• Uncommon Decency: Christian Civility in an Uncivil World, By Richard J. Mouw

    Uncommon Decency

    Christian Civility in an Uncivil World

    by Richard J. Mouw

    Can Christians act like Christians even when they disagree? In these wild and diverse times, right and left battle over the airwaves, prolifers square off against prochoicers, gay liberationists confront champions of the traditional family, artists and legislators tangle, even Christians fight other Christians whose doctrines aren't "just so." Richard Mouw has been actively forging a model of ...

  • Pursuing Moral Faithfulness: Ethics and Christian Discipleship, By Gary Tyra

    Pursuing Moral Faithfulness

    Ethics and Christian Discipleship

    by Gary Tyra

    Christianity is in a state of moral crisis. Even though people make moral decisions every day, many Christians lack both the ability to evaluate these decisions and a community of discipleship to help inspire a morally faithful life. Compared to the people around them, there is often no discernible difference in how Christians go about making moral choices. As a biblical and practical theologian ...

  • Bulls, Bears and Golden Calves: Applying Christian Ethics in Economics, By John E. Stapleford

    Bulls, Bears and Golden Calves

    Applying Christian Ethics in Economics

    by John E. Stapleford

    Self-interest, economic efficiency and private property rights are among the most basic assumptions of market economics. But can an economic theory built on these assumptions alone provide adequate insight into human nature, motivation and ultimate goals to guide our economic life? John Stapleford says no, along with those economists who recognize the limits of their discipline. He insightfully ...

  • Economics in Christian Perspective: Theory, Policy and Life Choices, By Victor V. Claar and Robin J. Klay

    Economics in Christian Perspective

    Theory, Policy and Life Choices

    by Victor V. Claar and Robin J. Klay

    Unemployment. Environmental damage. Poverty. Economists Victor Claar and Robin Klay critically engage mainstream economic theory and policy recommendations to provide guidance for faithfully and responsibly addressing these and other important economic issues. Affirming that a just and prosperous society depends for its continued success on maintaining the right balance of power among three principal ...

  • Now Choose Life: Theology and Ethics in Deuteronomy, By Gary Millar

    Now Choose Life

    Theology and Ethics in Deuteronomy

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Gary Millar
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Though written thousands of years ago, the book of Deuteronomy is unmatched in its relevance for the affluent Western church of today. Moses' words were meant to equip God's people for living godly lives in a prosperous, pluralistic world. The cultural changes now taking place in our own social setting make the parallel between Israel and the church—and what Deuteronomy has to say—both pertinent ...

  • Health, Healing and the Church's Mission: Biblical Perspectives and Moral Priorities, By Willard M. Swartley

    Health, Healing and the Church's Mission

    Biblical Perspectives and Moral Priorities

    by Willard M. Swartley

    Does the Christian community have the resources to develop a coherent response to health care challenges today? Accounting for biblical, theological and church-historical streams, Willard Swartley divulges a long tradition of healing and health care inherited by Christians today. Beginning with in-depth studies of Old and New Testament understandings of healing, the book surveys three millennia ...

  • The Ethical Vision of the Bible: Learning Good from Knowing God, By Peter W. Gosnell

    The Ethical Vision of the Bible

    Learning Good from Knowing God

    by Peter W. Gosnell

    What ways of distinguishing right and wrong are encouraged within biblical writings? How did various bibical authors offer different yet complementary motivations for promoting ethical action and discouraging unethical behavior? The Ethical Vision of the Bible equips readers with an interest in deepening their understanding of biblical ethics to listen carefully to the variety of ethical ...

  • Neither Poverty nor Riches: A Biblical Theology of Possessions, By Craig L. Blomberg

    Neither Poverty nor Riches

    A Biblical Theology of Possessions

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Craig L. Blomberg
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. (Proverbs 30:8) One of the most difficult questions facing Christians today is that of the proper attitude toward possessions. In wealthy nations such as Britain and the USA, individuals accumulate much and yet are daily exposed to the plight of the poor, whether the homeless on their own city streets or starving children ...

  • Holy War in the Bible: Christian Morality and an Old Testament Problem, Edited by Heath A. Thomas and Jeremy A. Evans and Paul Copan

    Holy War in the Bible

    Christian Morality and an Old Testament Problem

    Edited by Heath A. Thomas, Jeremy A. Evans, and Paul Copan

    The challenge of a seemingly genocidal God who commands ruthless warfare has bewildered Bible readers for generations. The theme of divine war is not limited to the Old Testament historical books, however. It is also prevalent in the prophets and wisdom literature as well. Still it doesn?t stop. The New Testament book of Revelation, too, is full of such imagery. Our questions multiply.

  • God & Morality: Four Views, Edited byR. Keith Loftin

    God & Morality

    Four Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by R. Keith Loftin

    Is morality dependent upon belief in God? Is there more than one way for Christians to understand the nature of morality? Is there any agreement between Christians and atheists or agnostics on this heated issue?

    In this Spectrum Multiview volume four distinguished voices in moral philosophy articulate and defend their place in the current debate between naturalism and theism. ...

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