• Subverting the Power of Prejudice: Resources for Individual and Social Change, By Sandra L. Barnes

    Subverting the Power of Prejudice

    Resources for Individual and Social Change

    by Sandra L. Barnes

    Prejudice. It's a serious problem whether you're on the giving or receiving end, no matter what kind it is--race, gender, age, status, wealth, looks or ability. It's serious not only because of the damage it does to all parties, but because we block what God wants to give us and what we need--his power and peace. Sandra L. Barnes helps us sort out why prejudice is unfair, what feeds our prejudices, ...

  • Strange Virtues: Ethics in a Multicultural World, By Bernard T. Adeney-Riskotta

    Strange Virtues

    Ethics in a Multicultural World

    by Bernard T. Adeney-Riskotta

    Theologian and veteran missionary Bernard Adeney addresses in-depth what may be the stickiest crosscultural communication problem of our day: differing approaches to morality. In this comprehensive treatment, he considers ethics across cultures, addresses the ethical import of other religions and gender relations, explores how the Bible and culture interact to produce ethical stances, and includes ...

  • Multicultural Ministry Handbook: Connecting Creatively to a Diverse World, Edited by David A. Anderson and Margarita R. Cabellon

    Multicultural Ministry Handbook

    Connecting Creatively to a Diverse World

    BridgeLeader Books

    Edited by David A. Anderson and Margarita R. Cabellon

    Outreach Magazine Book Award winner

    The world is becoming increasingly diverse. More and more of our neighbors are from a variety of cultures, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. But most churches are still culturally homogenous and do not represent every tribe and tongue. What can we do to minister more effectively to our multicultural society?

    David Anderson ...

  • One New People: Models for Developing a Multiethnic Church, By Manuel Ortiz

    One New People

    Models for Developing a Multiethnic Church

    by Manuel Ortiz

    God created us with diverse cultural and individual backgrounds. He intended those differences for our corporate delight and blessing. But too often we let differences separate us from each other. In One New People Manuel Ortiz persuades us of the benefits in fellowship and outreach that we can experience by crossing racial, ethnic and cultural lines. He urges us not just to put aside ...

  • The Hip-Hop Church: Connecting with the Movement Shaping Our Culture, By Efrem Smith and Phil Jackson

    The Hip-Hop Church

    Connecting with the Movement Shaping Our Culture

    by Efrem Smith and Phil Jackson
    Foreword by Bakari Kitwana and Alton B. Pollard III

    Hip-hop is here. The beats ring out in our cities. Hip-hop culture is all around us: in the clothes youth wear, in the music they listen to, in the ways they express themselves. It is the language they speak, the rhythm they move to. It is a culture familiar with the hard realities of our broken world; the generation raised with rap knows about the pain. They need to know about the hope. Enter ...

  • One Body, One Spirit: Principles of Successful Multiracial Churches, By George Yancey

    One Body, One Spirit

    Principles of Successful Multiracial Churches

    by George Yancey
    Foreword by Michael O. Emerson

    When the church began, an amazing diversity of people from different geographic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds gathered together to confess a common faith in Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul cast a vision of one body where Jew and Gentile would worship together in unity. The Revelation to John likewise foreshadows an eternal future where all nations will join together at the throne of the Lamb. ...

  • Living in Color: Embracing God's Passion for Ethnic Diversity, By Randy Woodley

    Living in Color

    Embracing God's Passion for Ethnic Diversity

    by Randy Woodley

    "We would never give Picasso a paintbrush and only one color of paint, and expect a masterpiece," writes Randy Woodley. "We would not give Beethoven a single piano key and say, 'Play us a concerto.' Yet we limit our Creator in just these ways." Though our Christian experience is often blandly monochromatic, God intends for us to live in dynamic, multihued communities that embody his vibrant creativity. ...

  • Being Latino in Christ: Finding Wholeness in Your Ethnic Identity, By Orlando Crespo

    Being Latino in Christ

    Finding Wholeness in Your Ethnic Identity

    by Orlando Crespo

    Life as a Latino in America is complicated. Living between the two worlds of being Latino and American can generate great uncertainty. And the strange mixture of ethnic pride and racial prejudice creates another sort of confusion.

    • Who are you as a Latino?
    • Who are you as an American?
    • What has Christ to say about your dilemma?
    • How can you accept who you are in Christ ...
  • The Hispanic Challenge: Opportunities Confronting the Church, By Manuel Ortiz

    The Hispanic Challenge

    Opportunities Confronting the Church

    by Manuel Ortiz

    "The Sleeping Giant" is the fastest-growing minority group in the U.S.--the Hispanic community. Hispanics, especially Puerto Ricans, Cubans and Mexicans, are changing society and the church. As a second-generation Puerto Rican, born and reared in El Barrio of New York City, Manuel Ortiz knows first-hand what it is like to be a Hispanic in the U.S. As a sociologist, he recognizes the exciting ...

  • Global Awakening: How 20th-Century Revivals Triggered a Christian Revolution, By Mark R. Shaw

    Global Awakening

    How 20th-Century Revivals Triggered a Christian Revolution

    by Mark R. Shaw

    The last century has seen the revolutionary remaking of Christianity into a truly world religion. How did it happen? What triggered the emergence of this new global faith no longer dominated by the West, full of new and vital forms of devotion? Mark Shaw's provocative thesis is that far-flung revivals are at the heart of the global resurgence of Christianity. These were not the quirky folk rituals ...

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