• Doing Nothing Is No Longer an Option: One Woman's Journey into Everyday Antiracism, By Jenny Booth Potter

    Doing Nothing Is No Longer an Option

    One Woman's Journey into Everyday Antiracism

    by Jenny Booth Potter
    Foreword by Austin Channing Brown

    During a bus ride with a group of fellow college students, Jenny Booth Potter came to a life-changing realization. She decided that racism in all its forms—in policies and systems, in organizations and churches, in neighborhoods and families–could no longer be tolerated. And even though Jenny didn't know what to do about racism, she was certain of one thing: doing nothing ...

  • Cradling Abundance: One African Christian's Story of Empowering Women and Fighting Systemic Poverty, By Monique Misenga Ngoie Mukuna

    Cradling Abundance

    One African Christian's Story of Empowering Women and Fighting Systemic Poverty

    by Monique Misenga Ngoie Mukuna
    With Elsie Tshimunyi McKee

    Growing up in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Monique Misenga Ngoie Mukuna persevered through many challenges: political turmoil and violence, misogyny and patriarchy, lack of community resources and personal loss. As she carved out a life for herself, her family, and her community, she kept seeing the same story played out for women vulnerable and trapped in poverty. Every system ...

  • Gender Identity and Faith: Clinical Postures, Tools, and Case Studies for Client-Centered Care, By Mark A. Yarhouse and Julia A. Sadusky

    Gender Identity and Faith

    Clinical Postures, Tools, and Case Studies for Client-Centered Care

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by Mark A. Yarhouse and Julia A. Sadusky

    Helping people navigate gender identity questions today is complex and often polarized work. For clients and families who are also informed by their faith, some mental health approaches raise more questions than answers. Clinicians need a client-centered, open-ended approach that makes room for gender exploration while respecting religious identity. Gender Identity and Faith ...

  • The Integration of Psychology and Christianity: A Domain-Based Approach, By William L. Hathaway and Mark A. Yarhouse

    The Integration of Psychology and Christianity

    A Domain-Based Approach

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by William L. Hathaway and Mark A. Yarhouse
    Foreword by Stephen E. Parker

    Over the course of recent decades, scholars and practitioners have been working to integrate contemporary psychology-related fields and Christianity. This project continues to move forward, evidenced in associations, publications, degree programs, and conferences around the world. While much progress has been made, there are still foundational issues to be worked out and aspects ...

  • Discovering Biblical Equality: Biblical, Theological, Cultural, and Practical Perspectives, Edited by Ronald W. Pierce and Cynthia Long Westfall

    Discovering Biblical Equality

    Biblical, Theological, Cultural, and Practical Perspectives

    Edited by Ronald W. Pierce and Cynthia Long Westfall
    Associate Editor Christa L. McKirland

    "There is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus."

    The conversation about the relationship between women and men and their roles in the Christian life and the church has evolved, but the topic continues to inspire debate and disagreement.

    The third edition of this groundbreaking work brings together scholars firmly committed to the authority ...

  • Good News About Injustice: A Witness of Courage in a Hurting World, By Gary A. Haugen

    Good News About Injustice

    A Witness of Courage in a Hurting World

    The IVP Signature Collection

    by Gary A. Haugen
    Foreword by John Stott

    The good news about injustice is that God is against it.

    God is in the business of using the unlikely to bring about justice and mercy. In Good News About Injustice, Gary Haugen offers stories of courageous Christians who have stood up for justice in the face of human trafficking, forced prostitution, racial and religious persecution, and torture. Throughout he provides ...

  • Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered, By Rory Noland

    Transforming Worship

    Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered

    Transforming Resources

    by Rory Noland
    Foreword by Ruth Haley Barton

    Spiritual formation is the key to the survival of our faith.

    There is an urgent need today for church services that are substantive and purposeful. Stigmatized by scandal, the church in North America and throughout Europe has been branded as useless and irrelevant. To stem the tide of nominal Christianity, we need to get serious about making disciples who can make other disciples.

    Rory ...

  • Effective Intercultural Evangelism: Good News in a Diverse World, By W. Jay Moon and W. Bud Simon

    Effective Intercultural Evangelism

    Good News in a Diverse World

    by W. Jay Moon and W. Bud Simon

    We live in a multicultural society. But Christians often do not know how to engage those of other faiths. As a result, many Christians hesitate to talk about Christianity with others in any kind of evangelistic way.

    Jay Moon and Bud Simon unpack the intercultural dynamics that Christians need to understand when encountering people from different communities and cultural backgrounds. ...

  • Institutional Intelligence: How to Build an Effective Organization, By Gordon T. Smith

    Institutional Intelligence

    How to Build an Effective Organization

    by Gordon T. Smith

    Institutions matter. But we often view them somewhat cynically, perhaps as a necessary evil.

    In truth, institutions remain essential to human flourishing. They are the very means by which communities thrive, individual vocations are fulfilled, and society is changed for the good. We all must learn the wisdom of working effectively within institutions—what Gordon Smith calls ...

  • The Coming Race Wars: A Cry for Justice, from Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter, By William Pannell

    The Coming Race Wars

    A Cry for Justice, from Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter

    by William Pannell
    Introduction by Jemar Tisby

    In the wake of the 1992 Los Angeles riots, Fuller Seminary theologian William Pannell decried the sentiment among white evangelicals that racism was no longer an urgent matter. In The Coming Race Wars? he meticulously unpacked reasons why our nation—and the church—needed to come to terms with our complicity in America's racial transgressions before we face a more dire reckoning. ...

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