• Speaking Across Generations: Messages That Satisfy Boomers, Xers, Millennials, Gen Z, and Beyond, By Darrell E. Hall

    Speaking Across Generations

    Messages That Satisfy Boomers, Xers, Millennials, Gen Z, and Beyond

    by Darrell E. Hall
    Foreword by Haydn Shaw

    Different generations communicate differently. If you are speaking across generations, you need to understand how different generations hear. Pastor Darrell Hall (a millennial) harnesses the insights of generational science to explore how generations are distinct people groups with their own cultures and languages. With fresh research from the Barna Group on how generations communicate, ...

  • Seeing Is Believing: The Revelation of God Through Film, By Richard Vance Goodwin

    Seeing Is Believing

    The Revelation of God Through Film

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    by Richard Vance Goodwin

    How might film reveal God?

    In its most basic form, film is a series of images displayed over time. Of course, film has developed greatly since the Lumière brothers by adding components such as sound, special effects, digital recording, and more to create an increasingly complex artistic medium. Historically, film studies has often focused on the narrative aspect of film as ...

  • The Medieval Mind of C. S. Lewis: How Great Books Shaped a Great Mind, By Jason M. Baxter

    The Medieval Mind of C. S. Lewis

    How Great Books Shaped a Great Mind

    by Jason M. Baxter

    C. S. Lewis had one of the great minds of the twentieth century. Many readers know Lewis as an author of fiction and fantasy literature, including the Chronicles of Narnia and the Space Trilogy. Others know him for his books in apologetics, including Mere Christianity and The Problem of Pain. But few know him for his scholarly work as a professor of medieval and ...

  • A Supreme Love: The Music of Jazz and the Hope of the Gospel, By William Edgar

    A Supreme Love

    The Music of Jazz and the Hope of the Gospel

    by William Edgar
    Foreword by Carl Ellis and Karen Ellis

    The Gospel Coaltion Award of Distinction—Arts and Culture

    ECPA Top Shelf Award Winner

    For practitioners and fans, jazz expresses the deepest meanings of life. Its rich history and its distinctive elements like improvisation and syncopation unite to create an unrepeatable and inexpressible aesthetic experience. But for others, jazz is ...

  • The Everlasting People: G. K. Chesterton and the First Nations, By Matthew J. Milliner

    The Everlasting People

    G. K. Chesterton and the First Nations

    Hansen Lectureship Series

    by Matthew J. Milliner
    Contributions by David Iglesias, David Hooker, and Amy Peeler
    Foreword by Casey Church

    First Things Book of the Year award

    What does the cross of Christ have to do with the thunderbird? How might the life and work of Christian writer G. K. Chesterton shed light on our understanding of North American Indigenous art and history?

    This unexpected connection forms the basis of these discerning reflections by art historian Matthew Milliner. ...

  • Renewal Worship: A Theology of Pentecostal Doxology, By Steven Félix-Jäger

    Renewal Worship

    A Theology of Pentecostal Doxology

    Dynamics of Christian Worship

    by Steven Félix-Jäger

    At its best, all Christian worship is led by the Holy Spirit. But is there a distinctive theology of Pentecostal worship?

    The Pentecostal church or the renewal movement is among the fastest-growing parts of the body of Christ around the world, which makes understanding its theology and practice critical for the future of the church.

    In this volume in IVP Academic's Dynamics ...

  • Resisting the Marriage Plot: Faith and Female Agency in Austen, Brontë, Gaskell, and Wollstonecraft, By Dalene Joy Fisher

    Resisting the Marriage Plot

    Faith and Female Agency in Austen, Brontë, Gaskell, and Wollstonecraft

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    by Dalene Joy Fisher

    "I cannot suppose any situation more distressing than for a woman of sensibility with an improving mind to be bound to such a man as I have described."

    Mary Wollstonecraft's response to one of her early critics points to the fact that fiction has long been employed by authors to cast a vision for social change. Less acknowledged, however, has been the role of the Christian ...

  • Charitable Writing: Cultivating Virtue Through Our Words, By Richard Hughes Gibson and James Edward Beitler III

    Charitable Writing

    Cultivating Virtue Through Our Words

    by Richard Hughes Gibson and James Edward Beitler III
    Foreword by Anne Ruggles Gere
    Afterword by Alan Jacobs

    ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    Our written words carry weight.

    Unfortunately, in today's cultural climate, our writing is too often laced with harsh judgments and vitriol rather than careful consideration and generosity. But might the Christian faith transform how we approach the task of writing? How might we love God and our neighbors through our writing?

    This ...

  • Reading the Times: A Literary and Theological Inquiry into the News, By Jeffrey Bilbro

    Reading the Times

    A Literary and Theological Inquiry into the News

    by Jeffrey Bilbro

    Christianity Today Book Award
    The Gospel Coalition Book Awards Honorable Mention
    Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award Finalist
    ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    "Reading the morning newspaper is the realist's morning prayer."—G. W. F. Hegel

    Whenever we reach for our phones or scan a newspaper to get "caught up," we ...

  • God in the Modern Wing: Viewing Art with Eyes of Faith, Edited by Cameron J. Anderson and G. Walter Hansen

    God in the Modern Wing

    Viewing Art with Eyes of Faith

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    Edited by Cameron J. Anderson and G. Walter Hansen

    Should Christians even bother with the modern wing at the art museum? After all, modern art and artists are often caricatured as rabidly opposed to God, the church—indeed, to faith of any kind. But is that all there is to the story?

    In this Studies in Theology and the Arts volume, coeditors Cameron J. Anderson and G. Walter Hansen gather the reflections of artists, art historians, ...

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