Waging Peace on Islam, By Christine Mallouhi
Waging Peace on Islam
  • Length: 348 pages
  • Published: February 04, 2002
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 2304
  • ISBN: 9780830823048

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How can caring Christians approach Islam?

As relations between Islam and the West grow more polarized, many Christians are nervous about meeting Muslims. How can we possibly overcome years, if not centuries, of mistrust?

Christine Mallouhi, who married into a Muslim family and has lived much of her life in the Middle East, suggests we should emulate St. Francis, who during the Crusades went to be with the Muslims and even shared the gospel with the Sultan.

We should start by seeing Muslims as people, she suggests. "When Muslims are skeptical of our creed, confused by our message and wounded by our warfare, the most credible witness left is our lives. Muslims need to see Jesus, and the only way most of them will see him is in us." Here is a book that gives history, insight and much of the author's own story in offering the Prince of Peace to Muslims.


1. A Better Way
2. The Mad Monk
3. Troubled Encounters
4. The Problem of Palestine
5. Still Crusading?
6. A Muslim Like Me
7. From the Other Side
8. A Christian in the Sultan's Camp
9. The Mystical Influences in Islam
10. Captured by Islam
11. The Place of Meeting


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Mallouhi is an Australian author, speaker and a Christian member of a Muslim family. She has lived in five countries in North Africa and the Middle East, and spent time with Muslims in Asia, Southeast Asia and the Arabian Gulf. Along with her husband, an Arab author, she directs an association that publishes Arabic books. The Mallouhis currently live in Tunisia and in Melbourne, Australia.