• Epistemology: Becoming Intellectually Virtuous, By W. Jay Wood


    Becoming Intellectually Virtuous

    Contours of Christian Philosophy

    by W. Jay Wood

    How do we know what we know? What have wisdom, prudence and studiousness to do with justifying our beliefs? Jay Wood begins this introduction to epistemology by taking an extended look at the idea of knowing within the context of the intellectual virtues. He then surveys current views of foundationalism, epistemic justification and reliabilism. Finally he examines the relationship of epistemology ...

  • Metaphysics, By William Hasker


    Contours of Christian Philosophy

    by William Hasker

    What is ultimately real? What is God like? Do human beings have minds and souls or only brains in bodies? Are humans free agents or are all human acts determined by prior circumstances? Through insightful analysis and careful evaluation, William Hasker helps readers answer these questions and thereby construct a world view to make sense of the universe and the people in it.

  • Philosophy & the Christian Faith, By Colin Brown

    Philosophy & the Christian Faith

    by Colin Brown

    Colin Brown surveys the thought of over four hundred philosophers from the Middle Ages to the present day. This clear and concise guide shows how various thinkers and ideas have affected Christian belief and brings together the lessons Christians can learn from philosophy.

  • The History of Christian Thought, By Jonathan Hill

    The History of Christian Thought

    by Jonathan Hill

    Why read about the history of Christian thought? Because, if you are Christian yourself, it helps you to understand the faith--addressing everything from where Christians got their ideas of the Trinity and how Christ can be both human and divine to what they think about issues like feminism, globalization and social justice. And because, even if you are not, all Western society has been shaped ...

  • Desperately Wicked: Philosophy, Christianity and the Human Heart, By Patrick Downey

    Desperately Wicked

    Philosophy, Christianity and the Human Heart

    by Patrick Downey

    What is the human heart like? Theologians and philosophers have attempted to address this question, not just in the abstract, but concretely in personal, as well as social and political, dimensions. Patrick Downey explores the biblical writings of Genesis and the Hebrew prophet Jeremiah, the Greek tragedies, Plato, Aristotle, and political philosophers--such as Rousseau, Hobbes, Nietzsche and René ...

  • C. S. Lewis's Dangerous Idea: In Defense of the Argument from Reason, By Victor Reppert

    C. S. Lewis's Dangerous Idea

    In Defense of the Argument from Reason

    by Victor Reppert

    Who ought to hold claim to the more dangerous idea--Charles Darwin or C. S. Lewis? Daniel Dennett argued for Darwin in Darwin's Dangerous Idea (Touchstone Books, 1996). In this book Victor Reppert champions C. S. Lewis. Darwinists attempt to use science to show that our world and its inhabitants can be fully explained as the product of a mindless, purposeless system of physics and chemistry. ...

  • Good Ideas from Questionable Christians and Outright Pagans: An Introduction to Key Thinkers and Philosophies, By Steve Wilkens

    Good Ideas from Questionable Christians and Outright Pagans

    An Introduction to Key Thinkers and Philosophies

    by Steve Wilkens

    "What indeed has Athens to do with Jerusalem? What concord is there between the Academy and the church?" (Tertullian, 3rd century). Such skepticism about the place of philosophy in the life of Christians persists down through the ages. As a student, author Steve Wilkens had deep reservations about studying the works of "pagans" or even "questionable Christians." Now a teacher at a Christian university, ...

  • Thinking About God: First Steps in Philosophy, By Gregory E. Ganssle

    Thinking About God

    First Steps in Philosophy

    by Gregory E. Ganssle

    Can we really think about God? Can we prove God?s existence? What about faith? Are there good reasons to believe in the Christian God? What about evil? Can we really know with our finite minds anything for sure about a transcendent God? Can we avoid thinking about God? The real problem, says philosopher Gregory E. Ganssle, is not whether we can think about God, but whether we will think well or ...

  • Doing Philosophy as a Christian, By Garrett J. DeWeese

    Doing Philosophy as a Christian

    Christian Worldview Integration Series

    by Garrett J. DeWeese

    What does it mean to be called to the profession of philosophy? What does it mean for the Christian in particular? And how should those called to the profession engage their tasks? Noting that philosophy literally is "the love of wisdom," Garrett J. DeWeese begins with a discussion of wisdom from the Old and New Testaments before addressing the often misunderstood relation between ...

  • Ethics: Approaching Moral Decisions, By Arthur F. Holmes


    Approaching Moral Decisions

    Contours of Christian Philosophy

    by Arthur F. Holmes

    With over 60,000 copies in print since its original publication in 1984, Ethics has served numerous generations of students as a classic introduction to philosophical ethics from a Christian perspective. Over the years the philosophical landscape has changed somewhat, and in this second edition Arthur Holmes adjusts the argument and information throughout, completely rewriting the original ...

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