• Men and Women in the Church: Building Consensus on Christian Leadership, By Sarah Sumner

    Men and Women in the Church

    Building Consensus on Christian Leadership

    by Sarah Sumner
    Foreword by Phillip E. Johnson

    Evangelicals stand divided in their view of women in the church. On one side stand complementarians, arguing the full worth of women but assigning them to differing roles. On the other side stand egalitarians, arguing that the full worth of women demands their equal treatment and access to leadership roles. Is there a way to mend the breach and build consensus? Sarah Sumner thinks there is. Avoiding ...

  • Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City  the People of God, By Harvie M. Conn and Manuel Ortiz

    Urban Ministry

    The Kingdom, the City the People of God

    by Harvie M. Conn and Manuel Ortiz

    No. 3 in the Academy of Parish Clergy Top Ten Books of the Year

    The city presents serious challenges that cry out for answers: poverty, racism, human exploitation and government corruption. How can the church move ahead in the midst of these demands with the gospel of hope?

    Here, in one comprehensive volume, Harvie Conn and Manuel Ortiz, two noted scholars and proven ...

  • Renewing the City: Reflections on Community Development and Urban Renewal, By Robert D. Lupton

    Renewing the City

    Reflections on Community Development and Urban Renewal

    by Robert D. Lupton
    Foreword by Raymond J. Bakke

    When an expatriate bureaucrat toured a devastated city, he saw more than ashes and ruins. He envisioned a thriving metropolis where God's people could find safety and community. Likewise, when we consider today's urban challenges, we can be daunted by corruption and despair, or we can see opportunities for rejuvenation, restoration and rebirth. Community developer and urban activist Robert D. Lupton ...

  • The Urban Christian, By Raymond J. Bakke and Jim Hart

    The Urban Christian

    by Raymond J. Bakke and Jim Hart

    • An Eternity 1988 Book of the Year

    There are millions of opportunities for the gospel. With half of the world's five billion people in cities, there is almost no end to the exciting challenges that await us. Ray Bakke has been there. For over twenty years he and his family have worked with and love the people of today's cities, bringing a message of ...

  • A Theology as Big as the City, By Raymond J. Bakke

    A Theology as Big as the City

    by Raymond J. Bakke

    "As we look at the world-class cities around our planet, we face five new urban realities: a crack cocaine epidemic, assault weapons, massive numbers of homeless children, HIV/AIDS and (in the U.S.) what Time magazine has called `the browning of America.' The needs of the urban population are greater than ever. . . . As our cities swell with immigrants, I'm reminded that Jesus was born ...

  • Trinitarian Theology for the Church: Scripture, Community, Worship, Edited by Daniel J. Treier and David Lauber

    Trinitarian Theology for the Church

    Scripture, Community, Worship

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Daniel J. Treier and David Lauber

    The doctrine of the Trinity has gained considerable attention in recent years. These select essays, brought together from the 2008 Wheaton College Theology Conference by editors Daniel J. Treier and David Lauber, show both the substance and the importance of the doctrine for our worship, our reading of Scripture and the mission of the church. This collection provides a helpful orientation to the ...

  • Bored with God: How Parents, Youth Leaders and Teachers Can Overcome Student Apathy, By Sean Dunn

    Bored with God

    How Parents, Youth Leaders and Teachers Can Overcome Student Apathy

    by Sean Dunn

    You know that part of the Old Testament where the priest finds a suspicious sore on your arm and shaves a ring around it? A week later the priest takes another look to see if the skin has gotten better or if the sore has spread. If it's spreading, the priest knows you've got a big problem on your hands. Like most diseases, apathy surfaces in observable symptoms that are frustrating to its victims ...

  • Stewards in the Kingdom: A Theology of Life in All Its Fullness, By R. Scott Rodin

    Stewards in the Kingdom

    A Theology of Life in All Its Fullness

    by R. Scott Rodin

    Too often we think stewardship concerns only the money we give to the church. But in the image of the steward, the Bible offers a perspective on our entire relationship with God. Here we have a full and fresh picture of being Jesus' disciples and living life in all its fullness. R. Scott Rodin unpacks what it means for us to be stewards in the kingdom of the triune God of grace. This theology of ...

  • Homosexuality: The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate, By Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse


    The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate

    by Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse

    How prevalent is homosexuality? What causes it? Is it a psychopathology? Can it be changed?

    Questions like these often accompany discussions of homosexual behavior. For answers we naturally look to scientific studies. But what does the scientific research actually show? More important, what place should this research have in shaping the church's response?

    Stanton Jones and Mark Yarhouse ...

  • Spiritual Direction: A Guide to Giving and Receiving Direction, By Gordon T. Smith

    Spiritual Direction

    A Guide to Giving and Receiving Direction

    by Gordon T. Smith

    We are not alone. God is present with us. And God gives us companions on the journey. A spiritual director is one such companion, offering spiritual guidance to help

    • make sense of the faith journey
    • interpret the significant markers on the road
    • encourage us, particularly through the more difficult transitions and valleys of our pilgrimage
    • and, most of all, to notice ...

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