• The Reformation and the Irrepressible Word of God: Interpretation, Theology, and Practice, Edited by Scott M. Manetsch

    The Reformation and the Irrepressible Word of God

    Interpretation, Theology, and Practice

    Edited by Scott M. Manetsch

    According to Scripture, the Word of God is "living and active" (Heb 4:12). That affirmation was embraced by the Protestant Reformers, whose understanding of the Christian faith and the church was transformed by their encounter with Scripture. It is also true of the essays found in this volume, which brings together the reflections of church historians and theologians originally delivered at Trinity ...

  • How to Read Daniel, By Tremper Longman III

    How to Read Daniel

    How To Read Series

    by Tremper Longman III

    Beyond the familiar lions' den and fiery furnace, much of the book of Daniel seems baffling to modern readers. The first half recounts stories full of ancient Near Eastern protocol and imperial court drama; the second half features apocalyptic visions of monstrous beasts and cosmic conflict. Many Christians misunderstand or simply avoid the book. But failing to read Daniel well ...

  • The Feasts of Repentance: From Luke-Acts to Systematic and Pastoral Theology, By Michael J. Ovey

    The Feasts of Repentance

    From Luke-Acts to Systematic and Pastoral Theology

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Michael J. Ovey
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    In gospel proclamation today, the critical New Testament element of repentance can be far too often ignored, minimalized, or dismissed. Yet John the Baptist, Jesus himself, and those he commissioned to spread his gospel all spoke of the urgent need to repent. Michael Ovey was convinced that a gospel without repentance quickly distorts our view of God, ourselves, and each other by undermining grace ...

  • From Adam and Israel to the Church: A Biblical Theology of the People of God, By Benjamin L. Gladd

    From Adam and Israel to the Church

    A Biblical Theology of the People of God

    Essential Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Benjamin L. Gladd

    Biblical Foundations Award Finalist

    What does it mean to be created in God's image? How has the fall affected this image? Who are the people of God?

    Addressing these core questions about spiritual identity, From Adam and Israel to the Church examines the nature of the people of God from Genesis to Revelation through the lens of being ...

  • Exodus Old and New: A Biblical Theology of Redemption, By L. Michael Morales

    Exodus Old and New

    A Biblical Theology of Redemption

    Essential Studies in Biblical Theology

    by L. Michael Morales
    Series edited by Benjamin L. Gladd

    The Gospel Coalition Book Award
    Center for Biblical Studies Book of the Year Award
    Biblical Foundations Book Award Winner

    With Israel's exodus out of Egypt, God established a pattern to help us understand the salvation of all his people—Israel and the nations—through Jesus Christ.

    In Exodus Old and New, L. Michael Morales examines ...

  • The Problem of the Old Testament: Hermeneutical, Schematic, and Theological Approaches, By Duane A. Garrett

    The Problem of the Old Testament

    Hermeneutical, Schematic, and Theological Approaches

    by Duane A. Garrett

    Biblical Foundations Book Awards Finalist

    For Christians, the Old Testament often presents a conundrum. We revere it as God's Word, but we don't always comprehend it. It has great truths beautifully expressed, but it also has lengthy lists of names that we cannot pronounce, detailed rules for religious rites that we never observe, and grim stories that we ...

  • The Holy Spirit in the New Testament: A Pentecostal Guide, By William A. Simmons

    The Holy Spirit in the New Testament

    A Pentecostal Guide

    by William A. Simmons

    In the early church, miraculous workings of the Holy Spirit were normal and normative. Today an ever-increasing number of Christians worldwide self-identify as Pentecostal or charismatic. William A. Simmons argues that this means the church needs a Spirit-centered interpretation of Scripture informed by a Pentecostal lens.

    In The Holy Spirit in the New Testament, ...

  • Rebels and Exiles: A Biblical Theology of Sin and Restoration, By Matthew S. Harmon

    Rebels and Exiles

    A Biblical Theology of Sin and Restoration

    Essential Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Matthew S. Harmon
    Series edited by Benjamin L. Gladd

    Biblical Foundations Book Awards Finalist

    Deep within the human psyche lies a sense that we were made for something more than this broken world. We all share an experience of exile—of longing for our true home.

    In this ESBT volume, Matthew S. Harmon explores how the theme of sin and exile is developed throughout Scripture. He traces a common pattern ...

  • The Message of Matthew: The Kingdom of Heaven, By E. Michael Green

    The Message of Matthew

    The Kingdom of Heaven

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by E. Michael Green

    Matthew's Gospel is the first—and perhaps the most important—single document of the New Testament. In it you will find the fullest and most systematic account of the birth, life, teaching, death, and resurrection of the founder of Christianity, Jesus the Messiah. In this Bible Speaks Today volume, Michael Green shows how this very Jewish Gospel portrays the power and purpose of ...

  • Joshua, Judges, Ruth, By N. Scott Amos

    Joshua, Judges, Ruth

    Old Testament Volume 4

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    by N. Scott Amos

    "Where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God."

    Ruth's response to her mother-in-law Naomi demonstrated both Ruth's loyalty to her family and her trust in God. The Reformers of the sixteenth century found theological significance in such Old Testament narratives. For example, German Lutheran pastor and theologian ...

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