• Breaking the Huddle: How Your Community Can Grow Its Witness, By Don Everts and Doug Schaupp and Val Gordon

    Breaking the Huddle

    How Your Community Can Grow Its Witness

    by Don Everts, Doug Schaupp, and Val Gordon

    • 15th Annual Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year - Evangelism

    Most Christians are stuck in the huddle. Even though we believe in outreach, most communities tend to focus on our own needs. That turns us into insular groups without many relationships with outsiders. So evangelism is occasional and conversions are rare. How do we change? In their ...

  • Gender & Grace: Love, Work  Parenting in a Changing World, By Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen

    Gender & Grace

    Love, Work Parenting in a Changing World

    by Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen

    • Winner of a 1991 Christianity Today Critics' Choice Award (1st place; contemporary issues).

    How are men and women different?

    How does being a male or a female affect us at work? What are the roles of husband and wife in marriage and parenting? What does Christianity have to do with any of these things?

    Sexual identity lies at the core of the crucial ...

  • What About Those Who Have Never Heard?: Three Views on the Destiny of the Unevangelized, Edited by Gabriel J. Fackre and Ronald H. Nash and John Sanders

    What About Those Who Have Never Heard?

    Three Views on the Destiny of the Unevangelized

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by Gabriel J. Fackre, Ronald H. Nash, and John Sanders

    Voted one of Christianity Today's Books of the Year

    What is the fate of those who die never hearing the gospel? Do Hindus, Jews, agnostics and others who do not profess faith in Christ really suffer damnation after death? These and similar questions have long been contemplated by people from every religious persuasion and every walk of life. But in ...

  • Steward Leadership in the Nonprofit Organization, By Kent R. Wilson

    Steward Leadership in the Nonprofit Organization

    by Kent R. Wilson

    Most approaches to nonprofit organizational leadership are borrowed from the for-profit sector. But these models are often inadequate to address the issues nonprofit leaders face. We need a new framework for nonprofit management that is rooted in historical precedent and biblical principles yet is also appropriate for the nonprofit context. Nonprofit consultant and researcher Kent Wilson presents ...

  • Transforming Discipleship, By Greg Ogden

    Transforming Discipleship

    by Greg Ogden

    Many church leaders, yearning for church growth, look to the latest evangelistic strategies or seeker-targeted worship services. But lack of growth might not be due to lack of concern for new people—it may be because we are not effectively discipling the people we already have. Greg Ogden address the need for discipleship in the local church and recovers Jesus' method of accomplishing life change ...

  • Evangelism for Non-Evangelists: Sharing the Gospel Authentically, By Mark R. Teasdale

    Evangelism for Non-Evangelists

    Sharing the Gospel Authentically

    by Mark R. Teasdale

    Evangelism. The very word makes palms sweat and images spin: buttonholing in a city park, knocking on neighborhood doors, being conscripted into evangelistic campaigns, to say nothing of that annoying religious neighbor or coworker. We have met the evangelists—and they are not us. If evangelism is the welcome door to faith, why does it grate open on rusting hinges? ...

  • Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines That Shape the Church for Mission, By David E. Fitch

    Faithful Presence

    Seven Disciplines That Shape the Church for Mission

    by David E. Fitch

    • Missio Alliance Essential Reading List of 2016

    In our quest to renew the church, Christians have walked through seeker-friendly, emergent, missional, and other movements to develop new expressions of the body of Christ. Now in the post-Christian world in North America we're asking the question again: Is there a way to be the church that engages the world, not by ...

  • Becoming a Pastor Theologian: New Possibilities for Church Leadership, Edited by Todd Wilson and Gerald L. Hiestand

    Becoming a Pastor Theologian

    New Possibilities for Church Leadership

    Center for Pastor Theologians Series

    Edited by Todd Wilson and Gerald L. Hiestand

    The roles of pastor and theologian have gone their separate ways. Throughout much of the church's history, these two roles have been deeply intertwined, but in our contemporary setting, a troubling bifurcation between them has developed. The result has been a theologically weakened church and an ecclesially weakened theology. The Center for Pastor Theologians (CPT) seeks to overcome ...

  • Race and Place: How Urban Geography Shapes the Journey to Reconciliation, By David P. Leong

    Race and Place

    How Urban Geography Shapes the Journey to Reconciliation

    by David P. Leong
    Foreword by Soong-Chan Rah

    Geography matters. We long for diverse, thriving neighborhoods and churches, yet racial injustices persist. Why? Because geographic structures and systems create barriers to reconciliation and prevent the flourishing of our communities. Race and Place reveals the profound ways in which these geographic forces and structures sustain the divisions among us. Urban missiologist ...

  • The Jonathan Effect: Helping Kids and Schools Win the Battle Against Poverty, By Mike Tenbusch

    The Jonathan Effect

    Helping Kids and Schools Win the Battle Against Poverty

    by Mike Tenbusch

    America may be called the "land of opportunity," but countless kids and teens are struggling like young Davids in the urban wilderness, attempting to fight the giant of poverty under insurmountable odds. What could make a difference? The presence of a "Jonathan" in their lives to offer them the life-giving support they need to survive and thrive. The church is the best source of these Jonathans, ...

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