• How Neighborhoods Make Us Sick: Restoring Health and Wellness to Our Communities, By Veronica Squires and Breanna Lathrop

    How Neighborhoods Make Us Sick

    Restoring Health and Wellness to Our Communities

    by Veronica Squires and Breanna Lathrop

    Our neighborhoods are literally making us sick. Buildings with mold trigger asthma and other respiratory conditions. Geographic lack of access to food and health care increases childhood mortality. Community violence traumatizes residents. Poverty, unemployment, inadequate housing, food insecurity, racial injustice, and oppression cause physical changes in the body, resulting in ...

  • The Minority Experience: Navigating Emotional and Organizational Realities, By Adrian Pei

    The Minority Experience

    Navigating Emotional and Organizational Realities

    by Adrian Pei

    It's hard to be in the minority. If you're the only person from your ethnic or cultural background in your organization or team, you probably know what it's like to be misunderstood or marginalized. You might find yourself inadvertently overlooked or actively silenced. Even when a work environment is not blatantly racist or hostile, people of color often struggle to thrive—and ...

  • Welcoming Justice: God's Movement Toward Beloved Community, By Charles Marsh and John M. Perkins

    Welcoming Justice

    God's Movement Toward Beloved Community

    by Charles Marsh and John M. Perkins
    Foreword by Philip Yancey

    We have seen progress in recent decades toward Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream of beloved community. But this is not only because of the activism and sacrifice of a generation of civil rights leaders. It happened because God was on the move. Historian and theologian Charles Marsh partners with veteran activist John Perkins to chronicle God's vision for a more equitable and just world. Perkins reflects ...

  • Just Business: Christian Ethics for the Marketplace, By Alec Hill

    Just Business

    Christian Ethics for the Marketplace

    by Alec Hill

    When the daily business news breaks away from stories of profit and loss, it often shines a spotlight on ethical failures. But Christians aim to be ethical in all the areas of daily life and work—not just when the spotlight is on them. For those facing the many questions and quandaries of doing business with ethical integrity, Alec Hill offers a place to begin. In this third edition of a popular ...

  • Kingdom Collaborators: Eight Signature Practices of Leaders Who Turn the World Upside Down, By Reggie McNeal

    Kingdom Collaborators

    Eight Signature Practices of Leaders Who Turn the World Upside Down

    by Reggie McNeal

    "These who have turned the world upside down have come here too." (Acts 17:6) When Paul and Silas came to Thessalonica, they changed the community. How? By collaborating with God to bring his kingdom on earth. Will you collaborate on God's kingdom work in your community? If you're ready to see God move in all areas—business, education, media, arts, healthcare, spiritual growth, ...

  • The Economics of Neighborly Love: Investing in Your Community's Compassion and Capacity, By Tom Nelson

    The Economics of Neighborly Love

    Investing in Your Community's Compassion and Capacity

    by Tom Nelson

    The Gospel Coalition Book Award

    What does the good news of Jesus mean for economics?

    Too often, Christian teaching and ministry have focused only on the gospel's spiritual significance and ignored its physical, real-world ramifications. But loving our neighbor well has direct economic implications, and in our diverse and stratified society we need to grapple with them ...

  • Steward Leadership in the Nonprofit Organization, By Kent R. Wilson

    Steward Leadership in the Nonprofit Organization

    by Kent R. Wilson

    Most approaches to nonprofit organizational leadership are borrowed from the for-profit sector. But these models are often inadequate to address the issues nonprofit leaders face. We need a new framework for nonprofit management that is rooted in historical precedent and biblical principles yet is also appropriate for the nonprofit context. Nonprofit consultant and researcher Kent Wilson presents ...

  • The Jonathan Effect: Helping Kids and Schools Win the Battle Against Poverty, By Mike Tenbusch

    The Jonathan Effect

    Helping Kids and Schools Win the Battle Against Poverty

    by Mike Tenbusch

    America may be called the "land of opportunity," but countless kids and teens are struggling like young Davids in the urban wilderness, attempting to fight the giant of poverty under insurmountable odds. What could make a difference? The presence of a "Jonathan" in their lives to offer them the life-giving support they need to survive and thrive. The church is the best source of these Jonathans, ...

  • Power and Poverty: Divine and Human Rule in a World of Need, By Dewi Hughes

    Power and Poverty

    Divine and Human Rule in a World of Need

    by Dewi Hughes
    Foreword by Christopher J. H. Wright

    Author and theologian Dewi Arwel Hughes's conviction is that the suffering, through poverty, of such a vast number of people in our day is overwhelmingly the result of the misuse of power by others. In this wide-ranging, challenging book he unpacks a convicting thesis: that poverty has to do with the way in which we human beings use and abuse the power God gave us when he created us. Hughes challenges ...

  • Redeeming Law: Christian Calling and the Legal Profession, By Michael P. Schutt

    Redeeming Law

    Christian Calling and the Legal Profession

    by Michael P. Schutt

    Being a Christian lawyer is possible, but not easy. Law professor Michael Schutt believes that although there are significant obstacles, Christians belong in the legal profession and should regard it as a sacred calling. The Christian God is, after all, a God concerned with justice, both divine and human. However, the pathway beginning with law school and leading to the daily demands of practice ...

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