• Local and Universal: A Free Church Account of Ecclesial Catholicity, By C. Ryan Fields

    Local and Universal

    A Free Church Account of Ecclesial Catholicity

    Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture

    by C. Ryan Fields

    In the words of the creeds, the church is the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic body of Christ.

    Of those features, perhaps none is as misunderstood as the church's catholicity (that is, its universality)—because while the church is universal, it is also radically local, connected to a particular community or even found on a specific street corner. How might we reclaim the ...

  • Attentive Church Leadership: Listening and Leading in a World We've Never Known, By Kevin G.Ford and Jim Singleton

    Attentive Church Leadership

    Listening and Leading in a World We've Never Known

    by Kevin G.Ford and Jim Singleton
    Foreword by Ed Stetzer

    The world has changed. The changes around us present daunting challenges to the church, and we minister in places we have never been in before. But there are no one-size-fits-all solutions because every church needs to attend to its specific situation and calling. We need to listen for not only what to do but also what not to do. In a world screaming in a thousand directions for ...

  • Worship in an Age of Anxiety: How Churches Can Create Space for Healing, By J. Michael Jordan

    Worship in an Age of Anxiety

    How Churches Can Create Space for Healing

    Dynamics of Christian Worship

    by J. Michael Jordan

    The history of the theology of worship is riddled with examples of clergy and worship leaders who have sought to manipulate their parishioners' anxiety in order to spur repentance and turn people toward God. Even if such ends may be desirable—at what cost?

    In Worship in an Age of Anxiety, Jordan challenges this utilitarian approach, offering a critical assessment ...

  • Just Discipleship: Biblical Justice in an Unjust World, By Michael J. Rhodes

    Just Discipleship

    Biblical Justice in an Unjust World

    by Michael J. Rhodes
    Foreword by Brent A. Strawn

    Many Christians and churches are rediscovering that God cares deeply about justice, but opinions abound as to what an approach to biblical justice might look like in contemporary society. What exactly does the Bible mean by justice, and what does it have to do with poverty, racism, and other issues in our world? More importantly, how do we become the kind of people ...

  • The Offensive Church: Breaking the Cycle of Ethnic Disunity, By Bryan C. Loritts

    The Offensive Church

    Breaking the Cycle of Ethnic Disunity

    by Bryan C. Loritts

    Crises around race have put the church in a defensive posture, always reacting to racial conflicts in society. But Jesus wants more. He wants Christians to play offense by discipling people into a new humanity, where we push beyond mere diversity and into a biblical vision for ethnic unity.

    Bryan Loritts calls Christians to proactively and intentionally live out the embodied ...

  • Nobody's Mother: Artemis of the Ephesians in Antiquity and the New Testament, By Sandra L. Glahn

    Nobody's Mother

    Artemis of the Ephesians in Antiquity and the New Testament

    by Sandra L. Glahn

    How Has Misinterpreting Paul Led to the Silencing of Women?

    Some Christians think Paul's reference to "saved through childbearing" in 1 Timothy 2:15 means that women are slated primarily for delivering and raising children. Alternate readings, however, sometimes fail to build on the best historical and textual evidence.

    Sandra Glahn thinks that we have misunderstood ...

  • Turning Donors into Partners: Principles for Fundraising You'll Actually Enjoy, By Brad Layland

    Turning Donors into Partners

    Principles for Fundraising You'll Actually Enjoy

    by Brad Layland
    Foreword by Tom Lin

    Fundraising can be one of the most stressful parts of ministry. Budget needs are daunting, prospects seem limited, and the cycle is unending. How do we get off of the treadmill of crisis-driven fundraising to more sustainable ministry funding?

    Professional fundraiser Brad Layland revolutionizes fundraising and transforms it into a relational process where donors truly become ...

  • In Church as It Is in Heaven: Cultivating a Multiethnic Kingdom Culture, By Jamaal E. Williams and Timothy Paul Jones

    In Church as It Is in Heaven

    Cultivating a Multiethnic Kingdom Culture

    by Jamaal E. Williams and Timothy Paul Jones

    Christianity Today Award of Merit

    Heaven is multiethnic. Are you ready for that?

    The Bible tells us that the congregation gathered around God's heavenly throne will be "a vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language," all singing the praises of the Lamb. God's intention has always been to delight for all eternity in a redeemed ...

    Curriculum Details:

    Curriculum Details

    This book can be used in your small groups and Sunday school classes alongside the free companion video curriculum and downloadable discussion guide. The six video sessions from authors Jamaal E. Williams and Timothy Paul Jones are around 20 minutes each in length, covering topics like:

    • Call to Worship: Learning to Love Multiethnic Kingdom Culture
    • Lament: Grieving What Stands in the Way of Multiethnic Culture
    • Offering: Giving for the Sake of Multiethnic Kingdom Culture
    • Passing the Peace: Welcoming in a Multiethnic Kingdom Culture
    • Communion: Feasting Together on the Victory Jesus Won
    • Benediction: A Blessing for the Road

    Watch the trailer

    Curriculum Includes:

    Also Available:
    Video Curriculum
    Discussion Guide

  • Speaking by the Numbers: Enneagram Wisdom for Teachers, Pastors, and Communicators, By Sean Palmer

    Speaking by the Numbers

    Enneagram Wisdom for Teachers, Pastors, and Communicators

    by Sean Palmer
    Foreword by Suzanne Stabile

    It's not just what you say, but how you say it. Good communicators know this, but it's often easier said than done. Teachers, leaders, and speakers are often left bewildered, wondering why the content that was so carefully planned and delivered seems to fall flat with the audience. The art of communication requires more than the transfer of information; it both connects with and ...

  • Worship by Faith Alone: Thomas Cranmer, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Reformation of Liturgy, By Zac Hicks

    Worship by Faith Alone

    Thomas Cranmer, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Reformation of Liturgy

    Dynamics of Christian Worship

    by Zac Hicks
    Foreword by Ashley Null

    In every age, the church must consider what it means to gather together to worship God.

    If the church is primarily the people who follow the risen Christ, then its worship should be "gospel-centered." But where might the church find an example of such worship for today?

    In this Dynamics of Christian Worship volume, scholar, worship leader, and songwriter Zac Hicks contends ...

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