• Worship and the Reality of God: An Evangelical Theology of Real Presence, By John Jefferson Davis

    Worship and the Reality of God

    An Evangelical Theology of Real Presence

    by John Jefferson Davis

    Is God missing from our worship? Obstacles to true worship are not about contemporary or traditional music, electronic gadgetry or seeker sensitivity. Rather it is the habits of mind and heart, conditioned by our surrounding culture, that hinder our faith in the real presence of the transcendent God among his people. Sensing a real need for renewal, John Jefferson Davis offers a theology of worship ...

  • The Dangerous Act of Worship: Living God's Call to Justice, By Mark Labberton

    The Dangerous Act of Worship

    Living God's Call to Justice

    by Mark Labberton
    Foreword by John Ortberg

    What's at stake in our worship? Everything. Worship is the dangerous act of waking up to God and God's purposes in the world. But something has gone wrong with our worship. Too often worship has become a place of safety and complacency, a narrowly private experience in which solitary individuals only express their personal adoration. Even when we gather corporately, we often close our eyes to those ...

  • Unceasing Worship: Biblical Perspectives on Worship and the Arts, By Harold M. Best

    Unceasing Worship

    Biblical Perspectives on Worship and the Arts

    by Harold M. Best

    One of Discerning Reader's Best Books

    We are not created to worship. Nor are we created for worship. We are created worshiping.

    Too often Christians have only thought of worship in terms of particular musical styles or liturgical formats. But a proper view of worship is far larger than what takes place in churches on Sunday mornings. ...

  • To Know You More: Cultivating the Heart of the Worship Leader, By Andy Park

    To Know You More

    Cultivating the Heart of the Worship Leader

    by Andy Park

    • The WorshipMusic.com 2003 Book of the Year

    Andy Park writes, "I've learned through the years that becoming a worship leader involves far more than developing a set of skills--it's all about developing a life in God." Here's your opportunity to sit at the feet of one who has for twenty-five years led contemporary worship services in the United States and Canada. ...

  • Christ, Baptism and the Lord's Supper: Recovering the Sacraments for Evangelical Worship, By Leonard J. Vander Zee

    Christ, Baptism and the Lord's Supper

    Recovering the Sacraments for Evangelical Worship

    by Leonard J. Vander Zee

    Winner of a Christianity Today Book Award

    Baptism. The Lord's Supper. We recognize these church practices. But do we really grasp their meaning and place in Christian worship? Is our neglect of them hindering our communion with Christ? Are we missing the real drama of our salvation?

    Often the object of debate, the sacraments are likewise neglected and superficially ...

  • Liturgical Theology: The Church as Worshiping Community, By Simon  Chan

    Liturgical Theology

    The Church as Worshiping Community

    by Simon Chan

    Bad worship produces bad theology, and bad theology produces an unhealthy church. In Liturgical Theology, Simon Chan issues a call to evangelicals to develop a mature theology of the church--an ecclesiology that is grounded in the church's identity as a worshiping community. Evangelicals, he argues, are confused about the meaning and purpose of the church in part because they have an inadequate ...

  • Drama Team Handbook, By Alison Siewert and others

    Drama Team Handbook

    by Alison Siewert and others

    Drama has power. It can awaken us. Make us curious. Reveal our inner desires and passions. Remind us of our foolishness. Drama has power in worship. It can snap us out of our Sunday morning (or Saturday night) trance. It can draw us into the story of Scripture. It can help us see our sin. It can motivate us to change. But drama can also be dull, predictable, guilt-inducing and just plain ...

  • ChurchNext: Quantum Changes in How We Do Ministry, By Eddie Gibbs


    Quantum Changes in How We Do Ministry

    by Eddie Gibbs

    • A 2001 Christianity Today Book of the Year

    What will the church be next? CHANGE IS NOW. Competition from nontraditional and Eastern religions join with the pressures of both modernism and postmodernism to squeeze Christianity. While new church models have sprung up to meet these challenges, they each have strengths and limitations. Eddie Gibbs, a well-known ...

  • Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace, By James B. Torrance

    Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace

    by James B. Torrance

    Here is a book that sets our worship, sacraments, communion and language of God back on track. In a day when refinement of method and quality of experience are the guiding lights for many Christians, James Torrance points us to the indispensable who of worship, the triune God of grace. Worship is the gift of participating through the Spirit in the incarnate Son's communion with the Father, ...

  • 10 Great Ideas from Church History: A Decision-Maker's Guide to Shaping Your Church, By Mark R. Shaw

    10 Great Ideas from Church History

    A Decision-Maker's Guide to Shaping Your Church

    by Mark R. Shaw

    Tired of following the latest church-growth fad? In many churches, building vision means embracing the ideas of the latest guru and jumping from one program to another. Ministry decisions are made according to the crisis of the moment or the pressures of the bottom line. Long-term planning can seem like an impossible dream. This book offers something different. Here are ideas that have stood the ...

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