Read articles and interviews on academic topics, brought to you by IVP Extra.

In today's culture, it's easy to forget that the original recipients of God's message would have heard Scripture, instead of reading it. In this interview, D. Brent Sandy (author of "Hear Ye the Word of the Lord") explores how oral communication shaped biblical writers and ancient hearers, providing constructive ways for us to be better hearers and performers of Scripture today.

In her book "Nobody's Mother," New Testament scholar Sandra Glahn digs deep into evidence about the ancient Greek goddess Artemis of the Ephesians from both biblical and classical sources in order to bring into focus Paul's teaching in 1 Timothy. Read this interview to learn more about her thoughts on scholarship, mentoring, and the role of story in academic writing.

In this interview, Power Women editors Nancy Wang Yuen and Deshonna Collier-Goubil discuss how they navigate the call to both the academy and motherhood as Christian women. If you've ever wanted to hear from women on a similar vocational journey who come from different backgrounds, academic disciplines, and stages of parenting and career, this interview will be refreshing.

The 1662 Book of Common Prayer: International Edition gently updates the classic Anglican liturgical text for contemporary use. Will the international edition be a good fit for your congregation? What is the nature of the changes and updates? Browse this page to get answers to your questions and to download numerous free resources and extra materials to go alongside the book.