of being in the world has been parasitically joined to Christianity, and this is the ground of many of our problems today. It is time to redouble the efforts of the church and its institutions to muster well-informed, gospel-based initiatives ...

  • We're all facing disruption right now as the coronavirus and COVID-19 have radically altered our daily lives. But one thing is certain—we're coming together even as we practice social distancing, whether it's in virtual spaces, in our homes, or as a world community. Christian community is just as important now as ever, so use these tips and resources to stay hopeful while we're together at home.

  • Roadmap to Reconciliation 2.0: Moving Communities into Unity, Wholeness and Justice, By Brenda Salter McNeil

    Roadmap to Reconciliation 2.0

    Moving Communities into Unity, Wholeness and Justice

    by Brenda Salter McNeil
    Contributions by J. Derek McNeil
    Foreword by Eugene Cho

    We can see the injustice and inequality in our lives and in the world. We are ready to rise up. But how, exactly, do we do this? How does one reconcile? What we need is a clear sense of direction. Based on her extensive consulting experience with churches, colleges and organizations, Rev. Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil has created a roadmap to show us the way. She guides us through the ...

  • The Lost World of the Flood: Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate, By John H. Walton and Tremper Longman III

    The Lost World of the Flood

    Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate

    The Lost World Series

    by John H. Walton and Tremper Longman III
    Contributions by Stephen O. Moshier

    "The flood continued forty days on the earth; and the waters increased, and bore up the ark, and it rose high above the earth . . . and the ark floated on the face of the waters" (Gen 6:17-18 NRSV).

    In modern times the Genesis flood account has been probed and analyzed for answers to scientific, apologetic, and historical questions. It is a text that has called forth "flood geology," fueled ...

  • The Magnificent Journey: Living Deep in the Kingdom, By James Bryan Smith

    The Magnificent Journey

    Living Deep in the Kingdom

    Apprentice Resources

    by James Bryan Smith

    We are told, “Look out for yourself first” and “Nice guys finish last.” But following that path leaves us feeling isolated and anxious, and can even take us to a place of ruin. This is not a magnificent journey. There is a road to life in the unshakeable kingdom of God, but it's not an easy journey. "We cannot enter into the kingdom unless we take our cross and die to ourselves," ...

  • The Magnificent Journey: Living Deep in the Kingdom, By James Bryan Smith

    The Magnificent Journey

    Living Deep in the Kingdom

    Apprentice Resources

    by James Bryan Smith

    We are told, “Look out for yourself first” and “Nice guys finish last.” But following that path leaves us feeling isolated and anxious, and can even take us to a place of ruin. This is not a magnificent journey. There is a road to life in the unshakeable kingdom of God, but it's not an easy journey. "We cannot enter into the kingdom unless we take our cross and die to ourselves," ...

  • Healing Conversations on Race: Four Key Practices from Scripture and Psychology, By Veola Vazquez and Joshua Knabb and Charles Lee-Johnson and Krystal Hays

    Healing Conversations on Race

    Four Key Practices from Scripture and Psychology

    by Veola Vazquez, Joshua Knabb, Charles Lee-Johnson, and Krystal Hays

    Race complicates our relationships, even when we reject racism and seek to walk a better path together. How can we get our thinking—and our conversations—unstuck from entrenched patterns? In this book, four experts in psychology and social work present a model for how to build and deepen the cross-race relationships we want.

    The starting place, they testify, must be a biblical ...

  • Between One Faith and Another: Engaging Conversations on the World's Great Religions, By Peter Kreeft

    Between One Faith and Another

    Engaging Conversations on the World's Great Religions

    by Peter Kreeft

    How do we make sense of the world's different religions? In today's globalized society, religion is deeply intertwined with every issue we see on the news. But talking about multiple religions can be contentious. Are different faiths compatible somehow? And how can we know whether one religion is more true than another? In this creative thought experiment, Peter Kreeft invites us to encounter ...