• Beyond the Modern Age: An Archaeology of Contemporary Culture, By Bob Goudzwaard and Craig G. Bartholomew

    Beyond the Modern Age

    An Archaeology of Contemporary Culture

    by Bob Goudzwaard and Craig G. Bartholomew

    The modern age has produced global crises that modernity itself seems incapable of resolving—deregulated capitalism, consumerism, economic inequality, militarization, overworked laborers, environmental destruction, insufficient health care, and many other problems. The future of our world depends on moving beyond the modern age. Bob Goudzwaard and Craig G. Bartholomew have spent decades listening ...

  • A Little Book for New Philosophers: Why and How to Study Philosophy, By Paul Copan

    A Little Book for New Philosophers

    Why and How to Study Philosophy

    Little Books

    by Paul Copan

    What's the point of studying philosophy when we have theology? Is philosophy anything more than a preparation for apologetics? Often called "theology's handmaid," philosophy has sometimes suffered from an inferiority complex in the church. Many Christians see little point in it at all. But as Paul Copan contends, it is possible to affirm theology's preeminence without diminishing the value and ...

  • Taking Pascal's Wager: Faith, Evidence and the Abundant Life, By Michael Rota

    Taking Pascal's Wager

    Faith, Evidence and the Abundant Life

    by Michael Rota

    • WORLD Magazine’s Best Books of 2016 Short List
    • Christianity Today's 2017 Book of the Year Award of Merit - Apologetics/Evangelism

    Since we can't know with absolute certainty that God exists, each of us in a sense makes a bet. If we believe in God and are right, the benefits include eternal life. If we are wrong, the downside is limited. On the other hand, ...

  • Christian Ethics: Four Views, Edited by Steve Wilkens

    Christian Ethics

    Four Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by Steve Wilkens

    The field of Christian ethics is the subject of frequent conversation as Christians seek to understand how to live faithfully within a pluralistic society. The range of ethical systems and moral philosophies available can be confusing to people seeking clarity about what the different theories mean for everyday life.

    This Spectrum Multiview volume presents a dialogue between ...

  • The Transforming Vision: Shaping a Christian World View, By Brian J. Walsh and J. Richard Middleton

    The Transforming Vision

    Shaping a Christian World View

    by Brian J. Walsh and J. Richard Middleton

    Science, technology and economic growth motivate our society. Each is carried on with little regard for Christian concerns.

    Brian Walsh and Richard Middleton yearn for change. They long to see Christianity penetrate the structures of society, reforming and remolding our culture. From scholarship in the universities to politics, business and family life, the Christian vision can transform ...

  • Truth Decay: Defending Christianity Against the Challenges of Postmodernism, By Douglas Groothuis

    Truth Decay

    Defending Christianity Against the Challenges of Postmodernism

    by Douglas Groothuis

    • A 2001 Christianity Today Award of Merit winner

    The concept of truth as absolute, objective and universal has undergone serious deterioration in recent years. No longer is it a goal for all to pursue. Rather postmodernism sees truth as inseparable from culture, psychology, race and gender. Ultimately, truth is what we make it to be.

    What factors ...

  • Truth Is Stranger Than It Used to Be: Biblical Faith in a Postmodern Age, By J. Richard Middleton and Brian J. Walsh

    Truth Is Stranger Than It Used to Be

    Biblical Faith in a Postmodern Age

    by J. Richard Middleton and Brian J. Walsh

    • Voted one of Christianity Today's 1996 Books of the Year

    The carnivalesque, pluralistic culture in hich we live can be seen as a consequence of the breakdown of modernity (which touted itself as the "greatest show on earth"), combined with a recognition of the socially constructed character of reality.

    Since the old construction has ...

  • How Postmodernism Serves (My) Faith: Questioning Truth in Language, Philosophy and Art, By Crystal L. Downing

    How Postmodernism Serves (My) Faith

    Questioning Truth in Language, Philosophy and Art

    by Crystal L. Downing

    Thinking that postmodernism is a threat, many Christians take a duck-and-cover approach to dealing with it. But that will not make postmodernism go away. Can Christians learn from postmodern thinkers and their critique of modernism? Yes, says author Crystal L. Downing. Postmodernism should not be judged by some of the problematic practices carried out in its name. In a lively engagement with ...

  • Power, Politics and the Fragmentation of Evangelicalism: From the Scopes Trial to the Obama Administration, By Kenneth J. Collins

    Power, Politics and the Fragmentation of Evangelicalism

    From the Scopes Trial to the Obama Administration

    by Kenneth J. Collins

    Kenneth J. Collins tells the narrative history of the political and cultural fortunes of American evangelicalism from the late nineteenth century through the contemporary era. He traces the establishment of the evangelical enterprise in American culture and its influences on the political and social values of the American landscape throughout the twentieth century, as well as its fragmentation ...

  • Politics for the Greatest Good: The Case for Prudence in the Public Square, By Clarke Forsythe

    Politics for the Greatest Good

    The Case for Prudence in the Public Square

    by Clarke Forsythe

    With a level-headed voice, leading policy strategist Clarke Forsythe speaks clearly into the fray of political striving. Here he campaigns for a recovery of a rich understanding of the virtue of prudence, and for its application by policymakers and citizens to contemporary public policy. As Forsythe explains, prudence, in its classical sense, is the ability to apply wisdom to right action. In ...

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