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1 & 2 Timothy and Titus: Do What You Have Heard, By Pete Sommer

1 & 2 Timothy and Titus

Do What You Have Heard

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Pete Sommer

Deteriorating values. Competing religions. Weakening morality. Do you feel sometimes that the world presents you with more problems than you can handle? Timothy and Titus faced all of these tough issues as young church leaders. But Paul encouraged them to put aside timidity and insecurity, and to find strength in Christ. As Pete Sommer guides you in this eleven-session LifeGuide® ...

Number of Studies: 11

Apostles' Creed, By Alister McGrath

Apostles' Creed

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Alister McGrath

"I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth."

This six-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, based on Alister McGrath's book I Believe, introduces us to the Apostles' Creed and the essential truths about God the Father, the person and work of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Christians indeed trust in God, and the basics of our faith have remained the ...

Number of Studies: 6

Busyness: Finding God in the Whirlwind, By Juanita Ryan


Finding God in the Whirlwind

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Juanita Ryan

"How have you been?" a friend asks. "Busy," we say. Much of our busyness is necessary to our survival or to the wellbeing of others and ourselves. In the whirlwind of our lives, however, it may seem impossible to focus beyond the noise of daily demands. We long for a greater awareness of God with us. This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study explores ways of conversing with God in ...

Number of Studies: 8

Christian Disciplines, By Andrea Sterk and Peter Scazzero

Christian Disciplines

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Andrea Sterk and Peter Scazzero

Depth. Strength. Wisdom. Maturity. We long to be people who exhibit such qualities. We want to strengthen our character and deepen our relationship with Christ. But spiritual depth requires spiritual discipline. This twelve-session LifeGuide® Bible Study by Andrea Sterk and Peter Scazzero is designed to help us learn how God intends for us to live and show us how God helps us grow to ...

Number of Studies: 12

Christian Leadership, By John Stott

Christian Leadership

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by John Stott
With Carolyn Nystrom

The most influential leader in the early church was undoubtedly the apostle Paul. He never lost the vision of God's single new humanity—Jews and Gentiles together. And in his letters we watch him exercising his leadership skills among the early Christians. This nine-session LifeGuide® Bible Study by John Stott is based on his book Basic Christian Leadership and covers the first ...

Number of Studies: 9

Decisions: Seeking God's Guidance, By Donald Baker


Seeking God's Guidance

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Donald Baker

Do you sometimes wish that the Bible could make your decisions for you? Donald Baker is familiar with this desire. He writes, "God has given me free will, and while I appreciate his confidence in my ability to choose, there are times when I wish that he would make the decisions for me." The Bible won't give you a direct answer to each choice—or dilemma—you face. But the Bible will teach you how ...

Number of Studies: 9

Excellence: Run with the Horses, By Eugene Peterson


Run with the Horses

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Eugene Peterson

Every day, we must choose whether to live cautiously or courageously, to follow the crowd or to embrace God's purposes. God invites us to live at our best, to pursue righteousness, to drive toward true excellence.

In this six-session LifeGuide® Bible study, beloved pastor Eugene Peterson draws from the story of the prophet Jeremiah to explore what a life of excellence looks ...

Number of Studies: 6

Four Great Loves, By Judith Allen Shelly

Four Great Loves

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Judith Allen Shelly

We are called to four great loves:

  • to love God
  • to love God's Word
  • to love God's people
  • to love God's purposes in the world

It is both an awesome task and a glorious opportunity. God promises to equip us for it. As Judith Allen Shelly leads you through eight LifeGuide® Bible Study sessions, she points out tangible ways to love and serve the ...

Number of Studies: 8

Good News: The Meaning of the Gospel, By Jack Kuhatschek

Good News

The Meaning of the Gospel

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Jack Kuhatschek

This nine-session LifeGuide Bible study explores not only the question, "What must I do to be saved?" but also will help groups understand the meaning of the good news: that is, the incredibly broad scope of what God has done, is doing, and will do in the future to reconcile all things to himself through Jesus Christ. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content ...

Number of Studies: 9

Heroes of Faith, By Douglas Connelly

Heroes of Faith

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Douglas Connelly

Abraham and Sarah. Noah. Rahab. Hebrews 11 gives us a list of role models: ordinary people who trusted God in radical ways. This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study on the heroes of faith from Hebrews will encourage you, inspire you and help deepen your own trust in our great God who still keeps all his promises, so that you might live out your faith in radical ways today. For over ...

Number of Studies: 8

How to Lead a LifeGuide® Bible Study, By Jack Kuhatschek and Cindy Bunch

How to Lead a LifeGuide® Bible Study

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Jack Kuhatschek and Cindy Bunch

You can be the match that ignites a great Bible discussion! You only need a few basic skills. This ten-session guidebook by Jack Kuhatschek and Cindy Bunch (both veteran discussion leaders and experienced LifeGuide® Bible Study creators) will show you

  • how to start a group
  • how to decide what to study
  • how to prepare to lead
  • how to study the Bible
  • how ...

    Number of Studies: 10

Integrity: Living the Truth, By Carolyn Nystrom


Living the Truth

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Carolyn Nystrom

Is truth an outdated concept? Today it is often considered rude to speak of right and wrong. In such a culture of relativism, we desperately need to be reminded of the biblical value of integrity. In these ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study invite us to find contentment in who are and how we follow God as we grow to be people of real integrity. For over three decades ...

Number of Studies: 10

Joseph: How God Builds Character, By Paul Borthwick


How God Builds Character

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Paul Borthwick

Joseph faced hard times--more than once. He was sold into slavery by his brothers. He spent years imprisoned because of a false accusation. And yet Joseph was able to live in forgiveness and hope, and God did great things in his life every step of the way. Paul Borthwick invites you to explore Joseph's story as a way toward discovering how God's dreams might be fulfilled in and through you. ...

Number of Studies: 9

Listening to God, By Carolyn Nystrom

Listening to God

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Carolyn Nystrom

Does God hear us? Does God speak? How can we connect with God when all seems to be lost? What is our role in listening? Through exploring both biblical characters and teaching, the ten studies in this LifeGuide® Bible Study helps us understand how to seek and find an ever deeper dialogue with God. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and ...

Number of Studies: 10

Loving Justice, By Bob Hunter and Carol Hunter

Loving Justice

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Bob Hunter and Carol Hunter

God is loving and powerful. He is able to work against some of the strongest forces of hate in the world. You can imitate God's justice by fighting against these same powers in your own life and in the lives of those around you. Taking a fresh look at this theme throughout Scripture in this twelve session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Bob and Carol Hunter challenge you to love justice as ...

Number of Studies: 12

Missions: God's Heart for the World, By Paul Borthwick


God's Heart for the World

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Paul Borthwick

Beginning with Genesis, the Bible is the story of God pursuing his people. In this study guide, you'll explore how God reaches out--through Jesus and through human ambassodors like us. You'll discover that the call to "missions" is not for a select group but is a part of God's call to every Christian. And you'll begin to understand your own part in God's plan. This nine session LifeGuide® ...

Number of Studies: 9

Money and Work, By Carolyn Nystrom

Money and Work

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Carolyn Nystrom

Money and work: just the words themselves can cause anxiety. Mortgages, saving for retirement and bottom lines can easily overwhelm us to the point of despair. But God, who "gives us richly all things to enjoy," wants his people to live in freedom, trusting him and learning to manage our gifts wisely and generously. By pointing to his trustworthiness and generosity, these ten-session LifeGuide® ...

Number of Studies: 10

Moses: Calling and Character, By Stephen D. Eyre


Calling and Character

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Stephen D. Eyre

As the one called by God to lead his people out of Egypt, Moses faced some significant challenges: a stubborn ruler, a fierce army, a vast desert to cross, a people prone to complaint and idolatry. But through it all, God was faithful to guide and provide for Moses as well as shape his character in powerful ways. This eleven LifeGuide® Bible studies by Stephen D. Eyre will open our hearts ...

Number of Studies: 11

Nehemiah: The Courage to Face Opposition, By Don A. Fields


The Courage to Face Opposition

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Don A. Fields

Nehemiah was a leader of Israel. He faced opposition and difficulty from every side--even from his own people. Yet he stood against all his enemies, trusting only in God. As Don Fields leads you through twelve sessions LifeGuide® Bible Study to dig into the Old Testament story of Nehemiah, you will discover how this leader's courage and faith can inspire you as you struggle to live ...

Number of Studies: 12

Paul: His Life and Teaching, By Jack Kuhatschek


His Life and Teaching

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Jack Kuhatschek

The apostle Paul led a dramatic and fascinating life from his conversion on the road to Damascus to his imprisonments to his speeches in the public square. His letters shaped the believers in the early church just as they do today. In this ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study by Jack Kuhatschek we will survey both the highlights of his life and the core teachings in his writings. For over ...

Number of Studies: 10

Proverbs: Learning to Live Wisely, By William Mouser Jr.


Learning to Live Wisely

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by William Mouser Jr.

Where do you turn when you need to replace a fuse, cook dinner, eradicate ants, or soothe your child's upset stomach? If you are like many others, you have a shelf full of "how-to" books to supplement your own knowledge and experience. Now it's time to add Proverbs to that shelf! Proverbs is the Bible's own how-to manual. The wisdom contained in its practical and simple instructions will help you ...

Number of Studies: 10

Sabbath: The Gift of Rest, By Lynne M. Baab


The Gift of Rest

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Lynne M. Baab

What is the sabbath? A weekly day of rest and worship. A day to rejoice in abundance. A day to practice thankfulness. A day to slow down, take a deep breath, step aside from work and worries, and let the world go on without us, knowing that God is caring for everyone and everything. In this eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study will help you to learn more about what sabbath is and how ...

Number of Studies: 8

Service: Ministry with Heart and Hands, By R. Paul Stevens


Ministry with Heart and Hands

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by R. Paul Stevens

This ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study includes ten sessions exploring service in a variety of contexts: family, the physical creation, society, the city, neighbors, relationships, the church and the workplace. Looking inside ministry specifically, R. Paul Stevens examines examples of service that were motivated by imagination, passion, faith, hope and love—from Genesis to Revelation. ...

Number of Studies: 10

Seven Letters to Seven Churches, By Douglas Connelly

Seven Letters to Seven Churches

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Douglas Connelly

What if Jesus wrote a letter to your church? This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study helps us engage with the words of Jesus in the seven letters to the seven churches in Revelation. Studying this Scripture with a group or individually allows us to ask some hard questions—of ourselves, of our leaders, and of the Lord. Jesus is pointedly honest with us. Whether we respond with a yawn ...

Number of Studies: 8

Small Group Starter Kit, By Jeffrey Arnold

Small Group Starter Kit

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Jeffrey Arnold

Do you want to build significant relationships, grow in your knowledge and understanding of Scripture, and learn how to reach out to others? Do you wonder how to begin? In this easy-to-use LifeGuide® Bible Study guide Jeff Arnold provides you with everything you need for the first meetings of a small group. Getting acquainted, setting expectations, studying Scripture--it's all here in ...

Number of Studies: 6

Bible Study Articles & Interviews

Read articles and interviews on Scripture and Bible study, brought to you by IVP Extra.