• Apologetic Preaching: Proclaiming Christ to a Postmodern World, By Craig A. Loscalzo

    Apologetic Preaching

    Proclaiming Christ to a Postmodern World

    by Craig A. Loscalzo

    How can we preach when traditional approaches no longer work? While dealing with apologetic issues about relativism and faith was once reserved for non-Christians, today even regular churchgoers have questions that need to be addressed. But not only do they have questions, they often seem to have a totally different mindset of skepticism and doubt that resists authoritative presentations ...

  • Why Should Anyone Believe Anything at All?, By James W. Sire

    Why Should Anyone Believe Anything at All?

    by James W. Sire

    • A Christianity Today 1995 Books of the Year Finalist

    Believing. Most of us take it for granted. We just do it--whether it's trusting that the sun will come up tomorrow, that the lunch we are about to eat is not poisoned or that our religious beliefs are not ill-founded. But why should we believe any of these things? Why should anyone believe anything at ...

  • Why Good Arguments Often Fail: Making a More Persuasive Case for Christ, By James W. Sire

    Why Good Arguments Often Fail

    Making a More Persuasive Case for Christ

    by James W. Sire

    You gave it your best shot. You made the best case you knew how, and your friend still wasn't persuaded to follow Christ. Why is it that solid, rational arguments for the Christian faith often fail? For over fifty years James Sire, noted author and public defender of the Christian faith, has asked himself that question. Sometimes, of course, the arguments themselves just aren't that good. How can ...

  • No Argument for God: Going Beyond Reason in Conversations About Faith, By John Wilkinson

    No Argument for God

    Going Beyond Reason in Conversations About Faith

    by John Wilkinson

    Religion is irrational! New atheists trumpet the claim loudly, so much so that it's become a sort of conventional wisdom. Professing your faith in God sounds increasingly like a confession of intellectual feebleness. Belief in God sounds as cute and quaint as it does pointless. John Wilkinson contends that the irrationality of faith is its greatest asset, because rationalism itself sets artificial ...

  • A Vision for the Aging Church: Renewing Ministry for and by Seniors, By James M. Houston and Michael Parker

    A Vision for the Aging Church

    Renewing Ministry for and by Seniors

    by James M. Houston and Michael Parker

    Are we ready for the opportunities and challenges facing the aging church? Now is the time for the church to offer ministry to its increasing numbers of seniors and to benefit from ministry they can offer. In this book James M. Houston and Michael Parker issue an urgent call to reconceive the place and part of the elderly and seniors in the local church congregation. Confronting the idea that ...

  • Crossover Preaching: Intercultural-Improvisational Homiletics in Conversation with Gardner C. Taylor, By Jared E. Alcántara

    Crossover Preaching

    Intercultural-Improvisational Homiletics in Conversation with Gardner C. Taylor

    Strategic Initiatives in Evangelical Theology

    by Jared E. Alcántara

    As society becomes more culturally diverse and globally connected, churches and seminaries are rapidly changing. And as the church changes, preaching must change too. Crossover Preaching proposes a way forward through conversation with the "dean of the nation's black preachers," Gardner C. Taylor, senior pastor emeritus of Concord Baptist Church in Brooklyn, New York. In this richly interdisciplinary ...

  • The Recovery-Minded Church: Loving and Ministering to People With Addiction, By Jonathan Benz

    The Recovery-Minded Church

    Loving and Ministering to People With Addiction

    by Jonathan Benz
    With Kristina Robb-Dover

    You want to have vibrant and healthy relationships with those who struggle with addiction in your church and community. But you find yourself wondering how to meet their needs in a wise, helpful and God-honoring way. The Recovery-Minded Church addresses the pressing questions you are facing in ministering to those with addictions. Here you will discover a clinically informed, biblical ...

  • Ashamed No More: A Pastor's Journey Through Sex Addiction, By T. C. Ryan

    Ashamed No More

    A Pastor's Journey Through Sex Addiction

    by T. C. Ryan
    Foreword by Walter Wangerin Jr.

    There are some things we just don't talk about. Things like sex, particularly when our sexuality is a matter of personal struggle. Things like the vulnerabilities of our pastors, who must maintain a façade not merely of respectability but of moral and psychological superiority. We don't talk about things that make us feel insecure, that make us feel unsettled. But the nature of spiritual growth, ...

  • The Healing Journey for Adult Children of Alcoholics, By Daryl E. Quick

    The Healing Journey for Adult Children of Alcoholics

    by Daryl E. Quick

    I feel like people leave me abandoned all the time. Sometimes I'm so afraid for what seems like no reason. I just don't seem to have any energy. Why do the same thoughts keep racing through my mind? I usually don't feel happy or sad. If there isn't real excitement, I feel bored. I want to be close to people, but I just never make it. Do you see yourself in this list? Children of alcoholic ...

  • Making Neighborhoods Whole: A Handbook for Christian Community Development, By Wayne Gordon and John M. Perkins

    Making Neighborhoods Whole

    A Handbook for Christian Community Development

    by Wayne Gordon and John M. Perkins
    Foreword by Shane Claiborne

    Already with decades of experience speaking prophetically into the charged racial climate of the American south, John Perkins began to see a need for organized thinking and collaborative imagination about how the church engages urban ministry. And so the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) was born, with Wayne Gordon an immediate and enthusiastic participant. Nearly thirty years ...

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