• Life Questions Every Student Asks: Faithful Responses to Common Issues, Edited by Gary M. Burge and David Lauber

    Life Questions Every Student Asks

    Faithful Responses to Common Issues

    Edited by Gary M. Burge and David Lauber
    Foreword by Mary S. Hulst

    Every student asks questions about life beyond the classroom:

    • What does it mean to be in community?
    • How can I discern my vocation?
    • How should I understand marriage and sex?
    • How should I relate to money and power?
    • What happens if I doubt my faith?
    • How should I approach interfaith dialogue?

    To help students navigate these ...

  • Our Good Crisis: Overcoming Moral Chaos with the Beatitudes, By Jonathan K. Dodson

    Our Good Crisis

    Overcoming Moral Chaos with the Beatitudes

    by Jonathan K. Dodson

    We live in an age of crisis. Financial crisis, political crisis, environmental crisis—the list goes on. We're confronted with calamity every time we read the headlines. But behind each of these lurks another kind of crisis, one we find harder to define: a moral crisis—a crisis of goodness. Behind financial crisis is unrestrained greed; behind political crisis is the lust for power. ...

  • paperback

    "Here Are Your Gods"

    Faithful Discipleship in Idolatrous Times

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    When the Israelites exclaimed, "Here are your gods!" at the sight of the golden calf, they were attempting to hold on to the God of their history while fashioning idols for their own purposes. In today's Western world, plenty of shiny false gods still hold power—idols of prosperity, nationalism, and self-interest. Christians ...

  • Including the Stranger: Foreigners in the Former Prophets, By David G. Firth

    Including the Stranger

    Foreigners in the Former Prophets

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by David G. Firth
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Biblical Foundations Award Finalist

    The Old Testament, particularly the Former Prophets (Joshua, Judges, 1-2 Samuel, and 1-2 Kings), has frequently been regarded as having a negative attitude towards foreigners. This has meant that these texts are often employed by those opposed to the Christian faith to attack the Bible—and such views can be echoed by Christians. While the ...

  • Stewards of Eden: What Scripture Says About the Environment and Why It Matters, By Sandra L. Richter

    Stewards of Eden

    What Scripture Says About the Environment and Why It Matters

    by Sandra L. Richter

    ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    Biblical Foundations Book Award Winner

    Sandra L. Richter cares about the Bible. She also cares about creation.

    An expert in ancient Israelite society and economy as well as biblical theology, she walks readers through passages familiar and not-so-familiar, showing how significant environmental theology ...

  • Discerning Ethics: Diverse Christian Responses to Divisive Moral Issues, Edited by Hak Joon Lee and Tim Dearborn

    Discerning Ethics

    Diverse Christian Responses to Divisive Moral Issues

    Edited by Hak Joon Lee and Tim Dearborn
    Foreword by Mark Labberton

    Racism. Immigration. Gun violence. Sexuality. Health care.

    The number of ethical issues that demand a response from Christians today is almost dizzying. How can Christians navigate such matters? What are faithful responses to these questions?

    Edited by two theologians with pastoral experience, this volume invites engagement with these issues and more by drawing on real-life ...

  • Authentic Human Sexuality: An Integrated Christian Approach, By Judith K. Balswick and Jack O. Balswick

    Authentic Human Sexuality

    An Integrated Christian Approach

    by Judith K. Balswick and Jack O. Balswick

    Sex pervades our culture, going far beyond the confines of the bedroom into the workplace, the church, and the media. Yet despite all the attention and even obsession devoted to sex, human sexuality remains confusing and even foreboding. What, after all, is authentic human sexuality? That is the question Judith and Jack Balswick set out to answer in this wide-ranging and probing ...

  • Transhumanism and the Image of God: Today's Technology and the Future of Christian Discipleship, By Jacob Shatzer

    Transhumanism and the Image of God

    Today's Technology and the Future of Christian Discipleship

    by Jacob Shatzer

    We're constantly invited to think about the future of technology as a progressive improvement of tools: our gadgets will continue to evolve, but we humans will stay basically the same. In the future, perhaps even alien species and intelligent robots will coexist alongside humans, who will grapple with challenges and emerge as the heroes. But the truth is that radical technological change has the ...

  • Bloody, Brutal, and Barbaric?: Wrestling with Troubling War Texts, By William J. Webb and Gordon K. Oeste

    Bloody, Brutal, and Barbaric?

    Wrestling with Troubling War Texts

    by William J. Webb and Gordon K. Oeste

    Word Guild Award Shortlist — Biblical Studies
    Word Guild Best Book Cover Award
    Association of University Presses Design Show — Book, Jacket, and Covers

    Christians cannot ignore the intersection of religion and violence, whether contemporary or ancient. In our own Scriptures, war texts that appear to approve of genocidal killings and war rape—forcibly ...

  • Disability and the Way of Jesus: Holistic Healing in the Gospels and the Church, By Bethany McKinney Fox

    Disability and the Way of Jesus

    Holistic Healing in the Gospels and the Church

    by Bethany McKinney Fox
    Foreword by John Swinton

    • 2019 IVP Readers' Choice Award

    What does healing mean for people with disabilities? The Gospels are filled with accounts of Jesus offering physical healing. But even as churches today seek to follow the way of Jesus, people with disabilities all too often experience the very opposite of healing and life-giving community: exclusion, judgment, barriers. ...

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