• What Jesus Intended: Finding True Faith in the Rubble of Bad Religion, By Todd D. Hunter

    What Jesus Intended

    Finding True Faith in the Rubble of Bad Religion

    by Todd D. Hunter
    Foreword by Esau McCaulley

    Have you lost your footing in church? Or has the church lost its footing?

    Many of us feel unsteady, disoriented, even crushed after an endless string of scandals within the walls of a place meant to offer compassion and safety. Others feel forced to draw back or distance ourselves from the church. All the while, our instincts tell us this is not what Jesus wanted for his people. ...

  • Untangling Critical Race Theory: What Christians Need to Know and Why It Matters, By Ed Uszynski

    Untangling Critical Race Theory

    What Christians Need to Know and Why It Matters

    by Ed Uszynski
    Foreword by Preston Sprinkle and Crawford Loritts

    What is Critical Race Theory?

    It may be one of the most widely referenced issues of the day, but it's also one of the least understood. In its translation from the academic world to the general public, Critical Race Theory (CRT) has inaccurately become a catch-all term for anything related to race. But what does it actually mean, and how should Christians engage it?

    Ed ...

  • Following Jesus in a Warming World: A Christian Call to Climate Action, By Kyle Meyaard-Schaap

    Following Jesus in a Warming World

    A Christian Call to Climate Action

    by Kyle Meyaard-Schaap

    Have you ever looked at the effects of climate change and the apathy of so many around you and wondered, "What are we missing here?"

    Climate activist Kyle Meyaard-Schaap understands this feeling from personal experience. But in his years of speaking to and equipping Christians to work for climate action, he's seen the trend begin to shift. More and more young Christians are ...

  • Global Christianity and Islam: Exploring History, Politics, and Beliefs, By Wafik W. Wahba

    Global Christianity and Islam

    Exploring History, Politics, and Beliefs

    by Wafik W. Wahba

    A Comprehensive Overview of Christianity and Islam

    Together, the adherents of Christianity and Islam make up over half of the world's population, and their numbers are expected to keep growing. The influence of these two faiths—and their relations with each other—is seen in politics, economics, and social interactions. Religious identity and aspirations remain powerful and ...

  • The Wonders of Creation: Learning Stewardship from Narnia and Middle-Earth, By Kristen Page

    The Wonders of Creation

    Learning Stewardship from Narnia and Middle-Earth

    Hansen Lectureship Series

    by Kristen Page
    Contributions by Christina Bieber Lake, Noah J. Toly, and Emily Hunter McGowin

    When an author of fiction employs the imagination and sets characters in a new location, they are in a sense creating a world. Might such fictional worlds give us a deeper appreciation for our own?

    Many readers have found themselves, like the Pevensie children, transported by C. S. Lewis into Narnia, and they have traveled from Lantern Waste to Cair Paravel and the edge of ...

  • To Think Christianly: A History of L'Abri, Regent College, and the Christian Study Center Movement, By Charles E. Cotherman

    To Think Christianly

    A History of L'Abri, Regent College, and the Christian Study Center Movement

    by Charles E. Cotherman
    Foreword by Kenneth G. Elzinga

    • 2020 ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    In the late 1960s and on into the next decade, the American pastor and bestselling author Francis Schaeffer regularly received requests from evangelicals across North America seeking his help to replicate his innovative learning community, L'Abri, within their own contexts. At the same time, an innovative ...

  • Swing Low, volume 2: An Anthology of Black Christianity in the United States

    Swing Low, volume 2

    An Anthology of Black Christianity in the United States

    Swing Low Set

    General Editor Walter R. Strickland II
    Associate Editor Justin D. Clark, Yana Jenay Conner, and Courtlandt K. Perkins

    A Groundbreaking Portrait of African American Christianity

    The history of African American Christianity is one of the determined faith of a people driven to pursue spiritual and social uplift for themselves and others to God's glory. Yet stories of faithful Black Christians have often been forgotten or minimized. The dynamic witness of the Black church in the United States ...

  • A0420

    Swing Low, volume 1

    A History of Black Christianity in the United States

    Swing Low Set

    by Walter R. Strickland II

    A Groundbreaking Portrait of African American Christianity

    The history of African American Christianity is one of the determined faith of a people driven to pursue spiritual and social uplift for themselves and others to God's glory. Yet stories of faithful Black Christians have often been forgotten or minimized. The dynamic witness of the Black church in the United States ...

  • Restless Devices: Recovering Personhood, Presence, and Place in the Digital Age, By Felicia Wu Song

    Restless Devices

    Recovering Personhood, Presence, and Place in the Digital Age

    by Felicia Wu Song

    We're being formed by our devices. Today's digital technologies are designed to captivate our attention and encroach on our boundaries, shaping how we relate to time and space, to ourselves and others, even to God. Our natural longing for relationship makes us vulnerable to the "industrializing" effects of social media. While we enjoy the benefits of digital tech, many of us feel ...

  • Faithful Disobedience: Writings on Church and State from a Chinese House Church Movement, By Wang Yi

    Faithful Disobedience

    Writings on Church and State from a Chinese House Church Movement

    by Wang Yi
    Edited by Hannah Nation and J. D. Tseng
    Foreword by Ian Johnson

    Reader's Choice Award Winner

    Throughout China's rapidly growing cities, a new wave of unregistered house churches is growing. They are developing rich theological perspectives that are both uniquely Chinese and rooted in the historical doctrines of the faith. To understand how they have endured despite government pressure and cultural marginalization, we must ...

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