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Acts 1–12: Part 1: God's Power in Jerusalem and Judea, By Phyllis J. Le Peau

Acts 1–12

Part 1: God's Power in Jerusalem and Judea

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Phyllis J. Le Peau

Do you ever feel powerless?

The people of the early church discovered what true power looks like. Jesus transformed their lives—and they changed the world!

Acts is the extraordinary record of what these early Christian disciples did. The power that you see in action in this book is the same power that can transform your life. As Phyllis J. Le Peau leads you through the ...

Number of Studies: 12

Acts 13–28: Part 2: God's Power at the Ends of the Earth, By Phyllis J. Le Peau

Acts 13–28

Part 2: God's Power at the Ends of the Earth

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Phyllis J. Le Peau

Do you ever feel powerless?

The people of the early church discovered what true power looks like. Jesus transformed their lives—and they changed the world!

Acts is the extraordinary record of what these early Christian disciples did. The power that you see in action in this book is the same power that can transform your life. As Phyllis J. Le Peau leads you through the ...

Number of Studies: 12

Apostles' Creed, By Alister McGrath

Apostles' Creed

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Alister McGrath

"I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth."

This six-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, based on Alister McGrath's book I Believe, introduces us to the Apostles' Creed and the essential truths about God the Father, the person and work of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Christians indeed trust in God, and the basics of our faith have remained the ...

Number of Studies: 6

Christian Beliefs, By Stephen Eyre

Christian Beliefs

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Stephen Eyre

Christian beliefs are vital to Christian living. They are the foundation of your relationship with God—and even with others. So . . . what do Christians believe? In this twelve-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Stephen Eyre introduces one by one twelve key tenets of the Christian faith. Here is what you need to know (and tell others!) about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, human nature, sin, ...

Number of Studies: 12

Christian Character, By Andrea Sterk and Peter Scazzero

Christian Character

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Andrea Sterk and Peter Scazzero

Compassion, humility, faith, perseverance. We long for the beauty of Christ to be reflected in our lives. Such character comes only as the Spirit of God transforms us through the Word of God. This twelve-session LifeGuide® Bible Study will help you along your journey toward becoming all that God created you to be. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical ...

Number of Studies: 12

Christian Community, By Rob Suggs

Christian Community

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Rob Suggs

One of the greatest gifts that Christ has given us is each other. Through Christ's body, the church, we discover our unique gifts and experience worship, healing and power. In this ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Rob Suggs leads us to grow in community—loving and nurturing one another, and in reflecting Christ's love to the world around us. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible ...

Number of Studies: 10

Depending on Jesus: Discovering the Sufficiency of Christ, By Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

Depending on Jesus

Discovering the Sufficiency of Christ

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

As believers know we have to depend on Jesus for many things: for salvation, for guidance, for forgiveness, for daily needs. But to depend on Christ for everything? Excluding nothing? It's a scary—but also a profoundly biblical—idea. In this ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, you'll explore instances of biblical people learning that they could rely on Christ to see them through, ...

Number of Studies: 10

Distorted Images of God: Restoring Our Vision, By Dale Ryan and Juanita Ryan

Distorted Images of God

Restoring Our Vision

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Dale Ryan and Juanita Ryan

Though we say God is loving, trustworthy and all-powerful, our actions and thoughts reveal the subtle and not-so-subtle lies we're believing: that God is impossible to please, manipulative, and likely to abandon us. Written with compassion and conviction, this eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study brings to light our distorted thinking and points us to the truth of who God is—the ...

Number of Studies: 8

Distorted Images of Self: Restoring Our Vision, By Dale Ryan and Juanita Ryan

Distorted Images of Self

Restoring Our Vision

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Dale Ryan and Juanita Ryan

The way we think and feel about ourselves is one of the most important things about us—affecting our peace of mind, our creativity, and our ability to engage meaningfully in the world. Perhaps most importantly, it impacts our relationships with others, including our relationship with God. This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study by Dale and Juanita Ryan is designed to help us take ...

Number of Studies: 8

Encountering Jesus, By Douglas Connelly

Encountering Jesus

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Douglas Connelly

Jesus can change you, no matter what your life situation. He can give you peace, hope and joy in the most desperate circumstances. But you need a life-changing encounter with him. In this eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Douglas Connelly examines the stories of how eight people--among them a scholar, a failure, a blind man and an adulteress--found their lives changed forever ...

Number of Studies: 8

Faith: Depending on God, By Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen


Depending on God

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

Why don't I get what I pray for? Do I wait in faith for God to change a bad situation, or do I step out in faith to look for change? Why don't I feel more confident that God will help me? If you ever struggle with uncertainties about faith, you'll find good company in the pages of the Bible. Dale and Sandy Larsen lead you through nine LifeGuide® Bible studies on people who struggled ...

Number of Studies: 9

Following Jesus, By Douglas Connelly

Following Jesus

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Douglas Connelly

In this study Douglas Connelly looks at various metaphors for how we grow more spiritually mature in Christ, including running a race, carrying a cross, constructing a building, fighting a battle and more. This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a "Now or Later" section following ...

Number of Studies: 8

Fruit of the Spirit, By Hazel Offner

Fruit of the Spirit

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Hazel Offner

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. To be spiritually mature is to show the fruit of the Spirit of Christ in our lives. These nine-session LifeGuide® studies from Old and New Testament passages highlight each quality and inspire us to nurture the Spirit's fruit in our lives. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided ...

Number of Studies: 9

Galatians: Why God Accepts Us, By Jack Kuhatschek


Why God Accepts Us

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Jack Kuhatschek

The human acceptance we long for often comes only if we are attractive, smart, wealthy or powerful. And God's standards seem even higher. We think we must work harder, live better, pray longer and witness to more people to get on God's good side. In his letter to the Galatians, Paul shows us the true source of our acceptance--Jesus Christ. These eleven-session LifeGuide® Bible studies ...

Number of Studies: 11

God's Love: Knowing God Through the Psalms, By Ruth Ann Ridley

God's Love

Knowing God Through the Psalms

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Ruth Ann Ridley

God cares for you in many ways! He offers help, calms your fears, guides you and strengthens you. In this ten session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Ruth Ann Ridley helps you explore the Psalms, showing how these songs of God's people reveal the character, love and care of God. By reading, studying and praying Psalms--and by applying their teaching to your life--you will discover how God ...

Number of Studies: 10

God's Word: Power to Shape Our Lives, By Cindy Bunch

God's Word

Power to Shape Our Lives

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Cindy Bunch

You love God's Word. You want Scripture to inform you daily life and seep deep into your soul. Yet too often Bible study becomes a mere fact-finding exercise or a dull, spiritless routine. How can Bible reading shape you and transform you? How can you meet God face to face while pondering his message in the Old and New Testaments? Cindy Bunch has written this practical nine session LifeGuide® ...

Number of Studies: 9

Good News: The Meaning of the Gospel, By Jack Kuhatschek

Good News

The Meaning of the Gospel

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Jack Kuhatschek

This nine-session LifeGuide Bible study explores not only the question, "What must I do to be saved?" but also will help groups understand the meaning of the good news: that is, the incredibly broad scope of what God has done, is doing, and will do in the future to reconcile all things to himself through Jesus Christ. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content ...

Number of Studies: 9

Heaven: Finding Our True Home, By Douglas Connelly


Finding Our True Home

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Douglas Connelly

Heaven is hard for us to picture. We think of floating on clouds, singing praises and playing harps, or walking on streets of gold. While we know we want to go to heaven, we are a little nervous about what it will be like. In this eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study provide a biblical perspective on heaven--something richer and more exciting than we can imagine. For over three decades ...

Number of Studies: 8

Heroes of Faith, By Douglas Connelly

Heroes of Faith

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Douglas Connelly

Abraham and Sarah. Noah. Rahab. Hebrews 11 gives us a list of role models: ordinary people who trusted God in radical ways. This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study on the heroes of faith from Hebrews will encourage you, inspire you and help deepen your own trust in our great God who still keeps all his promises, so that you might live out your faith in radical ways today. For over ...

Number of Studies: 8

Hope: Your Heart's Deepest Longings, By Jack Kuhatschek


Your Heart's Deepest Longings

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Jack Kuhatschek

Sometimes hope becomes so real that it's almost tangible. But at other times--especially when tragedy or hardship intrudes--you wonder whether your hope will fail, leaving you exposed, vulnerable and overwhelmed. This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Jack Kuhatschek leads you to explore both sides of hope. You'll confront doubts and fears, and you'll anticipate the great joy that ...

Number of Studies: 8

I Am: Discovering Who Jesus Is, By Douglas Connelly

I Am

Discovering Who Jesus Is

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Douglas Connelly

In eight studies, Douglas Connelly looks at the "I Am" statements of Jesus. In the midst of friends' grief, a crowd's hunger and followers' fear, Jesus made some bold claims: "I am the Resurrection." "I am the Bread of Life." "I am the Way." His claims are still true in our grief, fear and uncertainty. This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible studies helps us see Jesus more clearly and live ...

Number of Studies: 8

Images of Christ, By Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

Images of Christ

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

Good Shepherd. Branch. Bridegroom. Cornerstone. There are many images of Christ in Scripture. Some of these word-portraits are easier for us to grasp than others, but each reveals an important aspect of who Christ is. By helping us understand the different images, these ten session LifeGuide® Bible Study by Dale and Sandy Larsen lead us to know and respond to the reality behind the ...

Number of Studies: 10

Images of Christians: 8 Studies for Individuals or Groups, By Bill Weimer

Images of Christians

8 Studies for Individuals or Groups

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Bill Weimer

Scripture offers various metaphors and motifs for God's people: sheep, salt and light, branches, clay jars, friends, disciples, and more. This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study explores some of the images that can form and shape our life with God.

For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking ...

Number of Studies: 8

Images of God, By Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

Images of God

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

Rock. Warrior. Peacemaker. Builder. Husband. Potter. The pictures of God in Scripture are multifaceted. In each of these ten session LifeGuide® Bible Study guide, Dale and Sandy Larsen show you another aspect of your powerful and peaceful Lord. But the purpose of this guide goes far beyond surveying the images of God. The Larsens also lead you to focus on your relationship to the reality ...

Number of Studies: 10

Images of the Spirit, By Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

Images of the Spirit

LifeGuide Bible Studies

by Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

How do you picture the Holy Spirit? Our imagination is likely to run to something like a vague fuzzy cloud. Or perhaps we think of an invisible, impersonal force. No wonder the Holy Spirit is often called "it." While Christians affirm that the Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, we struggle to think of him as a person at all. The Bible is clear that the Holy Spirit is a person. But how ...

Number of Studies: 8

Bible Study Articles & Interviews

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