• The Mission Always Wins: Quit Appeasing Stakeholders, By Tod Bolsinger

    The Mission Always Wins

    Quit Appeasing Stakeholders

    Practicing Change Series

    by Tod Bolsinger
    Illustrated by Mark Demel
    Foreword by Marty Linsky

    It's time to further the mission. Not the boss, not the team, not the stakeholders—the mission.

    Change requires tough decisions. But when the focus is blurred, how can we stay on track? We need clarity and agreement on the real task at hand—our genuine mission. This Practicing Change volume from Tod Bolsinger guides us through naming competing values and realigning the driving ...

  • How Not to Waste a Crisis: Quit Trying Harder, By Tod Bolsinger

    How Not to Waste a Crisis

    Quit Trying Harder

    Practicing Change Series

    by Tod Bolsinger
    Illustrated by Mark Demel
    Foreword by Marty Linsky

    Rising to the occasion calls for a new skill set. But when crises hit, we return to our defaults and double down. The upheaval you find yourself in can reframe your leadership and revive your team.

    In this volume, an ideal place to begin the Practicing Change Series, Tod Bolsinger explores the opportunity available in a reality shaken by health, financial, social, and political ...

  • Sacred Attachment: Escaping Spiritual Exhaustion and Trusting in Divine Love, By Michael John Cusick

    Sacred Attachment

    Escaping Spiritual Exhaustion and Trusting in Divine Love

    by Michael John Cusick

    What do you do when the gap between what you believe and what you experience feels insurmountable? Where do you turn when trauma leaves you feeling lost, ashamed, and exhausted, spinning in spiritual uncertainty but still longing for relationship with God?

    Michael John Cusick voices the questions and contradictions that are inherently part of living an authentic spiritual ...

  • Confronting Sexism in the Church: How We Got Here and What We Can Do About It, By Heather Matthews

    Confronting Sexism in the Church

    How We Got Here and What We Can Do About It

    by Heather Matthews
    Foreword by Scot McKnight

    How to Fight Sexism in the Church

    Despite the real progress that has been made in recent years, women continue to be silenced, wounded, and relegated to the sidelines in our churches. Many churches—even churches that outwardly affirm and platform women—remain unaware of the patterns and cultures at play that set up unseen barriers for women.

    This is a book for Christians ...

  • Disabling Leadership: A Practical Theology for the Broken Body of Christ, By Andrew T. Draper and Jody Michele and Andrea Mae

    Disabling Leadership

    A Practical Theology for the Broken Body of Christ

    by Andrew T. Draper, Jody Michele, and Andrea Mae

    People with disabilities are often excluded from full participation in church communities. Accessibility is a key component of the biblical ministry of reconciliation—but it's not enough. To truly work toward reconciliation, churches must both consider the theological implications of disability and also become places where people with disabilities lead.

    Disabling ...

  • Improvising Church: Scripture as the Source of Harmony, Rhythm, and Soul, By Mark Glanville

    Improvising Church

    Scripture as the Source of Harmony, Rhythm, and Soul

    by Mark Glanville

    Plenty of books diagnose our post-Christian malaise. Here's a dynamic solution.

    The post-Christian cultural turn is creating the conditions for a crisis of confidence in the church and in pastoral ministry. While such changes can be disruptive and disconcerting, our new cultural reality makes the present moment a uniquely exciting time to reimagine churches that bear witness ...

  • Worth Seeing: Viewing Others Through God's Eyes, By Amy L. Williams

    Worth Seeing

    Viewing Others Through God's Eyes

    by Amy L. Williams

    "We are in the business of seeing others, seeing them the way God sees them, and letting them know they have value."

    Amy L. Williams has spent three decades doing ministry with youth in gangs and prisons. While most of society sees high-risk youth through lenses of fear or disregard, she has come to see them through God's eyes as having tremendous value and potential. Worth ...

  • Centering Discipleship: A Pathway for Multiplying Spectators into Mature Disciples, By E. K. Strawser

    Centering Discipleship

    A Pathway for Multiplying Spectators into Mature Disciples

    by E. K. Strawser
    Foreword by JR Woodward

    Discipleship without mission is discipleship without Christ.

    The church often lacks maturity and missional impact because discipleship is at its periphery. In order to get discipleship to the center, leaders need a locally rooted, culturally contextual discipleship pathway to tether disciples who are disciplemakers to the neighborhood or network around them.

    Pastor and ...

  • The Adoptee's Journey: From Loss and Trauma to Healing and Empowerment, By Cameron Lee Small

    The Adoptee's Journey

    From Loss and Trauma to Healing and Empowerment

    by Cameron Lee Small

    Every adoption is rooted in loss.

    Adoption is often framed by happy narratives, but the reality is that many adoptees struggle with unaddressed trauma and issues of identity and belonging. Adoptees often spend the majority of their youth without the language to explore the grief related to adoption or the permission to legitimize their conflicting emotions.

    Adoptee and ...

  • Humble Confidence: A Model for Interfaith Apologetics, By Benno van den Toren and Kang-San Tan

    Humble Confidence

    A Model for Interfaith Apologetics

    by Benno van den Toren and Kang-San Tan

    Christianity Today Award of Merit

    Today's cosmopolitan, multicultural, and multifaith environments call for new approaches to apologetics. The world still needs the good news of Jesus Christ, but to relate the transcultural gospel to diverse and ever-changing contexts, we must free Christian apologetics from dominant Western habits of mind ill-suited ...

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