InterVarsity Press (IVP) and Missio Alliance are partnering together to release a jointly-branded line of books. With a number of IVP authors serving as key voices for the work of Missio Alliance, the two organizations have formally decided to leverage the natural synergies that exist between them for the benefit of both the IVP books included and of the Missio Alliance audience.

"InterVarsity Press represents one of the finest and most discerning publishers in the Christian publishing industry," said JR Rozko, co-director of Missio Alliance, a fellowship of churches, denominations, schools, and networks partnering together to see the church in North America equipped for fuller and more faithful participation in God's mission. "We are thrilled to be partnering with our friends at IVP to highlight books that we believe will resource Christian leaders in specific and crucial ways given the challenges and opportunities of our day. For us, this means curating a series of books that both embody and address the issues of comprehensive mutuality, hopeful witness, and church in mission as vital to the health and integrity of the church."

The IVP titles that currently make up the IVP/Missio Alliance line include:

Al Hsu, senior editor for IVP Books, said, "In today's contemporary context, we increasingly need pastor/practitioners who can navigate both church and culture with theological savvy and pastoral insight. Missio Alliance provides those kinds of authors and books, and IVP is glad to cultivate such strategic voices."

The purpose of the partnership is to bring greater exposure of both organizations to each of their respective audiences and to highlight key voices that are associated with both IVP and Missio Alliance. The IVP editorial committee will collaborate with Missio Alliance on proposed titles that reflect the ethos and aims of Missio Alliance, and, in turn, the marketing teams for each organization will work together to promote those books and authors.

Helen Lee, IVP's director of marketing, said, "We are delighted to be formalizing a partnership with Missio Alliance. So many of our key authors are already connected with this increasingly important voice in evangelicalism, and we share a theological identity that is reflected in this line of co-branded books. We look forward to including many more books and authors in this line in the years to come."

IVP will also be a co-sponsoring partner of Missio Alliance's third North American gathering, Awakenings: The Mission of the Spirit as the Life of the Church, April 27-29, 2017, at Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, VA.