• The Hispanic Challenge: Opportunities Confronting the Church, By Manuel Ortiz

    The Hispanic Challenge

    Opportunities Confronting the Church

    by Manuel Ortiz

    "The Sleeping Giant" is the fastest-growing minority group in the U.S.--the Hispanic community. Hispanics, especially Puerto Ricans, Cubans and Mexicans, are changing society and the church. As a second-generation Puerto Rican, born and reared in El Barrio of New York City, Manuel Ortiz knows first-hand what it is like to be a Hispanic in the U.S. As a sociologist, he recognizes the exciting ...

  • Fresh Vision for the Muslim World, By Mike Kuhn

    Fresh Vision for the Muslim World

    by Mike Kuhn

    After living for more than two decades in the Middle East, pastor, author and college Arabic instructor Mike Kuhn wonders if there can be a fresh vision for the Muslim world—one not rooted in media lies or personal fears but in the values of Christ's kingdom. Is the only option to fight, to eradicate, to judge? Or can the mindset of confrontation give way to one of incarnation? In Fresh Vision ...

  • Bridges to Islam: A Christian Perspective on Folk Islam, By Phil Parshall

    Bridges to Islam

    A Christian Perspective on Folk Islam

    by Phil Parshall

    In the acclaimed book Muslim Evangelism, Phil Parshall devotes one chapter to "bridges" which can assist in facilitating understanding between Islam and Christianity. In Bridges to Islam he expands that key chapter into a book. The most promising bridges can be found not in orthodox Islam, contends the author, but in "folk Islam", which is less well known in the West but which ...

  • Cross-Cultural Partnerships: Navigating the Complexities of Money and Mission, By Mary T. Lederleitner

    Cross-Cultural Partnerships

    Navigating the Complexities of Money and Mission

    by Mary T. Lederleitner
    Foreword by Duane Elmer

    One of the biggest challenges in global mission work is money?not merely the need for it, but working through cross-cultural differences surrounding how funds are used and accounted for. Cross-cultural missteps regarding financial issues can derail partnerships between supporting churches and agencies and national leaders on the ground. North Americans don?t understand how cultural expectations ...

  • Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility, By Duane Elmer

    Cross-Cultural Servanthood

    Serving the World in Christlike Humility

    by Duane Elmer

    Duane Elmer asked people around the world how they felt about Western missionaries. The response? "Missionaries could be more effective if they did not think they were better than us." The last thing we want to do in cross-cultural ministry is to offend people in other cultures. Unfortunately, all too often and even though we don't mean it, our actions communicate superiority, paternalism, imperialism ...

  • A Beginner's Guide to Crossing Cultures: Making Friends in a Multicultural World, By Patty Lane

    A Beginner's Guide to Crossing Cultures

    Making Friends in a Multicultural World

    by Patty Lane

    The global village has arrived. Recent census figures show that communities in the United States are more culturally and ethnically diverse than ever before. And you may be just one of many who find it challenging to build relationships with people from backgrounds unlike your own.

    • How do you befriend an international student or a new coworker from a different country?
    • What can ...
  • Cross-Cultural Conflict: Building Relationships for Effective Ministry, By Duane Elmer

    Cross-Cultural Conflict

    Building Relationships for Effective Ministry

    by Duane Elmer

    Whether at home or abroad, communicating with people of other cultures is difficult. It requires new ways of thinking and interpreting the world. When conflict arises, as it often does, the issues become even more confusing. Without a good understanding of how different cultures handle conflict, our best intentions may only make matters worse.

    With a particular focus on Asian and Hispanic ...

  • Cross-Cultural Connections: Stepping Out and Fitting In Around the World, By Duane Elmer

    Cross-Cultural Connections

    Stepping Out and Fitting In Around the World

    by Duane Elmer

    With the new realities of global interconnectedness comes a greater awareness of cultural diversity from place to place. Besides differences in food and fashion, we face significant contrasts of cultural orientation and patterns of thinking. As we travel across cultures, what should we expect? How do we deal with culture shock? And can we truly connect with those we meet? Experienced cross-cultural ...

  • The Holy Spirit in Mission: Prophetic Speech and Action in Christian Witness, By Gary Tyra

    The Holy Spirit in Mission

    Prophetic Speech and Action in Christian Witness

    by Gary Tyra

    The church has been called to participate in God's mission in the world. But without a robust, biblical sense of the Spirit's action, how can we be sure we're fulfilling that call? Gary Tyra employs a biblical theology of the Holy Spirit to deepen and inform our understanding of life as the church, the people of God. Since the church's mission to and into the world is both evangelistic and prophetic, ...

  • Operation World: The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation, By Jason Mandryk

    Operation World

    The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation

    Operation World Resources

    by Jason Mandryk

    Operation World, the definitive global prayer handbook, has been used by more than a million Christians to pray for the nations. Now in its 7th edition, it has been completely updated and revised by Jason Mandryk with a team of missionaries and researchers, and it covers the entire populated world. Included in this updated and revised 7th edition:

    • All the countries of the world ...

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