Showing 571 - 580 of 3705 results

  • The Gospel Code: Novel Claims About Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Da Vinci, By Ben Witherington III

    The Gospel Code

    Novel Claims About Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Da Vinci

    by Ben Witherington III

    Dan Brown's international bestseller The Da Vinci Code has raised many questions in the minds of readers.

    • Was Jesus really married to Mary Magdalene?
    • Did he father a child with her?
    • Did Constantine suppress the earliest Gospels and invent the doctrine of Christ's divinity?
    • Do the Gnostic Gospels represent the true Christian faith which the early church ...
  • The Other Side of the Wall: A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope, By Munther Isaac

    The Other Side of the Wall

    A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope

    by Munther Isaac

    A Palestinian Pastor's Invitation to Lament and Hope

    Christians have lived in Palestine since the earliest days of the Jesus movement. The Palestinian church predates Islam. Yet Palestinian Christians find themselves marginalized and ostracized. In the heated tensions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the voices of Palestinian Christians are often unheard and ignored.

    This ...

  • The Legacy of John Paul II: An Evangelical Assessment, Edited by Tim Perry

    The Legacy of John Paul II

    An Evangelical Assessment

    Edited by Tim Perry

    The papacy of John Paul II was phenomenal, and not least for the fact that many evangelicals came to honor and respect him. Running parallel with this pope's ministry was an unprecedented level of conversation between Protestant evangelicals and Roman Catholics. In the West, at least, there was a growing sense that in a post-Christian society it was time for Christians of orthodox faith to explore ...

  • The Church, By John Stott

    The Church

    God's Word for Today

    by John Stott
    With Tim Chester

    How can Christians effectively engage today's world while staying true to Scripture? Calling us to listen well to both the Word and the world, John Stott shows how Christianity can preserve its authentic identity and remain relevant to current realities. With the God's Word for Today series, pastor Tim Chester has updated Stott's classic book The Contemporary Christian ...

  • Misquoting Truth: A Guide to the Fallacies of Bart Ehrman's

    Misquoting Truth

    A Guide to the Fallacies of Bart Ehrman's "Misquoting Jesus"

    by Timothy Paul Jones

    "What good does it do to say that the words [of the Bible] are inspired by God if most people have absolutely no access to these words, but only to more or less clumsy renderings of these words into a language? . . . How does it help us to say that the Bible is the inerrant word of God if in fact we don't have the words that God inerrantly inspired? . . . We have only error-ridden copies, and ...

  • Evangelical Truth: A Personal Plea for Unity, Integrity  Faithfulness, By John Stott

    Evangelical Truth

    A Personal Plea for Unity, Integrity Faithfulness

    by John Stott

    • 2000 Christianity Today Award of Merit winner

    Evangelicalism has divided into various branches--conservative, progressive, Reformed, charismatic and more. Does any common ground remain that all can gladly affirm? From John Stott, one of evangelicalism's leading statesmen over the last fifty years, comes a statement that boldly places the trinitarian gospel ...

  • Providence & Prayer: How Does God Work in the World?, By Terrance L. Tiessen

    Providence & Prayer

    How Does God Work in the World?

    by Terrance L. Tiessen

    • Recipient of an Honourable Mention in the 2001 God Uses Ink Contest

    "Lord, please give me a parking space!"

    That prayer sounds right on your third time around the block, frustrated and late for an appointment. But is it consistent with how God works in the world?

    Does prayer change God's mind or only our feelings? Does God do things because ...

  • Being Human: The Nature of Spiritual Experience, By Ranald Macaulay and Jerram Barrs

    Being Human

    The Nature of Spiritual Experience

    by Ranald Macaulay and Jerram Barrs

    Who is right about what it means to be human? The Greeks envisioned an ideal humanity. Their ethereal sculptures depict a transcendent, spiritual model. But today many scientists view human beings as mere machines. And some believe we will be able to make machines with human-like intelligence in the near future. The biblical view of humanity is different from both of these. For the writers of ...