• Global Mission Handbook: A Guide for Crosscultural Service, By Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor

    Global Mission Handbook

    A Guide for Crosscultural Service

    by Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor

    Considering a career in crosscultural ministry? Veteran mission professionals Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor offer a practical guide for preparing for intercultural missions. They provide resources for personal spiritual preparation as well as crosscultural skills and hands-on missionary training. They outline the process for finding actual placement with a sending church, mission agency or organization, ...

  • Christ Our Reconciler: Gospel, Church, World, Edited byJulia E. M. Cameron

    Christ Our Reconciler

    Gospel, Church, World

    Edited by Julia E. M. Cameron
    Foreword by S. Douglas Birdsall

    The Third Lausanne Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, convened in 2010, was hailed as the most representative gathering of the global church in the history of Christianity. Thousands of delegates from almost 200 nations gathered to hear from God and each other, as they cast new vision for world evangelization in the third millennium. Global leaders grappled with the most significant issues facing ...

  • Western Christians in Global Mission: What's the Role of the North American Church?, By Paul Borthwick

    Western Christians in Global Mission

    What's the Role of the North American Church?

    by Paul Borthwick
    Foreword by Femi B. Adeleye

    Christianity Today Book Award of Merit Winner

    Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year

    The world has changed.

    A century ago, Christianity was still primarily centered in North America and Europe. By the dawn of the twenty-first century, Christianity had become a truly global faith, with Christians in Asia, Africa ...

  • Global Awakening: How 20th-Century Revivals Triggered a Christian Revolution, By Mark R. Shaw

    Global Awakening

    How 20th-Century Revivals Triggered a Christian Revolution

    by Mark R. Shaw

    The last century has seen the revolutionary remaking of Christianity into a truly world religion. How did it happen? What triggered the emergence of this new global faith no longer dominated by the West, full of new and vital forms of devotion? Mark Shaw's provocative thesis is that far-flung revivals are at the heart of the global resurgence of Christianity. These were not the quirky folk rituals ...

  • Kingdom Without Borders: The Untold Story of Global Christianity, By Miriam Adeney

    Kingdom Without Borders

    The Untold Story of Global Christianity

    by Miriam Adeney

    The twenty-first century has opened with a rapidly changing map of Christianity. While its influence is waning in some of its traditional Western strongholds, it is growing at a phenomenal pace in the global South. And yet this story has largely eluded the corporate news brokers of the West. Layered as it is with countless personal and corporate stories of remarkable faith and witness, it nevertheless ...

  • Global Theology in Evangelical Perspective: Exploring the Contextual Nature of Theology and Mission, Edited by Jeffrey P. Greenman and Gene L. Green

    Global Theology in Evangelical Perspective

    Exploring the Contextual Nature of Theology and Mission

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Jeffrey P. Greenman and Gene L. Green

    Jeffrey P. Greenman and Gene L. Green edit this collection of essays from the proceedings of the 2011 Wheaton Theology Conference. The essays explore the past, present and future shape of biblical interpretation and theological engagement in the Majority World. Leading scholars from around the world interact with the key theological issues being discussed in their regions. In addition, some theological ...

  • Introduction to World Christian History, By Derek Cooper

    Introduction to World Christian History

    by Derek Cooper

    Christianity is a global faith. Today, people are increasingly aware that Christianity extends far beyond Europe and North America, permeating the Eastern and Southern hemispheres. What we may know less well is that Christianity has always been a global faith. A vast untold story waits to be heard beyond the familiar tale of how the Christian faith spread across Europe. Not only was Jesus born ...

  • Go and Do: Becoming a Missional Christian, By Don Everts

    Go and Do

    Becoming a Missional Christian

    by Don Everts

    We are not meant to live safe, happy, successful Christian lives. Jesus calls us to something more. Don't settle for a life that will soon be forgotten. Mission is not just something for "them," somewhere over "there." Mission is for us, here and now. Don Everts invites you to get caught up in God's mission in this world. He shows what it means to be a missional Christian, to ...

  • Crossing Cultures with Jesus: Sharing Good News with Sensitivity and Grace, By Katie J. Rawson

    Crossing Cultures with Jesus

    Sharing Good News with Sensitivity and Grace

    by Katie J. Rawson

    You can be a missionary by crossing an ocean or by crossing the street. We now have unprecedented opportunities to meet people from every culture and nation. International study and global migration allow us to build relationships with Buddhists and Muslims, students from Singapore and workers from the Middle East. But how do we share the gospel with people from different cultures and worldviews? ...

  • Strangers Next Door: Immigration, Migration and Mission, By J. D. Payne

    Strangers Next Door

    Immigration, Migration and Mission

    by J. D. Payne

    More than ever, North America is being flooded by people from all around the world, many of them here illegally. How should the church respond to these sojourners among us? In Strangers Next Door professor of evangelism and church planting J. D. Payne introduces the phenomenon of migrations of peoples to Western nations and explores how the church should respond in light of the mission ...

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