• Faith-Rooted Organizing: Mobilizing the Church in Service to the World, By Rev. Alexia Salvatierra and Peter Heltzel

    Faith-Rooted Organizing

    Mobilizing the Church in Service to the World

    by Rev. Alexia Salvatierra and Peter Heltzel

    With so many injustices, small and great, across the world and right at our doorstep, what are people of faith to do? Since the 1930s, organizing movements for social justice in the U.S. have largely been built on assumptions that are secular origin—such as reliance on self-interest and having a common enemy as a motivator for change. But what if Christians were to shape their organizing around ...

  • Slaves, Women & Homosexuals: Exploring the Hermeneutics of Cultural Analysis, By William J. Webb

    Slaves, Women & Homosexuals

    Exploring the Hermeneutics of Cultural Analysis

    by William J. Webb
    Foreword by Darrell L. Bock

    In Slaves, Women & Homosexuals William J. Webb tackles some of the most complex and controversial issues that have challenged the Christian church--and still do.

    He leads you through the maze of interpretation that has historically surrounded understanding of slaves, women and homosexuals, and he evaluates various approaches to these and other biblical-ethical teachings. Throughout, ...

  • Values in Conflict: Christian Nursing in a Changing Profession, By Judith Allen Shelly and Arlene B. Miller

    Values in Conflict

    Christian Nursing in a Changing Profession

    by Judith Allen Shelly and Arlene B. Miller

    Can nursing be Christian? The answer may seem obvious, yet in our pluralistic society, Christian nurses are often told to keep their values out of their work. In fact, Judith Shelly and Arlene Miller ask, can anyone nurse without being guided by some values? Or do advocates of "value-free" nursing actually struggle in their own, non-religious values? In response to such pressures, many Christian ...

  • Health-Care Ethics: A Comprehensive Christian Resource, By James R. Thobaben

    Health-Care Ethics

    A Comprehensive Christian Resource

    by James R. Thobaben

    Founded on in-depth biblical studies and perceptive theological perspective, James Thobaben's book has given us a comprehensive treatment of the myriad ethical issues involved in health care. He addresses topics such as

    • the nature of evangelical faith
    • understanding illness
    • family caring
    • the role of health-care providers
    • institutional considerations
    • ethical ...
  • The End of Sexual Identity: Why Sex Is Too Important to Define Who We Are, By Jenell Williams Paris

    The End of Sexual Identity

    Why Sex Is Too Important to Define Who We Are

    by Jenell Williams Paris

    Sexual identity has become an idol in both the culture at large and in the Christian subculture. And yet concepts like "gay" or "straight" are relatively recent developments in human history. We let ourselves be defined by socially constructed notions of sexual identity and sexual orientation--even though these may not be the only or best ways to think about sexuality. Anthropologist Jenell ...

  • Old Testament Ethics for the People of God, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    Old Testament Ethics for the People of God

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    Nothing confuses Christian ethics quite like the Old Testament. Some faithful readers struggle through its pages and conclude that they must obey its moral laws but may disregard its ceremonial and civil laws. Others abandon its teaching altogether in favor of a strictly New Testament ethic. Neither option, argues Chris Wright, gives the Old Testament its due. In this innovative approach to Old ...

  • Beyond Bumper Sticker Ethics: An Introduction to Theories of Right and Wrong, By Steve Wilkens

    Beyond Bumper Sticker Ethics

    An Introduction to Theories of Right and Wrong

    by Steve Wilkens

    Ideas have consequences. And sometimes those ideas can be squeezed into slogans, slapped on bumper stickers and tweeted into cyberspace. These compact messages coming at us from all directions often compress in a few words entire ethical systems. It turns out that there's a lot more to the ideas behind these slogans--ideas that need to be sorted out before we make important moral decisions as individuals ...

  • In Search of Moral Knowledge: Overcoming the Fact-Value Dichotomy, By R. Scott Smith

    In Search of Moral Knowledge

    Overcoming the Fact-Value Dichotomy

    by R. Scott Smith

    For most of the church's history, people have seen Christian ethics as normative and universally applicable. Recently, however, this view has been lost, thanks to naturalism and relativism. R. Scott Smith argues that Christians need to overcome Kant's fact-value dichotomy and recover the possibility of genuine moral and theological knowledge.

  • The Matrix of Christian Ethics: Integrating Philosophy and Moral Theology in a Postmodern Context, By Patrick Nullens and Ronald T. Michener

    The Matrix of Christian Ethics

    Integrating Philosophy and Moral Theology in a Postmodern Context

    by Patrick Nullens and Ronald T. Michener

    In today's world, many Christians don't know how to live ethically, let alone know what ethics is. Christian ethics probes our deepest sensibilities as humans and how we seek the good for others as well as for ourselves as followers of Christ. This book begins to delve into this relevant and contemporary subject through methodological reflection on the commands, purposes, values, and virtues of ...

  • Human Dignity in the Biotech Century: A Christian Vision for Public Policy, Edited by Charles W. Colson and Nigel M. de S. Cameron

    Human Dignity in the Biotech Century

    A Christian Vision for Public Policy

    Edited by Charles W. Colson and Nigel M. de S. Cameron

    What will be the greatest moral challenge facing our society throughout this century? Are we ready to face it? Editors Charles W. Colson and Nigel M. de S. Cameron, along with a panel of expert contributors, make the case in this book that the greatest watershed debates of the twenty-first century concerning ethics and public policy will surround the issue of biotechnology. In twelve ...

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