Showing 91 - 100 of 790 results

  • InterVarsity Press (IVP) has announced the expansion of its international reach with the signing of two contracts. IVP has entered into an arrangement with Ingram Publishing Services UK (IPS UK) for the warehousing and fulfillment of IVP's titles in the United Kingdom (UK) and Europe. The press has also signed a new agreement with the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK) for its sales representation in the UK.

  • A Mind for God, By James Emery White

    A Mind for God

    by James Emery White

    To be fully human is to think. The apostle Paul calls us to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5). But James Emery White fears that Western Christians are failing in this task. Because we have not developed good intellectual habits, our minds instead have been captured by our culture. A Mind for God is written to help us break free from this ...

  • The Gospel of Christmas: Reflections for Advent, By Patty Kirk

    The Gospel of Christmas

    Reflections for Advent

    by Patty Kirk

    A child yearns as at no other time in the days leading up to Christmas. That yearning doesn't entirely go away as we grow older. It still lingers in the backs of our minds. We imagine that Christmas is mainly for children and our adult lives don't stop in the way that children's lives stop on Christmas morning, so we don't give ourselves time to notice the yearning. But it's there--hope mingled ...

  • Warrior Princess: Fighting for Life with Courage and Hope, By Princess Kasune Zulu

    Warrior Princess

    Fighting for Life with Courage and Hope

    by Princess Kasune Zulu
    With Belinda A. Collins

    Princess Kasune Zulu grew up in an Africa trying to make sense of the mystery illness claiming its people. As a child, she could not know the disease that claimed the lives of her parents and baby sister would go on to infect more than 100 million people. Left alone to care for her siblings, Princess later discovered she herself was HIV positive. But she heard a calling to become an advocate and ...

  • Building Your Volunteer Team: A 30-Day Change Project for Youth Ministry, By Mark DeVries and Nate Stratman

    Building Your Volunteer Team

    A 30-Day Change Project for Youth Ministry

    by Mark DeVries and Nate Stratman

    Do you find yourself again and again wondering what it would take to get some new volunteers onboard for your ministry? And yet does it seem that you are never able to focus your energy on recruitment? Maybe you find yourself saying things like: "It?s just easier for me to do it myself." At one level, of course, this is true. Almost always, it is easier to "do it ourselves." We avoid the ...

  • Broke: What Financial Desperation Revealed about God's Abundance, By Caryn Rivadeneira


    What Financial Desperation Revealed about God's Abundance

    by Caryn Rivadeneira

    "Broke was not in the cards for me. . . . Girls—then women—like us stay strong through it all. A little (or big) financial setback doesn't break us. Or our connection to God." And yet, God let Caryn Rivadeneira and her family go dead broke. In the midst of this financial and spiritual desert, Caryn questioned God's goodness, wondering how he could feel so far away. Doesn't God promise ...

  • Questioning Your Doubts: A Harvard PhD Explores Challenges to Faith, By Christina M. H. Powell

    Questioning Your Doubts

    A Harvard PhD Explores Challenges to Faith

    by Christina M. H. Powell

    How can we know if God is real? Does God truly care about us? Why does God create people he knows will reject him? Why did God allow my friend to become a rape victim? Should I switch jobs? Is this person the one I should marry? If you have pondered these doubts, you are not alone. Sometimes we have intellectual questions about the plausibility of God. Other times we go through ...

  • Iglesia mestiza: Cinco siglos de justicia social, teología e identidad latina, By Robert Chao Romero

    Iglesia mestiza

    Cinco siglos de justicia social, teología e identidad latina

    by Robert Chao Romero
    Translated by Jesús Escudero Nava
    Foreword by Justo L. González

    Está creciendo el interés, la conciencia y la demanda por el conocimiento de que la justicia social es algo que sale de la fe cristiana. Pero esto no es algo nuevo.

    Por quinientos años la cultura e identidad latina han sido moldeadas por sus desafíos al statu quo religioso, socioeconómico y político, ya sea en oposición al colonialismo español, las dictaduras latinoamericanas, ...