• The Steward Leader: Transforming People, Organizations and Communities, By R. Scott Rodin

    The Steward Leader

    Transforming People, Organizations and Communities

    by R. Scott Rodin

    Coach. Entrepreneur. Mentor. Executive. Servant. Visionary. Everyone has a different idea of what a leader should be. How can any one person be everything? Scott Rodin brings unity and clarity to this confusing, demanding picture of leadership. He offers a comprehensive model that brings together a biblical understanding of holistic stewardship with the best in leadership studies. Whether in ...

  • Basic Christian Leadership: Biblical Models of Church, Gospel and Ministry, By John Stott

    Basic Christian Leadership

    Biblical Models of Church, Gospel and Ministry

    by John Stott

    Leadership today is no easy task. Christian leaders called to shepherd others get caught in power struggles and are tempted to abuse their pastoral authority. Pastors feel that they must project strength and certainty in order to preach and minister credibly. Too often our models of leadership are shaped more by culture than by Christ. John Stott offers an alternative vision in this biblical approach ...

  • The Leadership Ellipse: Shaping How We Lead by Who We Are, By Robert A. Fryling

    The Leadership Ellipse

    Shaping How We Lead by Who We Are

    by Robert A. Fryling
    Foreword by Eugene H. Peterson

    Everyone in a position of responsibility knows the tension of leadership. It may be between tasks or people, money or mission, the present or the future. One often neglected tension is between our inner spiritual longings and the outward needs of the group we lead. But we need not feel forced to choose between the two. Leadership has more in common with an ellipse with two focal points than a bull's-eye ...

  • Making Room for Leadership: Power, Space and Influence, By MaryKate Morse

    Making Room for Leadership

    Power, Space and Influence

    by MaryKate Morse
    Foreword by Leonard Sweet

    You don't just lead with your voice and your decisions. You lead with your body. The way you take up space in a room, the way you use or don't use your body in group settings, influences others. And all of us hold power to lead in our bodies. Yet, pastor and spiritual director MaryKate Morse contends, most of us are unaware of the ways we do or can use our bodies to influence ...

  • Excellence in Leadership: Reaching Goals with Prayer, Courage and Determination, By John White

    Excellence in Leadership

    Reaching Goals with Prayer, Courage and Determination

    by John White

    • Short deadlines
    • Not enough staff
    • Tight budgets
    • Personal attacks
    • External opposition
    • Internal conflicts
    • A huge task

    Every leader faces these problems. But as Christians, should we solve them by using the secular strategies of best-selling management books? Or is there another way? John White says there is. Nehemiah provides the model ...

  • Transforming Leadership: Jesus' Way of Creating Vision, Shaping Values  Empowering Change, By Leighton Ford

    Transforming Leadership

    Jesus' Way of Creating Vision, Shaping Values Empowering Change

    by Leighton Ford

    A book for leaders, by leaders, about the greatest leader of them all.

    In our rapidly changing and ever more complex world, we suffer a crisis of leadership. Leighton Ford sees the growing dearth of bold leaders--in the marketplace, religion and public life. In this powerful book, Ford calls Christians to be transformational leaders.

    Many leaders work within situations; transformational ...

  • Leading Across Cultures: Effective Ministry and Mission in the Global Church, By James E. Plueddemann

    Leading Across Cultures

    Effective Ministry and Mission in the Global Church

    by James E. Plueddemann

    The worldwide church is more interconnected than ever before, with missionaries going from everywhere to everywhere. Africans work with Australians in India. Koreans plant churches in London and Los Angeles. But globalization also creates challenges for crosscultural tension and misunderstandings, as different cultures have conflicting assumptions about leadership values and styles. Missiologist ...

  • Youth Ministry in a Multifaith Society: Forming Christian Identity Among Skeptics, Syncretists and Sincere Believers of Other Faiths, By Len Kageler

    Youth Ministry in a Multifaith Society

    Forming Christian Identity Among Skeptics, Syncretists and Sincere Believers of Other Faiths

    by Len Kageler
    Foreword by Chap Clark

    In simpler, more homogenous times, youth ministry was a relatively straightforward activity. The church's youth gathered (occasionally inviting their unchurched friends from school), played together, sang together and listened together to a message from a bright, engaging youth minister, selecting from a relatively defined set of topics: "What does it mean to follow Jesus when it comes to _______?" ...

  • The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation, By Grant R. Osborne

    The Hermeneutical Spiral

    A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation

    by Grant R. Osborne

    Christianity Today Critics' Choice Award

    In this newly revised and expanded edition, Grant Osborne provides seminary students and working pastors with the full set of tools they need to move from sound exegesis to the development of biblical and systematic theologies and to the preparation of sound, biblical sermons.

    Osborne contends that hermeneutics is a spiral ...

  • Christ Our Reconciler: Gospel, Church, World, Edited byJulia E. M. Cameron

    Christ Our Reconciler

    Gospel, Church, World

    Edited by Julia E. M. Cameron
    Foreword by S. Douglas Birdsall

    The Third Lausanne Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, convened in 2010, was hailed as the most representative gathering of the global church in the history of Christianity. Thousands of delegates from almost 200 nations gathered to hear from God and each other, as they cast new vision for world evangelization in the third millennium. Global leaders grappled with the most significant issues facing ...

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