The results of the 2013 Christianity Today Book Awards are in, and InterVarsity Press is pleased to announce that Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good by Amy L. Sherman won the award in the Christian Living category. With 455 submissions from 68 publishers, Kingdom Calling was one of the 10 Christianity Today Book Award winners.

Sherman, director of the Center on Faith in Communities and scholar of vocational stewardship, writes about how, through our faith-formed calling, we announce the kingdom of God to our everyday world.

"This practical, lively, theologically grounded book provides guidance for congregations trying to bring their faith to bear upon a needy world," said one Christianity Today judge. "It’s also a compelling invitation to look beyond individual moral and spiritual concerns to the ways faith is always and necessarily about the community. Sherman's many well-told examples of Christians who have taken inventive initiatives to bring their vocational skills together with others' needs are helpful in their specificity."

Bob Roberts Jr., senior pastor at Northwood Church said this about Kingdom Calling: "When the church in the West gets this, we are going to see transformation on an unimaginable scale. Solid theology, good stories and lots of practical application."

"Amy Sherman's Kingdom Calling is a groundbreaking work on vocational stewardship," Jeff Crosby, IVP's associate publisher, said. "We're grateful that the CT Book Awards judges have recognized the value of her book and its compelling message to the people of God to steward their faith and work toward righteousness and the common good in a world desperately in need of that."

For a full list of winners, visit