• Resurrecting Justice: Reading Romans for the Life of the World, By Douglas Harink

    Resurrecting Justice

    Reading Romans for the Life of the World

    by Douglas Harink

    The theme of justice pervades the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. And all Christians agree that justice is important. We often disagree, however, about what justice means, both in Scripture and for us today. Many turn to Old Testament laws, the prophets, and the life of Jesus to find biblical guidance on justice, but few think of searching the letters of Paul. Readers ...

  • Refuge Reimagined: Biblical Kinship in Global Politics, By Mark R. Glanville and Luke Glanville

    Refuge Reimagined

    Biblical Kinship in Global Politics

    by Mark R. Glanville and Luke Glanville
    Foreword by Matthew Soerens

    The global crisis of forced displacement is growing every year. At the same time, Western Christians' sympathy toward refugees is increasingly overshadowed by concerns about personal and national security, economics, and culture. We urgently need a perspective that understands both Scripture and current political realities and that can be applied at the levels of the church, the ...

  • The Other Side of the Wall: A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope, By Munther Isaac

    The Other Side of the Wall

    A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope

    by Munther Isaac

    A Palestinian Pastor's Invitation to Lament and Hope

    Christians have lived in Palestine since the earliest days of the Jesus movement. The Palestinian church predates Islam. Yet Palestinian Christians find themselves marginalized and ostracized. In the heated tensions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the voices of Palestinian Christians are often unheard and ignored.

    This ...

  • Canon, Covenant and Christology: Rethinking Jesus and the Scriptures of Israel, By Matthew Barrett

    Canon, Covenant and Christology

    Rethinking Jesus and the Scriptures of Israel

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Matthew Barrett
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    "All Scripture is breathed out by God" (2 Timothy 3:16). From Paul's epistles the divine inspiration of Scripture may be confidently affirmed. However, on turning to Jesus and the Gospels, it is difficult to find such an explicit approach.

    In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Matthew Barrett argues that Jesus and the apostles have just as convictional a doctrine of Scripture as ...

  • The Message of the Sermon on the Mount, By John Stott

    The Message of the Sermon on the Mount

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by John Stott

    "The followers of Jesus are to be different," writes John Stott, "different from both the nominal church and the secular world, different from both the religious and the irreligious. The Sermon on the Mount is the most complete delineation anywhere in the New Testament of the Christian counter-culture." In the Sermon on the Mount, the "nearest thing to a manifesto" that Jesus ever ...

  • paperback

    "Here Are Your Gods"

    Faithful Discipleship in Idolatrous Times

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    When the Israelites exclaimed, "Here are your gods!" at the sight of the golden calf, they were attempting to hold on to the God of their history while fashioning idols for their own purposes. In today's Western world, plenty of shiny false gods still hold power—idols of prosperity, nationalism, and self-interest. Christians ...

  • Retrieving Augustine's Doctrine of Creation: Ancient Wisdom for Current Controversy, By Gavin Ortlund

    Retrieving Augustine's Doctrine of Creation

    Ancient Wisdom for Current Controversy

    by Gavin Ortlund

    How might premodern exegesis of Genesis inform Christian debates about creation today?

    Imagine a table with three people in dialogue: a young-earth creationist, an old-earth creationist, and an evolutionary creationist. Into the room walks Augustine of Hippo, one of the most significant theologians in the history of the church. In what ways will his reading of Scripture and ...

  • Including the Stranger: Foreigners in the Former Prophets, By David G. Firth

    Including the Stranger

    Foreigners in the Former Prophets

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by David G. Firth
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Biblical Foundations Award Finalist

    The Old Testament, particularly the Former Prophets (Joshua, Judges, 1-2 Samuel, and 1-2 Kings), has frequently been regarded as having a negative attitude towards foreigners. This has meant that these texts are often employed by those opposed to the Christian faith to attack the Bible—and such views can be echoed by Christians. While the ...

  • Stewards of Eden: What Scripture Says About the Environment and Why It Matters, By Sandra L. Richter

    Stewards of Eden

    What Scripture Says About the Environment and Why It Matters

    by Sandra L. Richter

    ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    Biblical Foundations Book Award Winner

    Sandra L. Richter cares about the Bible. She also cares about creation.

    An expert in ancient Israelite society and economy as well as biblical theology, she walks readers through passages familiar and not-so-familiar, showing how significant environmental theology ...

  • Killing a Messiah: A Novel, By Adam Winn

    Killing a Messiah

    A Novel

    by Adam Winn

    As Passover approaches, the city of Jerusalem is a political tinderbox. Judah, a resistance leader, plots to overthrow the Roman occupation. Eleazar and his father, the high priest Caiaphas, seek peace in the city at all costs. Pilate, the Roman governor, maneuvers to keep order (and his own hold on power). Caleb, a shopkeeper, is reluctantly caught up in the intrigue. When rumors ...

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