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    Preaching in a New Key

    Crafting Expository Sermons in Post-Christian Communities

    by Mark R Glanville

    An Expository Preaching Guidebook for Post-Christian Communities

    Preaching must connect with its hearers. As the perception of the pastor has changed in recent years, and as congregations battle with increasing doubt, preaching appealing solely to rationality doesn't resonate in the same way as it once did. Post-Christian generations find themselves looking less for a charismatic ...

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    Sexuality and Sex Therapy

    A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by Mark A. Yarhouse and Erica S. N. Tan

    A Comprehensive Survey of Human Sexuality from a Christian Perspective

    The field of human sexuality is one of ever-increasing complexity, particularly for Christian therapists and psychologists seeking to be faithful to Scripture, informed by science, and sensitive to culture. In Sexuality and Sex Therapy, Mark Yarhouse and Erica Tan offer a survey and appraisal of ...

  • Skills for Safeguarding: A Guide to Preventing Abuse and Fostering Healing in the Church, By Lisa Compton and Taylor Patterson

    Skills for Safeguarding

    A Guide to Preventing Abuse and Fostering Healing in the Church

    by Lisa Compton and Taylor Patterson

    The Only Textbook on Safeguarding for Faith-Based Ministries and Seminaries

    Christians are called to care for the vulnerable, but churches have not always led the way in becoming places safe from abuse. Increasingly, organizations and churches are recognizing the importance of the field of safeguarding: training and equipping people to prevent abuse, ...

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    Nailing It

    Why Successful Leadership Demands Suffering and Surrender

    by Nicole Massie Martin

    Nailing Outdated Leadership Practices to the Cross

    Traditional leadership teachings and styles haven't changed much in years. But the world is changing and so are Christian leaders—women need room for their natural gifts to shine and people of color needed space to elevate the values they bring into their roles. Even seasoned leaders are growing weary of the status quo, craving ...

  • Reviving Mission: Awakening to the Everyday Movement of God, By Linson Daniel and Jon Hietbrink and Eric Rafferty

    Reviving Mission

    Awakening to the Everyday Movement of God

    by Linson Daniel, Jon Hietbrink, and Eric Rafferty

    God's mission is for everyone, every day.

    In the midst of societal disruption and disillusionment, we're seeing signs of a new season of God bringing people into renewal and revival. Jesus is the Sent One who invites us to become like him and live as sent people. God is leading us into a new normal where all of us—not just the professionals—can encounter him and experience ...

  • You Found Me: New Research on How Unchurched Nones, Millennials, and Irreligious Are Surprisingly Open to Christian Faith, By Rick Richardson

    You Found Me

    New Research on How Unchurched Nones, Millennials, and Irreligious Are Surprisingly Open to Christian Faith

    by Rick Richardson
    Foreword by Ed Stetzer

    Many bemoan the decline of the church. But new research shows that unchurched Americans are surprisingly more receptive and open to the Christian faith than is commonly assumed.

    Researcher and practitioner Rick Richardson unveils the findings of the Billy Graham Center Institute’s groundbreaking studies on the unchurched. A study of 2000 unchurched people across the country ...

  • The Softer Side of Leadership: Essential Soft Skills That Transform Leaders and the People They Lead, By Eugene B. Habecker

    The Softer Side of Leadership

    Essential Soft Skills That Transform Leaders and the People They Lead

    by Eugene B. Habecker
    With Marylou Habecker

    Many who lead or who aspire to lead rightly champion the importance of hard skills. These are skills that are informed by quantitative measurement and analytical thinking, among others. Knowing the numbers, embracing leadership tasks, and implementing the right strategies are important but no longer enough to be an effective leader. Indeed, the best of the leadership literature consistently emphasizes ...

  • La misión cristiana en el mundo moderno, By John R. W. Stott and Christopher J. H. Wright

    La misión cristiana en el mundo moderno

    by John R. W. Stott and Christopher J. H. Wright
    Foreword by Ruth Padilla DeBorst

    Jesús nos envía al mundo de la misma manera que el Padre lo envió a él. Sin embargo, aun miles de años después, muchos cristianos todavía no se ponen de acuerdo que incluye esto. Algunos creen que el enfoque de la misión cristiana es evangelizar y «salvar almas». Otros enfatizan asuntos de justicia global o la labor de alivio y desarrollo. ¿Acaso solo una de estas dos opiniones ...

  • Invest in Transformation: Quit Relying on Trust, By Tod Bolsinger

    Invest in Transformation

    Quit Relying on Trust

    Practicing Change Series

    by Tod Bolsinger
    Illustrated by Mark Demel
    Foreword by Marty Linsky

    There is no transformation without trust, but trust is not transformation. We must learn how to invest trust for transformation.

    Groups that have become skeptical need leadership to refuel a sense of community and continuity if change is going to happen. But trust can be easily hoarded or squandered. This Practicing Change volume from Tod Bolsinger outlines steps to envision ...

  • Leading Through Resistance: Quit Pushing Back, By Tod Bolsinger

    Leading Through Resistance

    Quit Pushing Back

    Practicing Change Series

    by Tod Bolsinger
    Illustrated by Mark Demel
    Foreword by Marty Linsky

    "People don't resist change. They resist loss." —Marty Linsky and Ronald Heifetz

    When facing losses, even the best teammates can start pushing back. As teams wrestle with uncertainty, leaders need to chart a steady course. Join Tod Bolsinger as he teaches unexpected skills for engaging resistance and moving the mission forward.

    In this essential Christian leadership ...

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