Showing 2561 - 2570 of 2852 results

  • The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views, Edited by Robert G. Clouse

    The Meaning of the Millennium

    Four Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by Robert G. Clouse
    Contributions by George Eldon Ladd, Herman A. Hoyt, Loraine Boettner, and Anthony A. Hoekema

    Christ is coming again.

    Since the first century, Christians have agreed that Christ will return. But since that time there have also been many disagreements. How will Christ return? When will he return? What sort of kingdom will he establish? What is the meaning of the millennium? These questions persist today.

    Four major views on the millennium have had both a long ...

  • Faith Has Its Reasons: Integrative Approaches to Defending the Christian Faith, By Kenneth Boa and Robert M. Bowman Jr.

    Faith Has Its Reasons

    Integrative Approaches to Defending the Christian Faith

    by Kenneth Boa and Robert M. Bowman Jr.

    Ever since the apostle Paul addressed the Stoic and Epicurean philosophers in Athens, relating the Christian worldview to a non-Christian world has been a challenge. And despite Peter's charge to be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you (1 Peter 3:15), most Christian laypeople have left apologetics—the defense of the faith—to the ecclesiastical ...

  • The Biology of Sin: Grace, Hope and Healing for Those Who Feel Trapped, By Matthew S. Stanford

    The Biology of Sin

    Grace, Hope and Healing for Those Who Feel Trapped

    by Matthew S. Stanford

    There are heated discussions happening on the conflict between science and faith. This disagreement tends to focus around three main issues, one of them being what causes our sinful behavior. The intense conflict has to do with biblically defined sinful behaviors and if there just might be a biological predisposition for these behaviors. The Biology of Sin speaks to this debate and hopefully ...

  • New Testament Essentials: Father, Son, Spirit and Kingdom, By Robbie F. Castleman

    New Testament Essentials

    Father, Son, Spirit and Kingdom

    The Essentials Set

    by Robbie F. Castleman

    "I was introduced to the gospel of Jesus Christ as a college student. The Jesus of the New Testament overwhelmed me, and by God?s grace Jesus still does," writes professor Robbie Castleman, author of New Testament Essentials. Her love of Jesus and Scripture is evident in this study, which seeks to answer the question Jesus? disciples posed: "What kind of man is this?" (Matthew 8:27).

    New ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Paul, Apostle of God's Glory in Christ: A Pauline Theology, By Thomas R. Schreiner

    Paul, Apostle of God's Glory in Christ

    A Pauline Theology

    by Thomas R. Schreiner

    The theology of the apostle Paul is complex, set forth in numerous occasional letters, and subject to a seemingly endless variety of interpretations. How should students of Scripture engage the challenging task of discerning the shape of Paul's thought? In Paul, Apostle of God's Glory in Christ, Thomas R. Schreiner seeks to unearth Paul's worldview by observing what Paul ...

  • This Ordinary Adventure: Settling Down Without Settling, By Christine Jeske and Adam Jeske

    This Ordinary Adventure

    Settling Down Without Settling

    by Christine Jeske and Adam Jeske

    They started out living the dream. They promised themselves and each other that every day would be an amazing day. They even stuck that phrase—"Amazing Days"—on their refrigerator, like Martin Luther pounding his conviction into a door and launching the next great era of the church. "Ready or not," they told the world, "here we come." They traveled the planet, doing missions and community development ...

  • Just How Married Do You Want to Be?: Practicing Oneness in Marriage, By Jim Sumner and Sarah Sumner

    Just How Married Do You Want to Be?

    Practicing Oneness in Marriage

    by Jim Sumner and Sarah Sumner

    Men Are from Strip Clubs. Women Are from Seminary. Jim and Sarah Sumner met at church. Jim, a new Christian and former male stripper, impressed Sarah with his desire to grow in his faith and to see people meet the God he had met. Sarah, a Ph.D. in theology and a division leader in evangelism, impressed Jim with her depth of knowledge and heart for discipleship. Their mutual admiration slowly turned ...

  • Mobilizing Hope: Faith-Inspired Activism for a Post-Civil Rights Generation, By Adam Taylor

    Mobilizing Hope

    Faith-Inspired Activism for a Post-Civil Rights Generation

    by Adam Taylor
    Foreword by Jim Wallis

    Martin Luther King Jr. read the words of the apostle Paul to the church in Rome--"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind"--as a call not to retreat from the world but to lead the world into the kingdom of God, where peace and justice reign. In King's day the presenting problem was entrenched racism; the movement of God was a revolution in civil rights and human dignity. Now Adam Taylor draws ...

  • The Problem with Paul, By Brian J. Dodd

    The Problem with Paul

    by Brian J. Dodd

    Was Paul a chauvinist? Was he a prude? Was he anti-Semitic? Why did Paul condone slavery? How might he have fared on the Oprah Winfrey Show? People outside the church have often found Paul hard to stomach. His views on women, sex and marriage, his failure to attack the institution of slavery, and his verbal attacks on his opponents have all come under fire. Regrettably, Paul hasn't ...

  • Equal to the Task: Men and Women in Partnership, By Ruth Haley Barton

    Equal to the Task

    Men and Women in Partnership

    by Ruth Haley Barton

    Would you like to

    • discover how to break through gender barriers at the office?
    • learn how to work through conflicts on ministry teams?
    • have a healthy friendship with a man or woman who is not your spouse?
    • better understand the relationship between sexuality and spirituality?
    • move beyond stereotyping to godly partnerships?

    God has created male and ...