Showing 411 - 420 of 1316 results

  • Excellence in Preaching: Studying the Craft of Leading Preachers, By Simon Vibert

    Excellence in Preaching

    Studying the Craft of Leading Preachers

    by Simon Vibert

    Preaching is a dangerously high calling in which mere mortals dare to speak on behalf of God. All too often, well-intentioned preachers preach poorly. But what do good preachers do well? And what can we learn from them? Simon Vibert has studied the work of today's leading preachers with an eye for discerning the dynamics of effective preaching. Each chapter profiles a contemporary preacher ...

  • The God Conversation: Using Stories and Illustrations to Explain Your Faith, By J. P. Moreland and Tim Muehlhoff

    The God Conversation

    Using Stories and Illustrations to Explain Your Faith

    by J. P. Moreland and Tim Muehlhoff
    Foreword by Lee Strobel

    Think of it this way . . . Our beliefs are challenged from many directions. Every day it seems more difficult to explain to our friends, families, and neighbors what we believe and why. When our ideas and arguments fail to persuade them, what then? Is there another approach we can take? Veteran apologists and communicators J. P. Moreland and Tim Muehlhoff say that the best way to win over others ...

  • Disability and the Church: A Vision for Diversity and Inclusion, By Lamar Hardwick

    Disability and the Church

    A Vision for Diversity and Inclusion

    by Lamar Hardwick
    Foreword by Bill Gaventa

    IVP Readers' Choice Award

    Lamar Hardwick was thirty-six years old when he found out he was on the autism spectrum. While this revelation helped him understand and process his own experience, it also prompted a difficult re-evaluation of who he was as a person. And as a pastor, it started him on a new path of considering the way disabled people are treated ...

  • Talking Back to Purity Culture: Rediscovering Faithful Christian Sexuality, By Rachel Joy Welcher

    Talking Back to Purity Culture

    Rediscovering Faithful Christian Sexuality

    by Rachel Joy Welcher
    Foreword by Scott Sauls

    It's time to talk back.

    The generation born into evangelical purity culture has grown up, and many have started families of their own. But as time goes on, it's becoming more evident that many still struggle with purity culture's complicated legacy—its idolization of virginity, its mixed messages about modesty and lust, and its promise of a healthy marriage and great sex for ...

  • Raising Sons of Promise: A Guide for Single Mothers of Boys, By Roland C. Warren

    Raising Sons of Promise

    A Guide for Single Mothers of Boys

    by Roland C. Warren
    With Heather Creekmore

    Millions of single mothers find themselves in the difficult position of raising boys alone. Many of those boys are at risk of falling behind in school or repeating the patterns of their own absent or neglectful fathers. Single mothers, who are often the only parental influence on their sons, are critical to reversing this troubling trend. But how?

    You might be wounded by the ...

  • Ending Human Trafficking: A Handbook of Strategies for the Church Today, By Shayne Moore and Sandra Morgan and Kimberly McOwen Yim

    Ending Human Trafficking

    A Handbook of Strategies for the Church Today

    by Shayne Moore, Sandra Morgan, and Kimberly McOwen Yim
    Foreword by Ambassador John Cotton Richmond

    Author Sandra Morgan awarded Wilberforce Award

    Human trafficking is one of the most pressing social justice issues of our time, and in recent years there has been renewed interest among Christians, as many have been stirred up to take their part in the ongoing battle. This is a wonderful thing—and yet misinformed and misguided efforts can do more harm than ...

  • Not Finished Yet: Trusting God with All My Feelings, By Sharon Garlough Brown

    Not Finished Yet

    Trusting God with All My Feelings

    by Sharon Garlough Brown
    Illustrated by Jessica Linn Evans

    Sometimes, you see, Wren and Gran didn't paint flowers or clouds or birds or trees.
    Sometimes they painted their feelings.
    She and Gran called it "painting prayers."

    Gran's art studio is one of Wren's favorite places in the world. Not only is it where Wren and Gran paint, but it's also where they talk about all the good and hard stuff of life—to each other, and ...

  • Do you want to discover the riches of Scripture? Do you want to draw closer to God? The Daily Quiet Time Bible Study was designed for your personal time of worship and study. Check back every day for a new study, and join the millions who have used this free devotional resource.

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