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1 and 2 Kings: God's Imperfect Servants, By Carolyn Nystrom

1 and 2 Kings

God's Imperfect Servants

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Carolyn Nystrom

Some chose to follow God. Others followed only fame and fortune. They lived through times of difficulty and times of triumph, through political and emotional turmoil, through popularity and through discontent. This ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study focuses on the character of the kings of the Old Testament and what we can learn from them. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies ...

Number of Studies: 10

Daniel: Spiritual Living in a Secular World, By Douglas Connelly


Spiritual Living in a Secular World

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Douglas Connelly

A permissive society, a power-hungry people, a nation without God. Daniel's situation in Babylon sounds quite a bit like our own. In the midst of such forces, how can we remain loyal to biblical values? How can we have a positive impact on those around us? In this twelve-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Daniel gives us practical and personal help with these questions. For over three ...

Number of Studies: 12

Deuteronomy: Becoming Holy People, By Stephen D. Eyre


Becoming Holy People

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Stephen D. Eyre

Do you long to experience God's presence in your life? In this twelve-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Stephen D. Eyre leads you to explore the story told in Deuteronomy—the story of God's people seeking after him. As you trace their journey, experiencing their forward progress, their detours, and their obstacles, you, too, will learn to follow God more closely. For over three decades ...

Number of Studies: 12

Ecclesiastes: Chasing After Meaning, By Bill Syrios and Teresa Syrios


Chasing After Meaning

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Bill Syrios and Teresa Syrios

Are you tired of pat answers to your hard questions of faith? The writer of Ecclesiastes is not afraid to confront your dilemmas. Like "Where can you find fulfillment?" And "Who is really in control of this world that seems so topsy-turvy?" Or "Is there any value in my work, my struggles, my life?" As you explore this fascinating Old Testament book in this twelve-session LifeGuide® Bible ...

Number of Studies: 12

Esther: Character Under Pressure, By Patty Pell


Character Under Pressure

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Patty Pell

"Who are you when no one's looking?" When her people were threatened, Esther had to ask herself that question. She could risk her life to try to save her fellow Israelites. Or she could "keep her head down" to wait out the threat in obscurity and safety. In this nine-sessions LifeGuide® Bible Study for individuals or groups, Patty Pell leads you to examine the story of Esther question ...

Number of Studies: 9

Exodus: Learning to Trust God, By James W. Reapsome


Learning to Trust God

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by James W. Reapsome

Trust God. Sounds simple, right? Yet, you know it is often very, very difficult to trust God with the things that matter most to you--money, career, marriage, health. As you study the book of Exodus, you'll see that Israel faced similar struggles to trust God completely. In this story of hardship and hope, you'll discover along with Israel that God--and God alone--is worthy of our trust. In this ...

Number of Studies: 24

Ezekiel: Visions of God's Glory, By Douglas Connelly


Visions of God's Glory

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Douglas Connelly

Ezekiel was a fascinating man who wrote a fascinating book filled with strange and powerful visions. At first glance, Ezekiel seems a little eccentric and difficult to get close to, but he is worth the time and effort to get to know. Ezekiel, perhaps more than any other biblical prophet, wanted to know God—and God revealed himself to this prophet in mysterious and mighty ways.

In ...

Number of Studies: 10

Genesis: God's Creative Call, By Charles E. Hummel and Anne Hummel


God's Creative Call

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Charles E. Hummel and Anne Hummel

Do you struggle to know and follow God's call for you in the world? In this twenty-six session LifeGuide® Bible Study on Genesis, tells us that even the giants of faith—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph—struggled to obey their Creator. But Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament, also reveals the amazing truth that the God who called a world and a nation into being also calls each ...

Number of Studies: 26

Hosea: God's Persistent Love, By Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen


God's Persistent Love

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

God never gives up. Even when you rebel, disobey or make a mistake, God continues to pursue you with a relentless love. In this twelve-session LifeGuide® Bible Stud, Dale and Sandy Larsen lead you through the fascinating Old Testament story of Hosea, you'll see how a godly man's unfailing love for his wayward wife illustrates God's unconditional, "no-holds-barred" love for you, too. ...

Number of Studies: 12

Isaiah: Trusting God in Troubled Times, By Howard Peskett


Trusting God in Troubled Times

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Howard Peskett

Do you look around you and see nothing but trouble? Or are you experiencing firsthand a time of suffering? Do you wonder how any good can come out of the world you live in? In the Old Testament book of Isaiah, you'll discover that trouble and suffering are nothing new to God's people. But the prophet Isaiah raises a loud cry for revival in this midst of a rotting society. Isaiah firmly believes ...

Number of Studies: 22

Jeremiah: Demanding Love, By Stephen D. Eyre


Demanding Love

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Stephen D. Eyre

It was a dark time for Israel. And Jeremiah was their last chance to turn things around. The ministry to which God called Jeremiah was difficult and painful: proclaim God's demanding love. Yet with this burden, God also gave the prophet a gift--the gift of his presence. In this nine-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Stephen D. Eyre shows how the example of Jeremiah's rich relationship ...

Number of Studies: 9

Job: Wrestling With God, By Paul Stevens


Wrestling With God

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Paul Stevens

Why do faithful people suffer? Job wanted to know. So he demanded an answer from God. His friends thought he was crazy, but Job persisted. And, finally, God answered. As Paul Stevens leads you through twelve-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Job's questions and God's answers, you discover comfort, hope and meaning for the suffering in your own life. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study ...

Number of Studies: 12

Jonah, Joel & Amos, By Doug Haugen and Doris Haugen

Jonah, Joel & Amos

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Doug Haugen and Doris Haugen

In today's world it's easy to wander away from God. Hectic schedules and the quest for success often mean that time with God gets neglected. But if you slow down long enough to listen, the minor prophets can have a major impact on the quality of your life. These twelve session LifeGuide® Bible Study in Jonah, Joel and Amos, written by Doug and Doris Haugen, will help you focus on ...

Number of Studies: 12

Joshua: The Power of God's Promise, By Donald Baker


The Power of God's Promise

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Donald Baker

In this twelve session LifeGuide® Bible Study on Joshua reads like an exciting novel--from the miraculous crossing of the Jordan to the crash of the walls of Jericho and the sun stopping in the sky. Through all the twists and turns, you'll witness God's power and faithfulness. Digging into the story of Joshua will encourage you to persevere in your own daily battles and arm you with the ...

Number of Studies: 12

Judges: Returning to God, By Donald Baker


Returning to God

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Donald Baker

Sometimes we turn away from God. Or we fail to love those around us. We even follow the gods of the world. Despite everything, God remains faithful, loving us and waiting for us to return to him. This is the story of Israel told in the book of Judges. In this twelve session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Donald Baker leads you to examine it for yourself, you may discover that it is your ...

Number of Studies: 12

Nehemiah: The Courage to Face Opposition, By Don A. Fields


The Courage to Face Opposition

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Don A. Fields

Nehemiah was a leader of Israel. He faced opposition and difficulty from every side--even from his own people. Yet he stood against all his enemies, trusting only in God. As Don Fields leads you through twelve sessions LifeGuide® Bible Study to dig into the Old Testament story of Nehemiah, you will discover how this leader's courage and faith can inspire you as you struggle to live ...

Number of Studies: 12

Proverbs: Learning to Live Wisely, By William Mouser Jr.


Learning to Live Wisely

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by William Mouser Jr.

Where do you turn when you need to replace a fuse, cook dinner, eradicate ants, or soothe your child's upset stomach? If you are like many others, you have a shelf full of "how-to" books to supplement your own knowledge and experience. Now it's time to add Proverbs to that shelf! Proverbs is the Bible's own how-to manual. The wisdom contained in its practical and simple instructions will help you ...

Number of Studies: 10

Psalms: Prayers of the Heart, By Eugene H. Peterson


Prayers of the Heart

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Eugene H. Peterson

In this twelve-session LifeGuide® Bible Study on Psalms teaches you how to relate to God as you pray your doubt, fears and anger. They show you how to respond to God in praise. Here you find the best place to explore who you are and what God means to you. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions—making ...

Number of Studies: 12

Ruth: Rescued by the Redeemer, By Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen


Rescued by the Redeemer

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

This six-session LifeGuide® Bible Study of Ruth we meet not only Ruth herself but also other significant players who populate the drama: Naomi, Elimelech, Mahlon, Kilion, Orpah and Boaz. In addition there are other unnamed characters: a kinsman, reapers, elders and neighbors. Like us, each of these characters in their own way needs the Redeemer who is foreshadowed here.These six studies ...

Number of Studies: 6

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