• Sustainable Youth Ministry: Why Most Youth Ministry Doesn't Last and What Your Church Can Do About It, By Mark DeVries

    Sustainable Youth Ministry

    Why Most Youth Ministry Doesn't Last and What Your Church Can Do About It

    by Mark DeVries

    You're looking for a youth pastor. Again. What goes wrong? Why do youth ministries crumble? And what is the cost to students, parents, volunteers and church staff? Is a sustainable youth ministry possible, even after a youth pastor leaves? Youth ministry expert Mark DeVries knows the answer is yes, because he helps build sustainable youth ministries through his coaching service called Youth Ministry ...

  • Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church's Mission, By Amy Simpson

    Troubled Minds

    Mental Illness and the Church's Mission

    by Amy Simpson
    Foreword by Marshall Shelley

    Christianity Today Book Award Winner
    Leadership Journal Book Award

    Mental illness is the sort of thing we don't like to talk about. It doesn't reduce nicely to simple solutions and happy outcomes. So instead, too often we reduce people who are mentally ill to caricatures and ghosts, and simply pretend they don't exist. They do exist, however—statistics ...

  • Organizational Leadership: Foundations and Practices for Christians, Edited by Jack Burns and John R. Shoup and Donald C. Simmons Jr.

    Organizational Leadership

    Foundations and Practices for Christians

    Edited by Jack Burns, John R. Shoup, and Donald C. Simmons Jr.

    Kingdom leadership does not begin and end at the church door. Christians are called to conduct leadership in government, commerce, schools, neighborhoods, families, para-church ministries and a myriad other contexts. God has given us many gifts, and our responsibility is to be stewards of those gifts, and use them to do the King?s work. In that context, this comprehensive text explores key ...

  • Made to Flourish: Beyond Quick Fixes to a Thriving Organization, By Shelley G. Trebesch

    Made to Flourish

    Beyond Quick Fixes to a Thriving Organization

    by Shelley G. Trebesch

    Every organization is made to flourish. But when problems arise, quick fixes and poor leadership training can drag it down. The key to a thriving team is to look below the surface at the hidden dynamics that can cause it to lose focus, turn inward or even cease to exist. Budget problems, personality conflicts, mission drift, government regulations—all these and more can tempt us to respond rapidly ...

  • Jonathan Edwards and the Ministry of the Word: A Model of Faith and Thought, By Douglas A. Sweeney

    Jonathan Edwards and the Ministry of the Word

    A Model of Faith and Thought

    by Douglas A. Sweeney

    Jonathan Edwards has been recognized as the most influential evangelical theologian of all time. Before his death at the age of fifty-four, he had sparked a new movement of Reformed evangelicals who played a major role in fueling the rise of modern missions, preaching revivals far and wide, and wielding the cutting edge of American theology. He has never gone out of print, and Christians today continue ...

  • C. Stacey Woods and the Evangelical Rediscovery of the University, By A. Donald MacLeod

    C. Stacey Woods and the Evangelical Rediscovery of the University

    by A. Donald MacLeod

    • The Word Guild 2008 Canadian Christian Writing Awards winner

    C. Stacey Woods was a moving force in mid-century American evangelicalism. The Australian-born, Brethren-bred Woods came to Canada to head InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at the age of 24. He went on to become as well the first general secretary of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in the United States. ...

  • The Church in Exile: Living in Hope After Christendom, By Lee Beach

    The Church in Exile

    Living in Hope After Christendom

    by Lee Beach
    Foreword by Walter Brueggemann

    The people of God throughout history have been a people of exile and diaspora. Whether under the Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks or Romans, the people chosen by God have had to learn how to be a holy people in alien lands and under foreign rule. For much of its history, however, the Christian church lived with the sense of being at home in the world, with considerable influence and power. That ...

  • Recovering the Full Mission of God: A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing and Telling, By Dean Flemming

    Recovering the Full Mission of God

    A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing and Telling

    by Dean Flemming

    Is our gospel witness too small? Should the gospel be proclaimed in words only? Or should we preach the gospel in deeds—and when necessary use words? Or are we missing something in playing the witness of words against deeds? If you are concerned about evangelizing the post-Christian West or the world beyond, you have probably debated this issue. And evangelical instincts drive us to Scripture. ...

  • Engaging with God: A Biblical Theology of Worship, By David G. Peterson

    Engaging with God

    A Biblical Theology of Worship

    by David G. Peterson
    Foreword by I. Howard Marshall

    Worship is of immense concern in the church and ironically the source of controversy and dispute. Can we get behind the question of what style of worship we should engage in to understand the bedrock foundation for God's people--honoring him as he desires? Is the dissatisfaction with worship voiced by so many perhaps a result of our having wandered from biblical teaching on the subject? Through ...

  • Shepherds After My Own Heart: Pastoral Traditions and Leadership in the Bible, By Timothy S. Laniak

    Shepherds After My Own Heart

    Pastoral Traditions and Leadership in the Bible

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Timothy S. Laniak
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Scripture says, "I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding" (Jeremiah 3:15). Most of Israel's pastoral imagery is grounded in two traditions: Moses as God's under-shepherd and David as shepherd-king. These traditions, explains author Timothy S. Laniak, provided prototypes for leaders that followed, and formed the background for the ministry ...

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