• A Future for the Latino Church: Models for Multilingual, Multigenerational Hispanic Congregations, By Daniel A. Rodriguez

    A Future for the Latino Church

    Models for Multilingual, Multigenerational Hispanic Congregations

    by Daniel A. Rodriguez
    Foreword by Manuel Ortiz

    Many assume that Hispanic ministry in North America still necessarily focuses on Spanish-language congregations. But over 60 percent of all American Latinos were born in the United States and are now English dominant. Daniel Rodriguez argues that effective Latino ministry and church planting are now centered in second-generation, English-dominant leadership and congregations. Based on his observation ...

  • The New Parish: How Neighborhood Churches Are Transforming Mission, Discipleship and Community, By Paul Sparks and Tim Soerens and Dwight J. Friesen

    The New Parish

    How Neighborhood Churches Are Transforming Mission, Discipleship and Community

    by Paul Sparks, Tim Soerens, and Dwight J. Friesen

    Christianity Today Award of Merit

    Readers' Choice Awards Honorable Mention

    Best Books About the Church from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    "When . . . faith communities begin connecting together, in and for the neighborhood, they learn to depend on God for strength to love, forgive and show grace like never before. ...

  • Starting Missional Churches: Life with God in the Neighborhood, Edited by Mark Branson and Nicholas Warnes

    Starting Missional Churches

    Life with God in the Neighborhood

    Edited by Mark Branson and Nicholas Warnes

    All mission is local—the people of God joining the work of God in a particular place. In Starting Missional Churches Mark Lau Branson and Nicholas Warnes introduce us to seven missional churches while examining common challenges regarding their genesis. Using stories, interviews with pastors and a look at common preconceived notions of church planting in the West, this guide brings together ...

  • Great Commission Companies: The Emerging Role of Business in Missions, By Steven Rundle and Tom A. Steffen

    Great Commission Companies

    The Emerging Role of Business in Missions

    by Steven Rundle and Tom A. Steffen

    Business as mission has emerged as a significant new model for mission in the twenty-first century. Today's globalized economy has created strategic opportunities for Christian business enterprises in some of the most unlikely corners of the world. In this landmark book, economist Steve Rundle and missiologist Tom Steffen offer their paradigm for the convergence of business and missions--the Great ...

  • Recovering the Full Mission of God: A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing and Telling, By Dean Flemming

    Recovering the Full Mission of God

    A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing and Telling

    by Dean Flemming

    Is our gospel witness too small? Should the gospel be proclaimed in words only? Or should we preach the gospel in deeds—and when necessary use words? Or are we missing something in playing the witness of words against deeds? If you are concerned about evangelizing the post-Christian West or the world beyond, you have probably debated this issue. And evangelical instincts drive us to Scripture. ...

  • A Gracious and Compassionate God: Mission, Salvation and Spirituality in the Book of Jonah, By Daniel C. Timmer

    A Gracious and Compassionate God

    Mission, Salvation and Spirituality in the Book of Jonah

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Daniel C. Timmer
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    The book of Jonah is arguably just as jarring for us as it was for the ancients. Ninevah's repentance, Jonah's estrangement from God and the book's bracing moral conclusion all pose unsettling questions for today's readers. For biblical theologians, Jonah also raises tough questions regarding mission and religious conversion. Here, Daniel Timmer embarks on a new reading of Jonah in order to secure ...

  • The Temple and the Church's Mission: A Biblical Theology of the Dwelling Place of God, By G. K. Beale

    The Temple and the Church's Mission

    A Biblical Theology of the Dwelling Place of God

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by G. K. Beale
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. . . . And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem. . . . And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man." (Revelation 21:1-3, ESV). In this comprehensive study, a New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, G. K. Beale argues that the Old Testament tabernacle and temples were symbolically designed to point to the ...

  • The Blessing of Africa: The Bible and African Christianity, By Keith Augustus Burton

    The Blessing of Africa

    The Bible and African Christianity

    by Keith Augustus Burton

    According to some estimates, Africa will soon have the highest concentration of Christians in the world. But African Christianity has had a long and conflicted history. Even today, modern misinterpretations of Scripture argue for God's curse upon the dark-skinned peoples of Africa. In this comprehensive study, Keith Burton traces the story of biblical Africa and the place of the Bible in the land ...

  • From Every People and Nation: A Biblical Theology of Race, By J. Daniel Hays

    From Every People and Nation

    A Biblical Theology of Race

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by J. Daniel Hays
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    "After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language . . ." (Revelation 7:9). The visions in the book of Revelation give a glimpse of the people of God at the consummation of history—a multiethnic congregation gathered together in worship around God's throne. Its racial diversity is expressed in a fourfold formula ...

  • Defending Black Faith: Answers to Tough Questions About African-American Christianity, By Craig S. Keener and Glenn Usry

    Defending Black Faith

    Answers to Tough Questions About African-American Christianity

    by Craig S. Keener and Glenn Usry

    Craig Keener and Glenn Usry's highly acclaimed Black Man's Religion showed in impressive detail that Christianity and Afrocentricity can go together. Now they turn to specific, nitty-gritty questions put to the black church by non-Christians:

    • Is everything good in Christianity plagiarized from traditional African religions?
    • Isn't it intolerant to say Christ is the only ...

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