• Forgiving and Reconciling: Bridges to Wholeness and Hope, By Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    Forgiving and Reconciling

    Bridges to Wholeness and Hope

    by Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    A Templeton Foundation Book of Distinction

    All of us have suffered painful emotional and relational hurts. God calls us to forgive those who have hurt us, but that's often easier said than done. We don't usually know how to forgive others, nor are we always sure if we have truly forgiven them.

    Psychologist and counselor Everett L. Worthington Jr., the leading Christian ...

  • The End of Sexual Identity: Why Sex Is Too Important to Define Who We Are, By Jenell Williams Paris

    The End of Sexual Identity

    Why Sex Is Too Important to Define Who We Are

    by Jenell Williams Paris

    Sexual identity has become an idol in both the culture at large and in the Christian subculture. And yet concepts like "gay" or "straight" are relatively recent developments in human history. We let ourselves be defined by socially constructed notions of sexual identity and sexual orientation--even though these may not be the only or best ways to think about sexuality. Anthropologist Jenell ...

  • When Life Goes Dark: Finding Hope in the Midst of Depression, By Richard Winter

    When Life Goes Dark

    Finding Hope in the Midst of Depression

    by Richard Winter

    Depression strikes millions, across all ages and demographic groups. Approximately one in eight will have a severe depressive episode at some point in their life. Women experience depression twice as often as men. And over fifty percent of people with serious depression do not get adequate help. What can be done? Psychiatrist and theologian Richard Winter explores the complex medical and psychological ...

  • Are You Waiting for

    Are You Waiting for "The One"?

    Cultivating Realistic, Positive Expectations for Christian Marriage

    by Margaret Kim Peterson and Dwight N. Peterson

    Does God want to write your love story? Well, maybe not—especially not if it is the culture's romanticized ideal of happily ever after! Margaret and Dwight Peterson help us sort out the difference between how our surrounding society often depicts marriage and how Christians really should approach this particular gift of God to all humanity. They guide us through many aspects of a growing, maturing ...

  • Evidence-Based Practices for Christian Counseling and Psychotherapy, Edited by Everett L. Worthington Jr. and Eric L. Johnson and Joshua N. Hook and Jamie D. Aten

    Evidence-Based Practices for Christian Counseling and Psychotherapy

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    Edited by Everett L. Worthington Jr., Eric L. Johnson, Joshua N. Hook, and Jamie D. Aten

    Are Christian treatments as effective as secular treatments? What is the evidence to support its success? Christians engaged in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy and counseling are living in a unique moment. Over the last couple decades, these fields have grown more and more open to religious belief and religion-accommodative therapies. At the same time, Christian counselors and psychotherapists ...

  • Foundations for Soul Care: A Christian Psychology Proposal, By Eric L. Johnson

    Foundations for Soul Care

    A Christian Psychology Proposal

    by Eric L. Johnson

    In this groundbreaking work of first-order scholarship, Eric Johnson makes a vitally important contribution to the field of Christian counseling. He first presents a detailed overview and appreciative but critical evaluation of the reigning paradigms in the field of Christian counseling, particularly biblical counseling and integration. Building on their respective strengths, he seeks to move beyond ...

  • Theology for Better Counseling: Trinitarian Reflections for Healing and Formation, By Virginia Todd Holeman

    Theology for Better Counseling

    Trinitarian Reflections for Healing and Formation

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by Virginia Todd Holeman

    At one time, Virginia Todd Holeman "Toddy" thought being biblically literate was all she needed and had little interest in what real theologians talked about. But in her counseling she found that clients pressed her for more. They didn't just want what she had gained through training in the best theories and practices available for counseling. They asked hard theological questions often related ...

  • Counseling and Christianity: Five Approaches, Edited by Stephen P. Greggo and Timothy A. Sisemore

    Counseling and Christianity

    Five Approaches

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    Edited by Stephen P. Greggo and Timothy A. Sisemore
    Foreword by Eric L. Johnson

    What does authentic Christian counseling look like in practice? This volume explores how five major perspectives on the interface of Christianity and psychology would each actually be applied in a clinical setting. Respected experts associated with each of the perspectives depict how to assess, conceptualize, counsel and offer aftercare to Jake, a hypothetical client with a variety of complex issues. ...

  • Christian Counseling Ethics: A Handbook for Psychologists, Therapists and Pastors, Edited by Randolph K. Sanders

    Christian Counseling Ethics

    A Handbook for Psychologists, Therapists and Pastors

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    Edited by Randolph K. Sanders

    "For the clients who see us in counseling . . . theological purity will make little difference if we do not practice with ethical integrity." Randolph K. Sanders, from chapter one The work of psychotherapy and counseling is full of ethical challenges and dilemmas. Responding to these situations with wisdom is critical, not only for the professional?s credibility, but also for good therapeutic ...

  • Counseling Couples in Conflict: A Relational Restoration Model, By James N. Sells and Mark A. Yarhouse

    Counseling Couples in Conflict

    A Relational Restoration Model

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by James N. Sells and Mark A. Yarhouse

    Most therapeutic approaches, especially those of a cognitive orientation, are not very effective in dealing with high conflict relationships--couples often heading toward divorce by the time they seek help. Counseling Couples in Conflict is a resource for pastors and counselors who want to be ready for these uniquely difficult cases. Utilizing a relational conflict and restoration model ...

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